Psicología in english


pronunciation: saɪkɑlədʒi part of speech: noun
In gestures

sicología = psychology. 

Example: For example, in psychology, S for subject, and E for experimenter are common parlance.


» sicología de la educacióneducational psychologypsychology of education .

Example: There are whole areas of study which, though hardly differentiated, are known by two or more labels as, for example, Educational psychology and the Psychology of education.

Example: There are whole areas of study which, though hardly differentiated, are known by two or more labels as, for example, Educational psychology and the Psychology of education.

» sicología del deportesport(s) psychology .

Example: Sports psychology is concerned with sports and exercise, focusing on performance, motivation, and the psychological benefits of sports and athletics.

» sicología del desarrollodevelopmental psychology .

Example: In America, obstetrics, neonatology, and developmental psychology are based on materialistic notions and practices.

» sicología del trabajooccupational psychology .

Example: The premise of this book is that the approach of occupational psychology may provide 'a deeper awareness of the very nature of music itself'.

» sicología deportivasport(s) psychology .

Example: Sports psychology is concerned with sports and exercise, focusing on performance, motivation, and the psychological benefits of sports and athletics.

» sicología educativaeducational psychologypsychology of education .

Example: There are whole areas of study which, though hardly differentiated, are known by two or more labels as, for example, Educational psychology and the Psychology of education.

Example: There are whole areas of study which, though hardly differentiated, are known by two or more labels as, for example, Educational psychology and the Psychology of education.

» sicología evolutivadevelopmental psychologyevolutionary psychology .

Example: In America, obstetrics, neonatology, and developmental psychology are based on materialistic notions and practices.

Example: The idea is that a high-pitched voice signals a smaller body and a more submissive person (hey, no one said evolutionary psychology was politically correct).

» sicología medioambientalenvironmental psychology .

Example: It is important to apply principles of environmental psychology in determining what kind of space appeals to teenagers.

» sicología personalpersonal psychology .

Example: The article 'Virtual holiday excursions' covers metasites, holiday sites, virtual travel, pleasure reading, odd ball sites, personal psychology, personal ads, and fortune telling.

» sicología socialsocial psychology .

Example: Without any doubt, the specific area of social psychology research that has made the greatest impact on reference librarians in recent years has been non-verbal communication.

Psicología synonyms

psychological science in spanish: ciencia psicológica, pronunciation: saɪkəlɑdʒɪkəlsaɪəns part of speech: noun
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