Prótesis in english


pronunciation: prɔsθesɪs part of speech: noun
In gestures

prótesis1 = prosthetics. 

Example: New technologies will enable interfaces composed of unobtrusive physiological monitors and prosthetics.


» prótesis dentaldental prosthesisdental prosthetics .

Example: A well-made dental prosthesis should feel comfortable and last a relatively long time with proper care.

Example: Developments in the field of dental prosthetics have provided new methods for solving old problems.

prótesis2 = prosthesis [prostheses, -pl.]. 

Example: This database covers the literature of medical devices such as pacemakers, sutures and prostheses.


» cirugía de prótesis de caderahip replacement surgery .

Example: More often than not, it would take about six months for a patient to surpass hip replacement surgery and recovery to be fully achieved.

» operación de prótesis de caderahip replacement surgery .

Example: More often than not, it would take about six months for a patient to surpass hip replacement surgery and recovery to be fully achieved.

» prótesis de caderahip replacement .

Example: These bedpans are designed specifically for patients who have had a hip fracture or recovering from hip replacement.

» prótesis de mamabreast implant .

Example: Almost one-in-eight Irish women who received faulty breast implants containing industrial grade silicone have suffered ruptures.

» prótesis de mama de siliconasilicone breast implant .

Example: Maybe now is the time to lift the ban on silicone breast implants.

» prótesis dentaldental prosthesisdental prosthetics .

Example: A well-made dental prosthesis should feel comfortable and last a relatively long time with proper care.

Example: Developments in the field of dental prosthetics have provided new methods for solving old problems.

» prótesis de rodillaknee replacement .

Example: The title of the article is 'From John the Baptist to knee replacements: the use of online in schools' = El título del artículo es "Desde San Juan Bautista hasta la prótesis de rodilla: el uso de la información en línea en las escuelas".

» prótesis de siliconasilicone implant .

Example: However, if you have silicone implants, the silicone that leaks out of a ruptured implant may cause problems such as siliconomas.

Prótesis synonyms

prosthetic device in spanish: dispositivo protésico, pronunciation: prɑsθetɪkdɪvaɪs part of speech: noun
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