Provisional in english


pronunciation: prəvɪʒənəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

provisional = ad hoc ; interim ; provisional ; temporary ; tentative ; makeshift ; transitional ; rough and ready ; ad interim ; draft ; temp. 

Example: Begun in 1973, CONSER was conceived by an ad hoc discussion group on Serials Data Bases of American and Canadian librarians.Example: After much subsequent discussion, and the publication of a series of interim reports, a new code was published.Example: Three significant products emerged from the research: provisional rules for classing, based upon a standard citation order....Example: A fascicle is one of the temporary divisions of a work that, for convenience in printing or publication, is issued in small instalments.Example: In 1943, he was offered a three-month appointment by the Director of the Library of Congress' Processing Department, the purpose of which was to make a tentative study of the ALA rules of description.Example: Putting books on show is a way of making recommendations by, as it were, remote control and anything tatty, botched-up and sloppily makeshift should be avoided.Example: The period 1850-69 was transitional, with rag slowly giving way to wood.Example: The opposite situation occurs when a rough and ready translation is needed.Example: The ad interim government of Texas operated from March 16 to October 22, 1836.Example: Hundreds of people have gathered in Bonn, Germany, to work on a draft version of a major United Nations agreement to control greenhouse gas emissions.Example: After all the prep work, the dentist put a temp crown on and I when returned 3 weeks later and he took it off the whole tooth had turned black.


» como medida provisionalas an interim measure .

Example: A dehumidifier would serve as an interim measure, but it may not be sufficient to stop mold from growing until the problem is corrected.

» en libertad provisionalon probation .

Example: These include the mentally ill and young offenders on probation.

» estar en prisión provisionalremand + Nombre + in (police) custody .

Example: A 42-year-old man has been remanded in custody after he was charged in connection with an armed robbery on a post officee.

» libertad provisionalparole .

Example: In the United States, the fastest growing inmate group is the elderly, primarily due to the less frequent use of parole.

» medida provisionalstop gap [stopgap]stop-gap measure .

Example: The author describes the role of CD-ROM technology as both temporary stopgap and long term solution to the problem of direct access to online databases.

Example: Dbase was used to expedite many of the labour-intensive activities associated with reserve room processing and provide a stop gap measure until an integrated system was purchased.

» título provisionalworking title .

Example: The Anglo American Authority File is the working title for an agreement between the British Library and the Library of Congress to develop a common authority file.

Provisional synonyms

tentative in spanish: tentativo, pronunciation: tentətɪv part of speech: adjective conditional in spanish: condicional, pronunciation: kəndɪʃənəl part of speech: adjective probationary in spanish: de prueba, pronunciation: proʊbeɪʃəneri part of speech: adjective provisionary in spanish: provisional, pronunciation: prəvɪʒəneri part of speech: adjective
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