Pubertad in english


pronunciation: pjubɜrti part of speech: noun
In gestures

pubertad = puberty ; pubescence. 

Example: Puberty, he describes as 'dreamy and sentimental' and though this may seem a far cry from the teenagers we would recognize that adolescence brings an awakening of emotions, idealism and commitment to a romantic ideal.Example: It is important to understand the nutrient requirements and the significance of nutrition both in pubescence and adolescence.


» años de la pubertad, lostween years, the .

Example: More recently, these years have been identified as an important developmental stage known as preadolescence formally, and the 'tween years' popularly.

» de la pubertadpubertal .

Example: Obese children who had lost weight substantially were compared to obese children without substantial weight loss matched for age, gender, and pubertal stage.

» pubertad retrasadadelayed puberty .

Example: Proper treatment and better control of many of these conditions can help make delayed puberty less likely to occur.

» retraso de la pubertaddelayed puberty .

Example: Proper treatment and better control of many of these conditions can help make delayed puberty less likely to occur.

» retraso en la pubertaddelayed puberty .

Example: Proper treatment and better control of many of these conditions can help make delayed puberty less likely to occur.

Pubertad synonyms

pubescence in spanish: pubescencia, pronunciation: pjubəsəns part of speech: noun
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