Psiquiátrico in english


pronunciation: saɪkiætrɪk part of speech: adjective
In gestures

siquiátrico1 = asylum ; mental asylum ; lunatic asylum ; madhouse ; mental institution. 

Example: Most of the early asylums for the insane in the USA established libraries for their patients.Example: The book starts with the author's mother being taken away for committal to a mental asylum.Example: The writer argues that the steady growth in lunatic asylums in early-19th-century British India played an important role in the making of colonial society.Example: In the book, Romania is a madhouse filled with the handicapped, deaf mutes, and stutterers.Example: Ever since she got outta the mental institution and after Nia bailed her outta jail she stopped stalking people.

siquiátrico2 = psychiatric. 

Example: It is salutary to recall that there are in the hospitals of this country at this moment 184,000 patients in psychiatric units, and many thousands more attending associated out-patients departments.


» asesoramiento siquiátricopsychiatric counselling .

Example: In 2008 she caused a storm by suggesting that homosexuals should seek psychiatric counselling.

» enfermedad siquiátricapsychiatric illness .

Example: Patients hospitalized for treatment of psychiatric illness commonly receive pro re nata anti-anxiety and hypnotic agents.

» hospital siquiátricomental hospitalpsychiatric hospital .

Example: The library is located in a city with a very large state mental hospital that has been sharply downsized in the trend towards de-institutionalisation.

Example: Nursing homes, retirement centers, Veterans' centers, women's shelters, Head Start programs, prisons, and psychiatric hospitals were often the beneficiaries of weeded books.

» pabellón siquiátricopsychiatric ward .

Example: A total of 262 published reports of research pertaining to psychiatric wards were analyzed.

» problema siquiátricopsychiatric problem .

Example: This organization uses an innovative approach to reinsert young people formerly hospitalized for psychiatric problems into the workforce.

» trastorno siquiátricopsychiatric disorder .

Example: The defendants were predominantly male, single, and of no fixed abode, suffering from serious psychiatric disorder.

» tratamiento siquiátricopsychiatric treatment .

Example: Despite the high rate of mental illness in people living in squalor, only about half have received psychiatric treatment in the previous year.

Psiquiátrico synonyms

psychiatrical in spanish: psiquiatria, pronunciation: saɪkiætrɪkəl part of speech: adjective
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