Proveedor in english


pronunciation: prəvaɪdɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

proveedor = provider ; supplier ; vendor ; purveyor ; stockist ; dispenser ; supply house ; jobber. 

Example: The information available on Prestel changes as the information providers come and go.Example: The receipt of materials and invoices and suppliers' reports are recorded in acquisitions records.Example: Thus some current awareness services can be purchased from external vendors, whilst others may be offered by a library or information unit to its particular group of users.Example: What advantages or disadvantages do libraries offer as purveyors of community.Example: The library is often the only stockist in Scandinavia of some journals = The library is often the only stockist in Scandinavia of some journals.Example: All members of the campus community have accepted and approved of the library as a dispenser of Internet support.Example: In this context, the supply houses are those dealing in furniture, media supply (wholesalers), technical services, circulation systems, and bibliographic service.Example: Many library managers believe that the services provided by jobbers and other middlemen are well worth the additional cost.


» cambiar de proveedorchurn .

Example: These 'spuriously loyal' customers are not willing to churn just because of switching costs.

» cambio de proveedorchurn .

Example: The author attempts to identify the determinants of subscriber churn and customer loyalty in the mobile telephony market.

» casa proveedoracomponents supplier .

Example: This article gives a list of components suppliers for installing an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) in a mobile library van (bookmobile).

» compras fuera de acuerdos con proveedoresmaverick spending [Usado generalmente en el contexto de las empresas o instituciones]rogue spending [Usado generalmente en el contexto de las empresas o instituciones] .

Example: To successfully maintain control over your financial condition, saddling maverick spending must become a mission of every employee.

Example: This is not to say that only companies with unmanaged infrastructures suffer the scourge of rogue spending.

» comunidad de proveedoresvendor community .

Example: The overall trend for the future is one of a customer-centred vendor community working as part of a team with librarians.

» comunidad de proveedores, lavending community, the .

Example: Factors that might adversely impact the ethical behaviour of the publishing, vending and librarianship community are examined, and the need for professionalism and vigilance of the community is emphasised.

» dirigido al proveedorsupplier-oriented .

Example: On the whole, user-oriented objectives guide the everyday operations, while supplier-oriented objectives are reserved for journal articles, convention shop talk, and other in-group communication.

» pensado para el proveedorsupplier-oriented .

Example: On the whole, user-oriented objectives guide the everyday operations, while supplier-oriented objectives are reserved for journal articles, convention shop talk, and other in-group communication.

» proveedor de asistencia sanitariacare providerhealth care provider .

Example: Medical doctors refer their patients to acupuncturists more than any other alternative care provider.

Example: Health care providers should make adequate analgesia easily available to all women who request it during medical abortion.

» proveedor de bases de datosdatabase provider .

Example: An increasing number of database providers are offering all or a portion of their information via the World Wide Web.

» proveedor de bibliotecaslibrary supplier .

Example: This article discusses events which led to the setting up by the MARC Users Group in 1987 of the Book Trade Electronic Data Interchange Standards Committee (BEDIS), membership of which was drawn from public and academic libraries, library suppliers, booksellers, publishers, service suppliers, and systems suppliers.

» proveedor de cateringcaterer  .

Example: There are many caterers throughout the world who have set up business themselves without ever setting foot inside a catering school, and often this is where things tend to go wrong.

» proveedor de información a través de la redcontent provider [En Internet, generalmente empresa que se dedica comercialmente a ofrecer información] .

Example: The workshop brought together librarians, digital library researchers, content providers, and text-markup experts to improve discovery standards for information resources.

» proveedor de material de oficinaoffice supplier .

Example: The article 'Nervy Days for Office Suppliers' reviews the present state of affairs of office automation.

» proveedor de materialesmaterials vendor .

Example: Every publisher, materials vendor, systems vendor and bibliographic utility that serve libraries face sharp competition for a share of the ebbing library market.

» proveedor de reclamacionesclaim vendor .

Example: The claim vendor is the vendor from whom missing issues are to be claimed.

» proveedor de serviciosservice supplierservice provider .

Example: The commercial secrecy maintained by the service suppliers, however, makes accurate mapping of these flows difficult.

Example: Libraries must carry our more PR activities and must remember their role as service providers.

» proveedor de servicios de búsqueda en líneaonline search service supplier .

Example: Computer-based information retrieval systems include the services of the online search service suppliers, CD-ROM products, inhouse text information management systems and online public access catalogues.

» Proveedor de Servicios de Internet (ISP)ISP (Internet Service Provider) .

Example: Our ISP (Internet Service Provider) went belly up 10 days ago and we have been unable to send & receive emails since.

» proveedor de servicios de InternetInternet provider .

Example: The author examines the trials and tribulations that went into the making of Merit Network, Inc., Michigan's pioneering Internet provider.

» proveedor de sistemassystems suppliersystem supplier [systems supplier] .

Example: This article discusses events which led to the setting up by the MARC Users Group in 1987 of the Book Trade Electronic Data Interchange Standards Committee (BEDIS), membership of which was drawn from public and academic libraries, library suppliers, booksellers, publishers, service suppliers, and systems suppliers.

Example: This article discusses events which led to the setting up by the MARC Users Group in 1987 of the Book Trade Electronic Data Interchange Standards Committee (BEDIS), membership of which was drawn from public and academic libraries, library suppliers, booksellers, publishers, service suppliers, and systems suppliers.

Proveedor synonyms

supplier in spanish: proveedor, pronunciation: səplaɪɜr part of speech: noun
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