Psicológico in english


pronunciation: saɪkəlɑdʒɪkəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

sicológico = psychological. 

Example: The guideline dictates that we abandon logic and consistency in favor of an unknown reader's psychological approach to the catalog.


» abuso sicológicopsychological abuse .

Example: Looking from the outside, it can be difficult to fully understand the severity of the psychological abuse and how deeply it affects us as individuals.

» barrera sicológicapsychological barrier .

Example: Library anxiety is a psychological barrier to academic success among college students and a debilitating phenomenon which must be overcome for them to take full advantage of library instruction and library use.

» desde un punto de vista sicológicopsychologically .

Example: Even where free libraries were available farmers found it physically and psychologically difficult to use them.

» efecto sicológicopsychological effect .

Example: Such examples are to be found time and time again in LCSH, and the psychological effect on the user must be devastating.

» inadaptación sicológicapsychological maladjustment .

Example: Children who experience parental divorce are at risk for academic difficulties, low self-esteem, and general psychological maladjustment.

» trastorno sicológicopsychological disorder .

Example: While rates of psychological disorders are the same for men and women, women have twice the rate of depression than men.

Psicológico synonyms

mental in spanish: mental, pronunciation: mentəl part of speech: adjective
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