Provisto in english


pronunciation: prəvaɪdəd part of speech: verb
In gestures

proveer = provide ; set + Nombre + aside ; furnish (with) ; purvey ; provision. 

Example: To start with, most catalogues, indexes, data bases and bibliographies provide access to information or documents.Example: A special note has been set aside for information about the person who is making the catalog entry.Example: One of the definitions of 'organise' is to furnish with organs, make organic, make into living being or tissue.Example: In the sixteenth century the English book trade was centred in London, and consisted chiefly of retail stationers who would be likely to purvey both new and second-hand books and a variety of other goods.Example: Previous studies in which squirrels were provisioned with an abundant supply of food found a reduction in the rate of caching.


» proveer dearm with .

Example: Technology is now being implemented to arm organizations with this weapon -- competitor intelligence -- to improve business and win the war for customers.



» bien provistowell-endowedwell-hungfully-stocked .

Example: The special libraries of the national research institutions are the most well endowed of the libraries.

Example: This Website contains explicit sexual material featuring naked pictures of well-hung young guy jacking off.

Example: If your plan is to have a fully-stocked bar, here's a list of the basic spirits, liqueurs, and mixers to buy.

» bien provisto (de)well-stocked (with) .

Example: Defoe's eighteenth century style full of tedious moralizing and philosophical musings, and not exactly well-stocked with dramatic excitements to relieve the steady pace, seemed not at all to put him off.

» mal provistopoorly stocked .

Example: In the south central United States more than 22 million acres of timberland are now poorly stocked.

» provisto de asientosseated .

Example: The caravan had a seated waiting room lined with leaflet dispensers and display boards and two interview rooms.

» provisto de buenos fondosstockholding .

Example: Yet the genuine stockholding bookseller is committed to holding good stocks of books for the customers' benefit which means that he does not aim simply at buying in the books with the quickest turnover.

» provisto de ruedaswheeled .

Example: From a mechanical point of view, wheeled robots were the most common form of robot, but the exhibit also featured several legged robots and two humanoids.
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