Proyecto in english


pronunciation: dræft part of speech: noun
In gestures

proyectar1 = screen. 

Example: The database contains 12 of the most requested songs and screens the lyrics in time with the music = The database contains 12 of the most requested songs and screens the lyrics in time with the music.


» proyectar hacia fueraproject + outward .

Example: Some children go through a process of silencing their inner voice and projecting an outward self that conforms to society's expectations.

» proyectar imagenproject + image .

Example: Consequently, the Commission issues a constant stream of topical, glossy and usually free leaflets, pamphlets, booklets and magazines which aim to project a positive image of the European Community and its actions in a lively and popular style.

» proyectar sombrathrow + shadow .

Example: Because of book stacks the light may be artificial, but this is acceptable if it is designed properly and does not throw shadows onto the stacks.

» proyectar una larga sombra sobrecast + a long shadow overcast + a dark shadow over .

Example: In this regard, the traditional view of the library as a storehouse of materials cast a long shadow over future goals.

Example: Whether in India or in Ireland, the damage done by partition casts a dark shadow over our history.

» proyectar una (larga) sombra sobrecast + a (dark) cloud over .

Example: This change casts a dark cloud over the ability of the Chinese government to take difficult economic decisions ahead.

» proyectar una sombra sobrecast + a shadow over .

Example: The country's severe economic problems have cast a shadow over the book trade, yet its vigour and diversity are astonishing.

proyectar2 = plan ; project. 

Example: An expansion of this edition which will serve school librarians throughout the English-speaking world is planned.Example: A motion picture is a length of film, with or without recorded sound, bearing a sequence of images that create the illusion of movement when projected in rapid succession.


» proyectar hacia el futuroproject ahead .

Example: Let us project this trend ahead to a logical, if not inevitable, outcome.

proyecto = brief ; effort ; framework ; initiative ; plan ; project ; scheme ; venture ; blueprint ; project work. 

Example: The architect's brief specifies that every square metre that funds will allow should be allocated.Example: Co-operative, carefully planned and financed internationally backed efforts have been the keynote of more recent activity.Example: The intention is to establish a general framework, and then to give exceptions or further explanation and examples for each area in turn.Example: These discussions will influence subsequent planning initiatives with regard to the design and layout of the new building.Example: Plans were made to issue a concise version of AACR1, but these plans never came to fruition.Example: Two major projects in this area have been conducted to date.Example: There are forty-six centres in twenty-five countries participating in the scheme.Example: However rudimentary or advanced the system, and no matter what the age of the children involved, certain matters should be considered before setting out on the venture.Example: In his book on the subject Hopkins lists and describes more than 600 such policy blueprints prepared by the Commission during the period 1958-1978.Example: For instance, if children are doing a project work on dogs, they will hunt out anything and everything that so much as mentions them and the bits thus mined are assiduously transcribed into project folders.


» abandonar un proyectoscrap + a plan .

Example: China has abruptly scrapped plans for an international governmental meeting next week on how to deal with hazardous space waste.

» convocatoria de presentación de proyectoscall for projectsproject plancall for proposals .

Example: Calls for projects will be advertised in the 'C' series of the Official journal, from time to time.

Example: A senior engineer organises the filling in of registration cards by managers within 15 days of the distribution of project plans and a graph of information received is produced annually.

Example: A total of 266 proposals was received by the Commission of the European Communities in response to a call for proposals for the development of information systems.

» CRISP (Recuperación Automatizada de Información sobre Proyectos Científicos)CRISP (Computer Retrieval of Information on Scientific Projects) .

Example: CRISP (Computer Retrieval of Information on Scientific Projects) is a large data base maintained and operated by the National Institutes of Health, Maryland.

» desarrollar un proyectodevelop + a project .

Example: To accommodate growth in the vertical file collection the library developed a project to convert hardcopy materials to jacketed microfiche.

» director de proyectoproject manager .

Example: The role of the project manager is to plan, execute, and finalize projects according to strict deadlines and within budget.

» embarcarse en un proyectoembark on/upon + a ventureembark on + a project .

Example: The Department of Education and IBM embarked on a joint venture to provide network services to elementary and secondary school districts thoughout the state of Indiana.

Example: The state government has embarked on an afforestation project and has prohibited bush burning to reduce desertification.

» emprender un proyectoundertake + a project .

Example: The project is being undertaken with caution.

» en proyectoin the pipeline .

Example: Business people need to know the right people, what projects are in the pipeline and what changes are taking place.

» fomentar un proyectopromote + a project .

Example: She has been making public appearances on a nearly daily basis over the past week promoting various projects, and she stepped out yet again today to visit a children's hospice.

» gestión mediante proyectosproject management .

Example: The article is entitled 'Using project management to put client/server projects back on track' = El artículo se titula "El uso de la gestión mediante proyectos para reactivar los proyectos cliente/servidor".

» grupo del proyectoproject team .

Example: The 'project team' may only consist of the librarian and one other member of staff, but a methodical approach will still offer many benefits.

» informe sobre el avance de un proyectoprogress report .

Example: This article presents a progress report on the impact of funding on research.

» iniciar un proyectolaunch + an effort .

Example: In May 74 a retrospective cataloguing effort was launched; records for 34,000 items are to be converted to machine-readable form.

» iniciar un proyetolaunch + a project .

Example: This article describes a new project entitled Textbooks for Africa (TAP) launched by the Ranfurly Library Service with the support of the British Council (BC) and the Overseas Development Administration.

» llevar a cabo un proyectocarry out + a projectundertake + a projectdevelop + a projectconduct + a project .

Example: After choosing a method of recon, it is time to get down to the details of how to carry out the project.

Example: The project is being undertaken with caution.

Example: To accommodate growth in the vertical file collection the library developed a project to convert hardcopy materials to jacketed microfiche.

Example: Soon she was put in charge of evaluating American Studies collections at universities throughout Finland and asked to conduct a variety of smaller projects.

» memoria de un proyectoproject report .

Example: Generally, a project report should be typewritten, double-spaced, and bound in a folder or notebook.

» plazo de presentación de proyectoscall for proposals .

Example: A total of 266 proposals was received by the Commission of the European Communities in response to a call for proposals for the development of information systems.

» poner en marcha un proyectomobilise + effort .

Example: How to mobilize such an effort is a mind boggling question.

» presentación de un proyecto de manera convincentebusiness case .

Example: In the face of an economic downturn, many business managers will push back development requests that lack a clearly defined business case.

» presentar un proyectosubmit + a projectpresent + a project .

Example: This is an amended version of a work project critique submitted as part the Diploma in Archive Administration examinations in Feb 83.

Example: The conference took stock of development within information technology, outlined new ways for its use and presented projects.

» promover un proyectolaunch + a projectlaunch + an effortpromote + a project .

Example: This article describes a new project entitled Textbooks for Africa (TAP) launched by the Ranfurly Library Service with the support of the British Council (BC) and the Overseas Development Administration.

Example: In May 74 a retrospective cataloguing effort was launched; records for 34,000 items are to be converted to machine-readable form.

Example: She has been making public appearances on a nearly daily basis over the past week promoting various projects, and she stepped out yet again today to visit a children's hospice.

» propuesta de proyectoproject proposal .

Example: The project proposal outlined has been accepted by the Commission of the European Communities, as part of its efforts to promote experiments in electronic document delivery.

» propuesta de proyecto de investigaciónresearch proposal .

Example: A research proposal is a document that describes the essential features of a study to be conducted in the future, as well as the strategy whereby the inquiry may be logically and successfully accomplished.

» proyecto artísticoart project .

Example: All children and youth are invited to capture the spirit of the community where they live in this PapaInk art project.

» proyecto comercialmarketing project .

Example: The author describes a marketing project for a bibliographic data base in the social sciences.

» proyecto comúnjoint venture .

Example: The Department of Education and IBM embarked on a joint venture to provide network services to elementary and secondary school districts thoughout the state of Indiana.

» proyecto comunitariocommunity project .

Example: Over the next few months, they will be donating thousands of pounds to help warm-hearted people and community projects.

» proyecto conjuntocooperative venturejoint project .

Example: This article describes the Manual of Archival Description (MAD), which was the result of a cooperative venture financed by the Society of Archivists and the British Library Research and Development Department.

Example: Twinning of libraries in different countries can bring benefits in terms of joint projects, student exchanges, and other buisness-related affairs.

» Proyecto Cooperativo de Mecanización de las Bibliotecas de Birmingham (BLCMP)Birminghan Libraries Cooperative Mechanisation Project (BLCMP) .

Example: BLCMP (originally Birminghan Libraries Cooperative Mechanisation Project) is a co-operative venture which embraces both network and stand-alone services, and batch and online services.

» proyecto de ampliaciónaddition project .

Example: Library governing boards need a solid understanding of building sciences, prior to launching a new construction, renovation, or addition project.

» proyecto de automatizaciónautomation project .

Example: UK Civil Service unions fear they will lose 265 members' jobs in the Patent Office following a multimillion pound automation project.

» proyecto de ayudaaid project .

Example: The author explores the reasons for the success of these aid projects, which revealed the enormous book hunger in the rural areas.

» proyecto de ayuda humanitariarelief project .

Example: The 37 relief projects involved the building of aerodrome, landing fields, barracks, a training camp, and a land-clearing project.

» proyecto de colaboraciónjoint venture .

Example: The Department of Education and IBM embarked on a joint venture to provide network services to elementary and secondary school districts thoughout the state of Indiana.

» proyecto de construcciónconstruction projectbuilding project .

Example: Library governing boards need a solid understanding of building sciences, prior to launching a new construction, renovation, or addition project.

Example: One of the Seven Wonders of the World, the Great Wall of China has to be the ultimate in building projects the world has known.

» proyecto de conversiónconversion project .

Example: The article 'A sanctuary for sciences: architecture projects for the Bibliotheque Nationale during the revolution' relates the history of the various conversion projects prepared for the national library before the French Revolution.

» proyecto de cooperacióncooperation initiative .

Example: Spurred by the most severe budget constraints in decades, governments have started to connect the dots and launched international cooperation initiatives to close some of that gap.

» proyecto de digitalizaciónelectronic project [e-project]digitisation project .

Example: The author looks at the reasons and purposes why some scholarly publishers have launched electronic projects (e-projects) while others have drawn back.

Example: The knowledge acquired during the development of this service is of particular value for other digitization projects.

» proyecto de investigaciónresearch projectresearch initiative .

Example: AGREP is a data base which provides an inventory of agricultural research projects conducted in EEC member states.

Example: Our mission has not changed but the perception of the project and its on-going implementation have as other seemingly competitive research initiatives enterer the STM publishing arena.

» proyecto de leygreen paperlegislative billdraft of legislationdraft billdraft law .

Example: The green paper on the financing of the public library service forces librarians to look closely at the choices facing them on how libraries of the future are to be funded.

Example: Enter legislative bills under the heading for the appropriate legislative body.

Example: Enter drafts of legislation as instructed in rules 21.1-21.7.

Example: It has, as yet, only been produced as a draft bill, which it is not permissible to see.

Example: The purpose of the draft law is crystal clear: to set up a system to review and approve foreign NGOs' work in China.

» proyecto de marketingmarketing project .

Example: The author describes a marketing project for a bibliographic data base in the social sciences.

» proyecto de reformarenovation project .

Example: Library governing boards need a solid understanding of building sciences, prior to launching a new construction, renovation, or addition project.

» proyecto de renovaciónrenovation project .

Example: Library governing boards need a solid understanding of building sciences, prior to launching a new construction, renovation, or addition project.

» proyecto de trabajowork project .

Example: The school librarian is closely involved with the planning of school activities and with finding suitable books for work projects.

» proyecto educativoeducation project .

Example: The article 'Raiding the World Bank' explains how the World Bank operates, shareholding, the initiation of loan proposals, and lending to education projects.

» proyecto empresarialbusiness venture .

Example: In considering business ventures libraries should pay attention to the following considerations -- the library's mission, its capability, the financial impact, legal aspects, and professional and ethical issues.

» proyecto en colaboracióncollaborative project .

Example: This is a collaborative project to develop electronic document delivery software that will give libraries the capacity to deliver documents to the user's desktop.

» proyecto en comúnjoint effort .

Example: The attention of information science associations should be drawn to the need for joint efforts in developing better tools for the control and conversion of natural and indexing languages in science and technology.

» proyecto en cursowork in progress .

Example: The new virtual tour, while still a work in progress, is considered to be a success by students, library faculty and staff.

» proyecto experimentalexperimental project .

Example: During this period both Federal and State governments made money available for experimental projects.

» proyecto favoritopet project .

Example: Social reform was once the pet project of the enlightened Protestant middle class.

» proyecto fin de carrerafinal dissertation .

Example: Very few studies have looked at delay or failure in the completion of a final dissertation.

» proyecto fin de gradofinal dissertation .

Example: Very few studies have looked at delay or failure in the completion of a final dissertation.

» Proyecto Nacional de Lectura Optica de Textos de Agricultura (NATDP)National Agricultural Text Digitizing Project (NATDP) [Proyecto nacional americano para la lectura óptica de textos de agricultura y su posterior distribución en disco óptico] .

Example: The National Agricultural Text Digitizing Project (NATDP) is a cooperative effort by the National Agricultural Library and 42 university libraries to test a new method of capturing this literature in digital form for publication on CD-ROM.

» proyecto originalbrain child [brainchild] [Plural brain children/brainchildren] .

Example: This paper reports an interview with Michael O'Donnell, whose brainchild, Salon Magazine is a successful World Wide Web only publication that has managed to forge a powerful identity without a printed counterpart.

» proyecto para la comunidadcommunity project .

Example: Over the next few months, they will be donating thousands of pounds to help warm-hearted people and community projects.

» Proyecto para Sistemas Conectados (LSP)Linked Systems Project (LSP) .

Example: LSP (Linked Systems Protocol) is being developed to allow the interconnection of large library automation systems.

» proyecto pilotopilot projecttrial projectpilot scheme .

Example: Some of these pilot projects have been: an index to scientific report literature; indexes to public records and an index to monographs and microdocuments on housing.

Example: The MALMARC (Malaysian Machine Readable Cataloguing) trial project was launched and subsequently became operational in 1979.

Example: Under the present pilot scheme it is hoped to test the extent to which translation costs may be recoverable from royalty receipts.

» Proyecto sobre Metadatos del Dublin CoreDublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) .

Example: The future goals of the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) include addditional qualifiers, multilingual issues and documentation policies.

» realizar un proyectoconduct + a projectundertake + a project .

Example: Soon she was put in charge of evaluating American Studies collections at universities throughout Finland and asked to conduct a variety of smaller projects.

Example: The project is being undertaken with caution.

Proyecto synonyms

rough in spanish: áspero, pronunciation: rʌf part of speech: adjective outline in spanish: contorno, pronunciation: aʊtlaɪn part of speech: noun, verb draught in spanish: borrador, pronunciation: dræft part of speech: noun muster in spanish: reunión, pronunciation: mʌstɜr part of speech: verb, noun blueprint in spanish: cianotipo, pronunciation: bluprɪnt part of speech: noun drawing in spanish: dibujo, pronunciation: drɔɪŋ part of speech: noun enlist in spanish: conseguir, pronunciation: enlɪst part of speech: verb gulp in spanish: trago, pronunciation: gʌlp part of speech: noun, verb tipple in spanish: bebida alcohólica, pronunciation: tɪpəl part of speech: noun swig in spanish: trago, pronunciation: swɪg part of speech: noun conscription in spanish: reclutamiento, pronunciation: kənskrɪpʃən part of speech: noun potation in spanish: bebida, pronunciation: pəteɪʃən part of speech: noun bill of exchange in spanish: letra de cambio, pronunciation: bɪlʌvɪkstʃeɪndʒ part of speech: noun air current in spanish: corriente de aire, pronunciation: erkɜrənt part of speech: noun muster in in spanish: reunir en, pronunciation: mʌstɜrɪn part of speech: verb selective service in spanish: servicio Selectivo, pronunciation: səlektɪvsɜrvəs part of speech: noun draft copy in spanish: borrador, pronunciation: dræftkɑpi part of speech: noun rough drawing in spanish: dibujo en bruto, pronunciation: rʌfdrɔɪŋ part of speech: noun order of payment in spanish: orden de pago, pronunciation: ɔrdɜrʌvpeɪmənt part of speech: noun
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