Proverbio in english


pronunciation: prɑvɜrb part of speech: noun
In gestures

proverbio = proverb ; saying. 

Example: As the old Chinese proverb tells us 'To prophesy is extremely difficult, especially about the future'.Example: 'Practice makes perfect' is a saying that can be applied to reading = 'Practice makes perfect' is a saying that can be applied to reading.


» proverbio bíblicobiblical saying .

Example: Your following the biblical saying to cast you bread upon the waters, certainly has been helpful to me.

Proverbio synonyms

saw in spanish: Sierra, pronunciation: part of speech: verb adage in spanish: adagio, pronunciation: ædədʒ part of speech: noun byword in spanish: refrán, pronunciation: baɪwɜrd part of speech: noun
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