Práctica in english


pronunciation: præktəs part of speech: noun
In gestures

práctica = practice ; observance ; practising [practicing, -USA] ; drill practice ; discourse ; praxes [praxis, -sing.] ; run-through. 

Example: This practice ensures that a later match can be achieved between the document and its description.Example: Because of the need to preserve cartographic documents for present and future generations, map librarians are obliged to guarantee strict observance of conservation requirements.Example: The practicing of writing it is deadly dull and therefore has minimum permanent effect.Example: No reinforcement drill practice was given to the control group.Example: The institutional 'traditional student' discourse in the USA is one of fraternity parties and breaking free of parental control.Example: The process of hybridization consists, first of all, of borrowing and lending concepts, methods, theories, and praxes = The process of hybridization consists, first of all, of borrowing and lending concepts, methods, theories, and praxes.Example: This article will provide a brief run-through of some strategies for giving staff and users what they need and expect.


» adquirido con la prácticaexperiential .

Example: This necessitates the sharing of experiential knowledge at various levels and in various forms.

» aprender con la prácticalearn by + doing .

Example: Experiential learning is based on the assumption that one learns by doing and that learning through real experience engages the learner's total attention.

» basado en la prácticaempirically-basedgrounded in practicepractice-based .

Example: This article attempts to develop an empirically-based statistical formula to help in library budget allocation = Este artículo intenta desarrollar una fórmula estadística con base empírica para ayudar en la asignación del presupuesto de la biblioteca.

Example: Theory covered in the workshop will be firmly grounded in practice so that participants leave with a strong sense of where to begin in setting up a custom digital imaging operation.

Example: Many changes have occurred through the various applications of practice-based and practice-led arts research.

» beca de prácticasin-service training [Período que una persona pasa en una biblioteca (o empresa) iniciándose a en el funcionamiento de la misma o reciclaje que una persona recibe en su trabajo] .

Example: However, even with shortcomings, the courses have played a positive role in the in-service training of librarians.

» bibliotecario en prácticaslibrarian-in-training .

Example: Being a teacher and a librarian-in-training I think the gift of books is THE BEST gift to give -- it is a way to share an experience.

» buenas prácticasbest practices .

Example: Benchmarking is a technique companies use to compare themselves against other companies and identify best practices.

» campo de prácticastraining grounds .

Example: There have been several high profile incidents at training grounds where players have been injured in disputes between team-mates.

» clase de prácticaspractical .

Example: General lectures to a whole year, or even several courses, are supplemented with more specialised tutorials or practicals, frequently in small groups.

» código de buenas prácticascode of practicecode of good practice .

Example: Information work has its own infrastructure and requires its own code of practice.

Example: This code of good practice deals with some of the key aspects of dismissals for reasons related to conduct and capacity.

» colección de prácticaslaboratory collection .

Example: If you have a laboratory collection, the work may be regarded as the book itself.

» como campo de prácticasas a training ground .

Example: Bush said in November 2002: 'Imagine a terrorist network with Iraq as an arsenal and as a training ground'.

» comprobación en la práctica realfield test .

Example: This article contains the abstracts of the reports on the field tests and demonstration projects concerned with the effects of dredged material disposal in open water.

» comprobar en la práctica realfield-test .

Example: The 35 measures to assess digital reference services were field-tested by a number of libraries participating in the project.

» comunidad de prácticas comunescommunity of practice .

Example: Learning itself is an aspect of participation in communities of practice in which the human relationships between teachers and students are seen as fundamental.

» conservar la práctica dekeep + Posesivo + hand in .

Example: I certainly think there are a lot of reasons why all of the other schools, academic libraries and, I presume, public libraries, too, would want to keep their hands in the cataloging business.

» cuaderno de prácticasresource book .

Example: This resource book presents 37 behavioral experiments that can be performed with commonly-found classroom animals including hamsters, gerbils, mice, goldfish, guppies, lizards, kittens, and puppies = Este cuaderno de prácticas contiene 37 experimentos conductistas que se pueden realizar con animales que comúnmente se usan en los laboratorios de las escuelas como los hámsters, jerbos, ratones, peces de colores, lebistes, lagartijas, gatitos y cachorros.

» curso mixto de clases y práctica en la empresasandwich course .

Example: By comparison with universities, many colleges house a constantly changing population of full-time, part-time, day release, sandwich course and evening class students.

» ejercicio de prácticaspractice exercise .

Example: Therefore, we have supplied you with as many practice exercises as possible, each containing a variety of contexts and usages.

» ejercicio y prácticadrill and practice .

Example: The author defines Computer Assisted Learning (CAL) and classifies it as follows: drill and practice (rote learning); problem solving and simulation, expert systems; and computer managed learning.

» encargado de poner en prácticaimplementor [implementer] .

Example: This could only be discovered by talking to the principal policy implementors and resource gatherers.

» en la prácticain actionin practicein practical termsin implementation .

Example: The intent of this book is not to accumulate a large number of cases; rather, the intent is to develop a set that illustrates the principles and theories of management in action.

Example: In practice the distinction between one term and the next is not very clear.

Example: In practical terms, the two Library of Congress publications, LCSH and LC, are of equal importance.

Example: This movement is also encouraged in some Australian universities, in intent at least, if not in implementation.

» en la práctica realin actual practice .

Example: The supervisor in actual practice receives information not only from subordinates, but from superiors and from external sources.

» en la puesta en prácticain implementation .

Example: This movement is also encouraged in some Australian universities, in intent at least, if not in implementation.

» en prácticastrainee  .

Example: A trainee indexer or abstractor must practise and refine these techniques, but this book should prepare the student for such practice.

» estar falto de prácticaget + rustybe out of practice .

Example: I must be getting rusty or something, but I can't seem to work this one out for myself - maybe it's my age!.

Example: I was just out of practice and unsure of how to best get back in the swim of things.

» falto de prácticarusty [rustier -comp., rustiest -sup.]  .

Example: Adults who have chosen to interrupt their educational careers often face the problem of rusty academic skills.

» formación de profesorado en prácticasin-service teacher training .

Example: Nationwide in-service teacher training was organization and software development intensified.

» formación en prácticasin-service .

Example: In-service work indicates that many teachers welcome guidance on teaching information skills in primary schools.

» la práctica hace al maestropractice makes perfect .

Example: 'Practice makes perfect' is a saying that can be applied to reading = "La práctica hace al maestro" es un refrán que se puede aplicar a la lectura.

» libro de prácticasresource book .

Example: This resource book presents 37 behavioral experiments that can be performed with commonly-found classroom animals including hamsters, gerbils, mice, goldfish, guppies, lizards, kittens, and puppies = Este cuaderno de prácticas contiene 37 experimentos conductistas que se pueden realizar con animales que comúnmente se usan en los laboratorios de las escuelas como los hámsters, jerbos, ratones, peces de colores, lebistes, lagartijas, gatitos y cachorros.

» llevar a la prácticapractise [practice, -USA]put + Nombre + into practiceput + Nombre + into practical effectcarry output + Nombre + into effectput + Nombre + into operationput + Nombre + into service .

Example: Analytical cataloguing is practised to varying extents in libraries.

Example: The objective here is to illustrate how some of the techniques introduced in other parts of this book may be put into practice.

Example: Two other possibilities have been floated but not yet put into practical effect.

Example: The search will be carried out in Dialog's file 13, INSPEC 1977-84 (issue 6) at the time of searching.

Example: In other words, they should be encouraged to put their decisions into effect to demonstrate how they would actually proceed.

Example: None of them were put into operation in a significant manner because of the economics.

Example: Shortly after being put into service, some buses have developed cracks on the underside of the main frame.

» llevar a la práctica una decisiónimplement + a decision .

Example: In the second case, we are studying the structure and mechanics of politics: how decisions are reached and implemented.

» llevar prácticatake + practice .

Example: Like any skill, becoming a good kisser takes practice.

» necesitar prácticatake + practice .

Example: Like any skill, becoming a good kisser takes practice.

» no perder la práctica dekeep + Posesivo + hand in .

Example: I certainly think there are a lot of reasons why all of the other schools, academic libraries and, I presume, public libraries, too, would want to keep their hands in the cataloging business.

» orientado hacia la prácticapractice-oriented .

Example: This paper describes a computerised index of the articles contained in 6 practice-oriented medical periodicals.

» partiendo de la prácticapractice-led  .

Example: Many changes have occurred through the various applications of practice-based and practice-led arts research.

» período de prácticaswork placementtraining attachment .

Example: 3% of those surveyed had been on a work placement within the film industry in the past year.

Example: But only 20% had attended a taught course, been on atraining attachment or received on-the-job training.

» período de prácticas en centrospracticum .

Example: The importance of the practicum in the curriculum has ebbed and flowed tremendously throughout the history of library education.

» período de prácticas en la industriaindustrial placement .

Example: Another common trend is to include an industrial placement of a significant duration (3-6 months, even 1 year) in the last but one year of studies = Otra tendencia frecuente es incluir un período de prácticas en la industria durante un período significativo (de 3 a 6 meses, incluso un año) en el penúltimo año de estudios.

» persona en prácticastrainee  ; intern .

Example: This article compares serials cataloguing education in 1977/78 and 1984/85 as well as describing on-the-job training from the perspectives of the trainee and trainer.

Example: The experience of a preservation librarian who was accepted as an intern on the 3 month conservation course at Cornell University is described.

» poner en prácticaexerciseimplementput + Nombre + into practiceput to + workput + Nombre + into effectput + Nombre + into practical effectput in + placeput + Nombre + into placetranslate into + practical actionbring + Nombre + to bear (on)deployput + Nombre + into operationput + Nombre + into service .

Example: In reading crazes a child is exercising at the very least his ability to read; his reading muscles are limbered = En las períodos en los que a un niño se ensimisma por la lectura éste al menos pone en práctica su habilidad lectora, ejercitando los músculos físicos y mentales implicados en la lectura.

Example: Without AACR is doubtful whether computerised cataloguing would have been implemented so relatively painlessly and successfully = Sin las RCAA es dudoso que la catalogación automatizada se hubiera implementado tan fácilmente y con tanto éxito, relativamente hablando.

Example: The objective here is to illustrate how some of the techniques introduced in other parts of this book may be put into practice.

Example: Learning takes place in one environment but is put to work in another, and the learner is left to make the transition.

Example: In other words, they should be encouraged to put their decisions into effect to demonstrate how they would actually proceed.

Example: Two other possibilities have been floated but not yet put into practical effect.

Example: Compromise organization schemes, making allowances for weaknesses of individuals, will naturally be put in place as necessary.

Example: Garvey suggests that the list of references is a key part of any scientific paper, since they help to put the research described into its proper place in the development of the scientific consensus.

Example: Many of the member states have taken the political and administrative initiative to translate these main recommendations into practical action.

Example: For such a task the librarian is particularly well fitted by his professional education: bringing to bear the great analytical power of classification should be second nature to him.

Example: The article presents the results of trials in which the model was deployed to classify aspects of the construction industry, such as construction norms and regulations.

Example: None of them were put into operation in a significant manner because of the economics.

Example: Shortly after being put into service, some buses have developed cracks on the underside of the main frame.

» poner en práctica una ideaput + Posesivo + idea + into practice .

Example: As has already been mentioned, Coates has been able to put his ideas into practice in the British Technology Index.

» poner en práctica una normativacarry out + a policy .

Example: It was clear at the meeting that it was the board's responsibility to establish policy and the library director's duty to carry out that policy.

» poner en práctica un artepractise + an art .

Example: This then is confessedly a prescriptive work: it really does set out to advise young reference librarians of the best way to practise their art.

» ponerse en prácticago into + effectcome into + effect .

Example: If the law goes into effect, librarians wil need to be prepared to defend their institutions and perhaps even their jobs.

Example: The new Statute will, with some exceptions, come into effect on 1 Jan 78.

» práctica bibliotecarialibrary practice .

Example: 'Library practice on trial' is an account of the presentation of evidence from library practice in an historic damages case.

» práctica cada vez más frecuentegrowing practice .

Example: The article 'On the fast track or the road to nowhere' points to the growing practice of subsuming public libraries into larger departments headed by non-librarians = El artículo "A la vanguardia o en un camino sin rumbo" pone de manifiesto la costumbre cada vez más frecuente de incluir las bibliotecas públicas dentro de órganismos más grandes dirigidos por personal no bibliotecario.

» práctica clínicaclinical practice .

Example: Medical librarians and informatics professionals believe the medical periodical literature can be useful in clinical practice.

» práctica comúncommon practice .

Example: It used to be common practice to keep certain books in the librarian's office or in a locked cupboard (eg books on sex), so a dummy book was place on the appropriate shelf.

» práctica común, lanormal pattern, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: This article outlines an experiment that departs from the normal pattern that has been used by libraries to send orders electronically to a vendor.

» práctica con un sparringsparring .

Example: Unfortunately, a lot of people don't understand that sparring is not fighting and when the instructor tells them to spar, they have to go balls out and attempt to knock their opponents out.

» práctica cotidianadaily practice .

Example: Naturally, relevant examples from daily practice should be used.

» práctica de músicamusic-making .

Example: The municipal library stocks 5,000 scores emphasising domestic music-making.

» práctica diariadaily practice .

Example: Naturally, relevant examples from daily practice should be used.

» práctica educativaeducational practice .

Example: However, this implies a narrow view of educational practice which centres on the production of content.

» práctica popularlore .

Example: The library is now the greatest treasure house of whaling fact and lore in the world with its collection of logbooks, maps, photographs, manuscripts and whaling gear = Ahora la biblioteca ahora es la mayor fuente inagotable del mundo de datos y tradiciones sobre la caza de ballenas con su colección de diarios de navegación, mapas, fotografías, manuscritos y herramientas para la caza de ballenas.

» práctica realactual practice .

Example: The actual practice of the profession is at least as important as the intial education given to new entrants.

» práctica religiosareligious practice .

Example: Beheadings are a religious practice in Islam.

» prácticas comercialesbusiness practices .

Example: Developments in computing and telecommunication have brought about fundamental changes in worldwide business practices.

» prácticas de campofieldwork [field work] .

Example: The advise was based upon the assumption that students were taught, chalk in hand, in large classroom-based groups with little or no fieldwork or visits.

» prácticas fraudulentascorrupt practices .

Example: In that way we think we have done as much as is possible by legislation to counter the evil of corrupt practices in connection with elections.

» prácticas ilegalesunlawful practices .

Example: Gambling creates problems such as the sale of lottery tickets to minors and those who cannot afford it, and encourages unlawful practices such as theft and insider trading.

» prácticas más adecuadasbest practiceslessons learned [lessons learnt] .

Example: Benchmarking is a technique companies use to compare themselves against other companies and identify best practices.

Example: Many of the lessons learned from these systems should carry over to other fields of scholarly publication.

» práctica socialmeme [Término reciente usado para referirse a las ideas o prácticas que los seres humanos se transmiten entre sí por imitación, a diferencia de los genes que se transmiten por transmisión genética] .

Example: Memes are what is passed on when we imitate someone -- and can be 'an idea, an instruction, a behaviour, a piece of information'.

» prácticas sexualessexual mores .

Example: He believes that the painting visualizes the changing sexual mores of the 1930s and 1940s (the sexual revolution).

» profesor en prácticasin-service teacher .

Example: This article repors the results of a questionnaire survey which focused on how in-service teachers relate to working cooperatively with school librarians in the instructional process.

» programa de prácticas en la empresainternship program(me)internship  .

Example: Library schools and science-engineering libraries should cooperate over internship programmes so that students can gain practical experience.

Example: She concludes that the internship has got off to a good start and some of the goals have been achieved.

» programa mixto de clases y práctica en la empresasandwich programme .

Example: The article is entitled 'Alternating work and education: a sandwich programme for an undergraduate diploma in library science'.

» puesta en prácticaenforcement [Generalmente de una normativa o ley]executionimplementationoperationalisation [operationalization, -USA] .

Example: These are less tangible, more dependent upon personal motivation and inclination, and not amenable to enforcement through institutional policies.

Example: Those are the elements which will contribute directly to the execution of these skills with greater competence.

Example: This software is important to the further implementation of the record format, especially in developing countries.

Example: Theories and models from the behavioural sciences offer a sound basis for understanding the problems with conceptualization and operationalization of user satisfaction.

» requerir prácticatake + practice .

Example: Like any skill, becoming a good kisser takes practice.

» seguir con la práctica dekeep + Posesivo + hand in .

Example: I certainly think there are a lot of reasons why all of the other schools, academic libraries and, I presume, public libraries, too, would want to keep their hands in the cataloging business.

» seguir una prácticaadopt + a practice .

Example: Guidelines can be expected to discuss some or all of the following: transliteration and the practices to be adopted when citing items in languages with nonRoman alphabets.

» se necesita prácticait takes practice .

Example: It takes practice to sell successfully over the phone -- and you need a stellar sales pitch to capture customers.

» ser una práctica comúnbe (a) common practice .

Example: It was a common practice to fill empty fuel oil tanks with sea water to ballast ships.

» teoría y prácticapolicy and practice .

Example: The first part of this book explains the policies and practices adopted by Community institutions regarding the provision of information and the arrangements made for its dissemination and use.

» trabajar como persona en prácticasintern .

Example: I am interning at a public library that is currently organizing its local history collection and would love to be able to place more of its documents on-line, in a digital and searchable format.

practicar = rehearse ; cut + Posesivo + teeth (on). 

Example: However, it seems worth rehearsing some of the arguments again here in this particular context and identifying specifically how these problems are negotiated in a data base using natural language indexing.Example: This is a useful collection of essays, particularly for graduate students and high-powered undergraduates cutting their teeth on Aristotle.


» habitación para practicar con instrumentos musicalesroom for music-making .

Example: Facilities include 2 rooms for music-making, a recording studio, an audio centre and organisation of public concerts.

» practicar con juegos de rolrole-play .

Example: It is easy for me to role-play very different kinds of characters or personalities.

» practicar con un sparringspar [Generalmente para deportes de contacto] .

Example: Unfortunately, a lot of people don't understand that sparring is not fighting and when the instructor tells them to spar, they have to go balls out and attempt to knock their opponents out.

» practicar el deportepractise + sports .

Example: There is a new fatwa issued today by an official cleric here in Saudi Arabia condemning practising sports for females in their schools.

» practicar el esquí de fondogo + cross-country skiing .

Example: Here is a list of places for families to go cross-country skiing and snowshoeing in the greater Rochester area.

» practicar la brujeríapractise + witchcraft .

Example: In India, a woman javelin champion, who has won laurels at the national level, was 'tortured' for allegedly practising witchcraft.

» practicarsefind + expression .

Example: The majority of respondents to the study believe that SLIS are offering a type of education that rarely find expression elsewhere.

» practicar una autopsiaperform + an autopsy .

Example: When a person dies in a hospital, the physician caring for the patient will ask the patient's family for permission to perform an autopsy.

práctico = workable ; hands-on ; practical ; utilitarian ; instrumental ; working ; down-to-earth ; practice-oriented ; hardheaded [hard-headed] ; serviceable ; how-to ; experiential ; practically minded ; worldly ; matter-of-fact. 

Example: The type of environment in which the principles of pre-coordination are workable are restricted by the acceptable bulk or length of index headings = The type of environment in which the principles of pre-coordination are workable are restricted by the acceptable bulk or length of index headings.Example: As an aid to evaluation, hands-on practical work is rarely cost effective, even in undertaken by inexperienced staff.Example: Yet, in its own way, the press was taking the lead in putting pressure on the Community to adopt a more practical outlook, and by so doing kept the subject alive in the minds of the public.Example: Descriptive bibliography has long been acknowledged as one primary field of bibliographical activity and greeted especially warmly by those who wish to see a strictly utilitarian end for these studies.Example: There are five types of 'gratification', instrumental, prestige, reinforcement, aesthetic and respite, to be derived from the reading of literature.Example: As they grow up, children have to develop an identity and a working philosophy of life.Example: The report gives a down-to-earth account of the way in which membership of the European Community has materially affected major British industries.Example: This paper describes a computerised index of the articles contained in 6 practice-oriented medical periodicals.Example: Managers should be encouraged to raise critical questions, and the criteria for evaluating progress must be as hardheaded as possible.Example: He provided us with this very serviceable definition: 'Bibliographical control is the development and maintenance of a system of adequate recording of all forms of material published and unpublished, printed, audio-visual or otherwise, which add to the sum of human knowledge and information'.Example: In addition, adult education in general has moved from an emphasis on the liberal arts to a concentration on practical, 'how-to' courses.Example: This necessitates the sharing of experiential knowledge at various levels and in various forms.Example: He is practically minded, not taking unnecessary risks or deliberately hurting his victims if nothing is to be gained.Example: There exist sets of duality in this philosophy; body versus soul, worldly versus unworldly and life versus salvation.Example: The videotape of the interviews showed the offender to be impassive and matter-of-fact in describing what he had done.


» a efectos prácticosto all intents and purposesfor all practical purposesfor all intents and purposesto all intents .

Example: To all intents and purposes he is unaware of its existence.

Example: The superintendent stated that this was an area she herself was anxious to investigate, because for all practical purposes salary increases were automatic and equal 'across-the-board'.

Example: In the 20th century, the debate about weeding followed, for all intents and purposes, the contours of the controversy surrounding the Quincy Plan.

Example: Suppose, for example, that the indexer decides that the terms 'Great Britain' and 'United Kingdom' are to all intents synonyms.

» aplicación prácticapractical application .

Example: Thus the day for practical application of bibliographical hypotheses is continually being put off.

» basado en un método prácticoenquiry-based [inquiry-based, -USA] .

Example: Such studies accord well with enquiry-based and open-ended educational strategies, to which education librarians are appropriately sympathetic.

» caso prácticocasepractical case .

Example: Cases provide 'realistic' educational experiences for students beginning their study of business administration.

Example: The author shows that in most practical cases Salton's cosine formula yields a numerical value that is twice Jaccard's index.

» casos prácticosbest practices .

Example: Benchmarking is a technique companies use to compare themselves against other companies and identify best practices.

» conocimiento prácticoprocedural knowledge [Conocimiento que alguien posee de cómo hacer algo y que generalmente se contrapone o complementa al 'conocimiento teórico' (declarative knowledge) sobre algo] .

Example: Procedural knowledge have a significant direct influence on attitudes toward the Internet, frequency of Internet use, and, in particular, the number of different Internet tools used.

» consejo prácticotippractical tiphint .

Example: However, before proceeding to the directory of official sources, a few tips on how to deal with Whitehall departments may be useful.

Example: This article presents some practical tips to help users of DIALOG's DIALOGLINK including buffer size, screen speed-up, startup short cuts, dealing with accounting files and use of DIALOGLING with other services.

Example: This section is intended to provide some hints about the entry of a large number of prediction patterns.

» consejos prácticoshints and tips .

Example: This article offers practical tips and hints on the effective use of on-line bibliographic data bases.

» consideración prácticapractical consideration .

Example: Practical considerations do, in fact, limit the number of entries that it is feasible to make for any given document.

» con una mente prácticapractically minded .

Example: He is practically minded, not taking unnecessary risks or deliberately hurting his victims if nothing is to be gained.

» cuestión prácticapracticality .

Example: However, most contributors to the debate about the future of SLIS have eschewed practicalities in favour of sweeping and dramatic generalizations.

» de forma poco prácticaimpractically .

Example: One approach is simply to make sufficiently large images, but unfortunately these images can become inconveniently (or impractically) large.

» de manera poco prácticaimpractically .

Example: One approach is simply to make sufficiently large images, but unfortunately these images can become inconveniently (or impractically) large.

» de modo poco prácticoimpractically .

Example: One approach is simply to make sufficiently large images, but unfortunately these images can become inconveniently (or impractically) large.

» de un modo prácticopractically .

Example: However, the rules of 1908 and 1949, on which practically all our catalogs have been based, included no such provision, save in the case of so-called anonymous classics.

» ejercicio prácticopracticalpractical exercisehands-on exercise .

Example: General lectures to a whole year, or even several courses, are supplemented with more specialised tutorials or practicals, frequently in small groups.

Example: A practical exercise was carried out in 100 articles chosen randomly from periodicals.

Example: The use of these Web pages along with a hands-on exercise proved an effective mechanism for active learning.

» escritor de casos prácticoscase writer [case-writer] .

Example: Case-writers are the students' proxies on the scene.

» examen prácticopractical examination .

Example: Learner drivers must pass a theory test before they take their practical examination, but driving instructors say it does not guarantee that learners have mastered the Highway Code.

» experiencia prácticafield experiencehands on experiencepractical experience .

Example: From evaluation of findings, practical field experience is singled out as the most important prerequisite for effective university training in agricultural extension.

Example: A wholly estimable rush of enthusiasm on the part of IT staff could devour all available spare resources overnight if severely rationed 'hands on' experience time was exceeded.

Example: The practical experience of any librarian at an information desk will confirm this over and over again.

» formación prácticahands-on training .

Example: Today most graduate students have few opportunities for hands-on training.

» guía prácticaworking guidefield guide .

Example: A working guide is to seek to make any abstract as informative as possible within the constraints of time, length and audience.

Example: The article 'The birds and the bees' argues that children who use field guides may pick up information handling skills without noticing.

» información prácticapractical information .

Example: This yearbook will provide teachers and researchers interested in peace and conflict studies with practical information.

» manual prácticohow-to manualhow-to bookinstruction manualhow-to-do-it bookhow-to-do-it manual .

Example: The selected genealogical materials held by the Arkansas University library which are listed include how-to manuals, bibliographies, dictionaries, and encyclopedias and guides.

Example: How-to books which can cause harm are not advocated (including works on weapons, martial arts or hypnotism).

Example: In teaching session after teaching session, day after day, school tasks are administered through textbooks, instruction manuals, reference works, etc -- tomes teeming with problems for the pupils to solve.

Example: One of the aims of our library is to strengthen collection of 'how-to-do-it' books and programmed materials for individual instruction.

Example: In my previous books on reference work I have been at pains to explain that they were not written as 'how-to-do-it' manuals.

» poco prácticoimpracticalawkwardunpractical .

Example: In a real library situation you would, of course, have the documents themselves but this is impractical in a course of this nature.

Example: Access is impaired by archaic, awkward, or simply strange headings that most normal persons would never look for on their first try.

Example: Exams are an unpractical way of grading and has degraded present day education.

» poco realista, poco prácticopie-in-the-sky .

Example: American political theorists are basically fiddling while Rome burns, talking about pie-in-the-sky versions of democracy, when they can't even figure out how to keep crazy people out of positions of significant power.

» problema prácticopractical problem .

Example: He asked for a discussion of the practical problems which face practicing librarians and media specialists and urged me to state my opinion on all matters.

» razón prácticapractical reason .

Example: This was all compounded by the fact that the wedding itself was somewhat precipitate, done when it was for practical reasons.

» supuesto prácticocase .

Example: Cases provide 'realistic' educational experiences for students beginning their study of business administration.

» trabajo prácticofieldwork [field work]practical work .

Example: The advise was based upon the assumption that students were taught, chalk in hand, in large classroom-based groups with little or no fieldwork or visits.

Example: Teaching is done through lectures, seminars, tutorials and practical work both in the classroom and the library.

Práctica synonyms

do in spanish: hacer, pronunciation: du part of speech: verb pattern in spanish: modelo, pronunciation: pætɜrn part of speech: noun use in spanish: utilizar, pronunciation: jus part of speech: noun, verb exercise in spanish: ejercicio, pronunciation: eksɜrsaɪz part of speech: noun, verb apply in spanish: aplicar, pronunciation: əplaɪ part of speech: verb drill in spanish: perforar, pronunciation: drɪl part of speech: noun practise in spanish: práctica, pronunciation: præktɪs part of speech: verb carry out in spanish: llevar a cabo, pronunciation: kæriaʊt part of speech: verb rehearse in spanish: ensayar, pronunciation: rihɜrs part of speech: verb practice session in spanish: sesión de practica, pronunciation: præktəsseʃən part of speech: noun
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