Proyección in english


pronunciation: prədʒekʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

proyección = projection ; projection ; projection ; showing ; screening. 

Example: The current practice of promotion and projection of public library services tends to be amateurish, piecemeal, unsustained and difficult to evaluate.Example: The Library will continue to take initiative in providing packaged data such as the book forms of the National Union Catalog, Films and Other Materials for projection, Chinese Cooperative Catalog, and Monographic Series.Example: In cartography projection is the way in which the curved surface of the earth is portrayed on the flat surface of the map.Example: After use the filmstrip has to be rewound ready for the next showing.Example: He focuses on the particular question as to how the laws apply to the various practices such as the screening of documentaries and other films in staff meetings.


» cañón de proyeccióncannon projector .

Example: If you take a look at some of the pics, you'll see they just use a special lens on a cannon projector.

» mención de proyecciónstatement of projection .

Example: The mathematical data area includes the statement of scale, and the statement of projection if it is given.

» proyección cinematográficacinematographic projectionfilm projection .

Example: Someone searching for information about 'Three-dimensional cinematographic projection' might consult the index under 'Film projection'.

Example: Someone searching for information about 'Three-dimensional cinematographic projection' might consult the index under 'Film projection'.

» proyección de cuestiones de interésissues management [En una organización, estudio del desarrollo presente y futuro de temas de interés tecnológicos, sociales u otros que puedan afectarle negativa o positivamente en un futuro] .

Example: In essence, an issues management group, within a corporation or other organization, attempts to identify technological or social issues likely to have positive or negative impact on the institution at some future date.

» proyección de diapositivasslide show [slideshow]slide projectionslide presentation .

Example: You are about to see a 'slide show' created using the Dan Bricklin's DEMO II Program = Están a punto de ver una proyección de diapositivas utilizando el Programa DEMO II de Dan Bricklin.

Example: This paper offers advice and tips on the use of visual aids concentrating on the basic aids of slide projection and overhead projection.

Example: After her slide presentation, the speaker invited members of the audience to add their reminiscences about old hotels.

» proyección demográficapopulation projectiondemographic projection .

Example: Examples of data sets that might be employed in such analysis include population projections, location of schools, and mass transit routes = Ejemplos de datos que se podrían utilizar en este tipo de análisis incluyen proyecciones demográficas, ubicación de las escuelas y rutas de transporte público.

Example: Given the demographic projections for the next decade, many academic institutions will turn to off-campus programmes as a means to redress declining enrolments.

» proyección de películafilm showfilm showing .

Example: This institution offers not only a wide range of information but also the facility of a meeting room, a drop-in lounge for social gatherings, meetings, workshops, exhibitions, displays, playgroups, coffee breaks, informal chats, seminars, study groups, films and slide shows.

Example: He convinced our new president to have the board discuss the advisability of programming at all, especially since we had a film showing last month that drew only three people.

» proyección de tendenciastrend projection .

Example: The technique 'Trend Projection' graphically plots future trends based on past experience.

» proyección de transparenciasoverhead projection .

Example: This paper offers advice and tips on the use of visual aids concentrating on the basic aids of slide projection and overhead projection.

» proyección mediante ordenadorcomputer projection .

Example: In this essay, we will describe a typical computer projection system, as well as how one prepares and presents multimedia presentations.

» técnicas de proyecciónforecasting techniques .

Example: Forecasting techniques should be viewed not with skepticism and dread but with hope and a positive attitude.

Proyección synonyms

project in spanish: proyecto, pronunciation: prɑdʒekt part of speech: noun expulsion in spanish: expulsión, pronunciation: ɪkspʌlʃən part of speech: noun protrusion in spanish: saliente, pronunciation: prətruʒən part of speech: noun jut in spanish: sobresalir, pronunciation: dʒʌt part of speech: noun, verb protuberance in spanish: protuberancia, pronunciation: proʊtubɜrəns part of speech: noun jutting in spanish: sobresaliendo, pronunciation: dʒʌtɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective ejection in spanish: expulsión, pronunciation: ɪdʒekʃən part of speech: noun forcing out in spanish: forzando a salir, pronunciation: fɔrsɪŋaʊt part of speech: noun
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