Prudente in english


pronunciation: prudənt part of speech: adjective
In gestures

prudente = wise ; cautious ; prudent ; discreet ; discriminating ; discerning ; nice and easy. 

Example: Just as in the establishment of headings for use in catalogues and indexes a code was deemed useful so a code is a wise precaution in any search for standard filing orders.Example: The result of knowledge gleaned from libraries is to make men not violent revolutionists, but cautious evolutionists; not destroyers, but careful improvers.Example: However, the necessary publications must be selected very carefully, with prudent financial management.Example: Discreet advertising in press and on television in 1973 helped to direct adult illiterates to tutors who guided their progress.Example: Previous work has suggested that the most discriminating terms are those with medium frequencies of occurrence.Example: Moreover, the shady image of video libraries drove away discerning customers.Example: The key to make a habit of daily excersise is to only do 20 minutes in the beginning and do it nice and easy.


» a una distancia prudenteat a safe distance .

Example: The three boys often watched him at a safe distance, and regretted that his evil temper made it impossible to be friendly with him.

» desde una distancia prudentefrom a considerable distancefrom a safe distance .

Example: We took some photos (from a considerable distance) and then ran like the devil before the fire started to grow and block the road.

Example: Enjoy these snowy owls from the Arctic while they are here, but please observe/photograph them from a safe distance so as not to disturb them.

» distancia prudentesafe distance .

Example: Could Bill and others that have done research here give an opinion on how to determine the safe distance to live from a nuclear power plant.

» guardar una distancia prudentemaintain + a safe distancekeep + a safe distance .

Example: For most small aircraft flying outside controlled airspace in good weather, the pilots are responsible for maintaining a safe distance from other aircraft.

Example: However, keeping a safe distance between your vehicle and another is an important skill to practice year round.

» mantener una distancia prudentemaintain + a safe distancekeep + a safe distance .

Example: For most small aircraft flying outside controlled airspace in good weather, the pilots are responsible for maintaining a safe distance from other aircraft.

Example: However, keeping a safe distance between your vehicle and another is an important skill to practice year round.

» poco prudenteill-advised  ; ill-judged  .

Example: The cost implications of ill-advised or hastily prepared rules for American libraries catalogs would grossly transcend any short expenditures.

Example: The announcement has been criticised by the Institute of Physics, which said the university was making a 'precipitous and ill-judged' move.

» quedarse más tiempo de lo prudentewear out + Posesivo + welcomeoverstay + Posesivo + welcome .

Example: She has somewhat of a headstrong personality, which has caused her to wear out her welcome at several homes before ours.

Example: She planned to stay only a night, but then faked an injury and quickly overstayed her welcome.

» ser prudenteplay it + safe .

Example: Barack Obama is playing it safe in the final week of the election, but his Achilles' heel might be taxes.

Prudente synonyms

discreet in spanish: discreto, pronunciation: dɪskrit part of speech: adjective sensible in spanish: sensato, pronunciation: sensəbəl part of speech: adjective wise in spanish: sabio, pronunciation: waɪz part of speech: adjective circumspect in spanish: circunspecto, pronunciation: sɜrkəmspekt part of speech: adjective judicious in spanish: juicioso, pronunciation: dʒudɪʃəs part of speech: adjective provident in spanish: providente, pronunciation: prɑvɪdənt part of speech: adjective prudential in spanish: prudencial, pronunciation: prudentʃəl part of speech: adjective
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