Provenir in english


pronunciation: prədus part of speech: verb
In gestures

provenir = come ; source. 

Example: If all of these costs are to render returns to the library, the returns come only in terms of the use of the collection.Example: What this has meant is that in the 20th century, ideas are being sourced from all over the globe; and at the speed oflight, so to speak.


» provenir deemanate fromcome from .

Example: Works with unknown or uncertain personal authorship, or works emanating from a body that lacks a name are to be entered under title.

Example: A modem is an electronic device which converts or modulates data coming from a computer into audio tunes which can be carried over normal phone lines and demodulates incoming tones from the phone line into data that can be used by the computer.

» provenir (de)originate (from) .

Example: Funding for advice centres can originate from any one of four government departments: the Department of Trade, the Home Office, the Lord Chancellor's Office and the Department of the Environment.

» provenir deemanate fromcome from .

Example: Works with unknown or uncertain personal authorship, or works emanating from a body that lacks a name are to be entered under title.

Example: A modem is an electronic device which converts or modulates data coming from a computer into audio tunes which can be carried over normal phone lines and demodulates incoming tones from the phone line into data that can be used by the computer.

» provenir de todas las clases socialescome from all + walks of life .

Example: Our members come from all walks of life but we maintain a strict standard of dress with men in white tie and tails and women in evening gowns.

» provenir de todos los estratos socialescome from all + walks of life .

Example: Our members come from all walks of life but we maintain a strict standard of dress with men in white tie and tails and women in evening gowns.

Provenir synonyms

get in spanish: obtener, pronunciation: get part of speech: verb develop in spanish: desarrollar, pronunciation: dɪveləp part of speech: verb make in spanish: hacer, pronunciation: meɪk part of speech: verb raise in spanish: aumento, pronunciation: reɪz part of speech: verb grow in spanish: crecer, pronunciation: groʊ part of speech: verb farm in spanish: granja, pronunciation: fɑrm part of speech: noun acquire in spanish: adquirir, pronunciation: əkwaɪɜr part of speech: verb create in spanish: crear, pronunciation: krieɪt part of speech: verb bring about in spanish: producir, pronunciation: brɪŋəbaʊt part of speech: verb bring out in spanish: sacar, pronunciation: brɪŋaʊt part of speech: verb bring forth in spanish: producir, pronunciation: brɪŋfɔrθ part of speech: verb bring on in spanish: provocar, pronunciation: brɪŋɑn part of speech: verb give rise in spanish: dar lugar, pronunciation: gɪvraɪz part of speech: verb garden truck in spanish: camión de jardín, pronunciation: gɑrdəntrʌk part of speech: noun green goods in spanish: bienes verdes, pronunciation: gringʊdz part of speech: noun green groceries in spanish: comestibles verdes, pronunciation: gringroʊsɜriz part of speech: noun
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