Psíquico in english


pronunciation: saɪkɪk part of speech: adjective
In gestures

síquico = psychic. 

Example: His psychic energy is directed toward defending himself.


» disminuido síquicomentally handicapped .

Example: Howerver, unlike a drunk, a person who is mentally ill or mentally handicapped will not normally be able to ratify a contract.

» disminuidos síquicos, losmentally handicapped, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: This article discusses services offered by the library to the mentally and physically handicapped, to aphasic and dyslectic users, to visually handicapped university students and provision of talking books in foreign languages.

» poderes síquicospsychic powers .

Example: You may believe in UFOs, psychics, psychic powers, astrology, spoon benders, water dowsers and other such flim-flam -- I don't.

Psíquico synonyms

mental in spanish: mental, pronunciation: mentəl part of speech: adjective paranormal in spanish: paranormal, pronunciation: perənɔrməl part of speech: adjective psychical in spanish: psíquico, pronunciation: saɪkɪkəl part of speech: adjective
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