Provincia in english


pronunciation: prɑvəns part of speech: noun
In gestures

provincia = province. 

Example: Between 1979 and 1983, the number of independent trade union libraries was stagnant in Budapest, while it increased in the provinces.


» capital de provinciaprovincial capital .

Example: A law passed in 1835 disentailed Church properties, making it possible to create libraries in each provincial capital with the acquired religious and scholarly works.

» de toda la provinciaprovince-wide .

Example: This article describes a study of continuing education conducted province-wide by the Ontario Library Association.

» en las provinciasin the provinces .

Example: It was intended that the service should fill the gap in the provinces created by the vast concentration of on-line activity in the metropolis.

» por toda la provinciaprovince-wide .

Example: This article describes a study of continuing education conducted province-wide by the Ontario Library Association.

Provincia synonyms

state in spanish: estado, pronunciation: steɪt part of speech: noun mandate in spanish: mandato, pronunciation: mændeɪt part of speech: noun responsibility in spanish: responsabilidad, pronunciation: rispɑnsəbɪləti part of speech: noun territory in spanish: territorio, pronunciation: terɪtɔri part of speech: noun dominion in spanish: dominio, pronunciation: dəmɪnjən part of speech: noun colony in spanish: colonia, pronunciation: kɑləni part of speech: noun territorial dominion in spanish: dominio territorial, pronunciation: terɪtɔriəldəmɪnjən part of speech: noun
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