Provinciano in english


pronunciation: prəvɪnʃəl part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

provinciano = parochial ; provincial. 

Example: This article covers dissemination of research work and research that is esoteric, irrelevant, parochial, obsolete or incomprehensible.Example: This family was not part of the aristocracy nor did its members belong to the landed gentry, which is what makes their collection of books so fascinating: their owners were not intellectuals but modest provincials.


» ser provincianobe provincial .

Example: Printing had arrived late and was deficient in technique and provincial in content.

Provinciano synonyms

bucolic in spanish: bucólico, pronunciation: bjukɑlɪk part of speech: adjective parochial in spanish: parroquial, pronunciation: pɜroʊkiəl part of speech: adjective rustic in spanish: rústico, pronunciation: rʌstɪk part of speech: adjective insular in spanish: insular, pronunciation: ɪnsəlɜr part of speech: adjective peasant in spanish: campesino, pronunciation: pezənt part of speech: noun hick in spanish: paleto, pronunciation: hɪk part of speech: noun pokey in spanish: lento, pronunciation: poʊki part of speech: noun, adjective unsophisticated in spanish: no sofisticado, pronunciation: ənsəfɪstɪkeɪtɪd part of speech: adjective poky in spanish: diminuto, pronunciation: poʊki part of speech: adjective jerkwater in spanish: Jerkwater, pronunciation: dʒɜrkwɔtɜr part of speech: adjective corn-fed in spanish: alimentado con maíz, pronunciation: kɔrnfed part of speech: adjective one-horse in spanish: un caballo, pronunciation: wʌnhɔrs part of speech: adjective bumpkinly in spanish: Bumpkinly, pronunciation: bʌmpkənli part of speech: adjective
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