Psiquiatra in english


pronunciation: səkaɪətrəst part of speech: noun
In gestures

siquiatra = psychiatrist ; shrink. 

Example: This article provides a survey of information sources used by psychiatrists.Example: In a town with several million people there are usually hundreds of neurotics who visit shrinks regularly.


» siquiatra forenseforensic psychiatrist .

Example: The library opened in 1974 to serve forensic psychiatrists.

» siquiatra infantilchild psychiatrist .

Example: Anthropologists, neurologists, child psychiatrists, and researchers into child development agree that breast-feeding and a supportive family structure are important for an infant to thrive.

Psiquiatra synonyms

shrink in spanish: encogimiento, pronunciation: ʃrɪŋk part of speech: verb head-shrinker in spanish: encogimiento de cabeza, pronunciation: hedʃrɪŋkɜr part of speech: noun
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