Protuberancia in english


pronunciation: bɑs part of speech: noun
In gestures

protuberancia = bulge ; bump ; boss ; protuberance. 

Example: Under these circumstances it becomes difficult to maintain a classified sequence in good order, and there will be gaps and 'bulges' which will involve moving the overall sequence around on the shelves.Example: Leishmaniasis includes disorders that affect internal organs and those that affect the skin and sometimes mucous membranes of the nose and mouth, causing bumps or sores.Example: From this boss pendent from the ceiling was formerly suspended a brass chandelier.Example: The protuberance could be one of two things, a pus/bacteria filled sac that has lodged itself internally or a small tumor.


» condón con protuberanciasFrench tickler .

Example: She will be tickled pink with these French ticklers.

» protuberancia pequeñanubblenub .

Example: As I move around the room I feel a nubble of something on the floor which, though solid initially, yields under the pressure of my foot.

Example: Between 11-13 weeks, all babies are said to have a 'nub' between their legs, and the angle of the nub will indicate whether it's a boy or girl.

» protuberancia rugosaknobby bump .

Example: Left untreated, rosacea eventually can create small, knobby bumps on the nose, which make the nose appear swollen.

Protuberancia synonyms

head in spanish: cabeza, pronunciation: hed part of speech: noun top in spanish: parte superior, pronunciation: tɑp part of speech: noun, adjective arch in spanish: arco, pronunciation: ɑrtʃ part of speech: noun superior in spanish: superior, pronunciation: supɪriɜr part of speech: adjective stamp in spanish: sello, pronunciation: stæmp part of speech: noun, verb stud in spanish: semental, pronunciation: stʌd part of speech: noun chief in spanish: jefe, pronunciation: tʃif part of speech: noun brag in spanish: jactarse, pronunciation: bræg part of speech: verb, noun rivet in spanish: remache, pronunciation: rɪvət part of speech: noun gaffer in spanish: capataz, pronunciation: gæfɜr part of speech: noun emboss in spanish: realzar, pronunciation: ɪmbɔs part of speech: verb foreman in spanish: capataz, pronunciation: fɔrmən part of speech: noun honcho in spanish: honcho, pronunciation: hɔntʃoʊ part of speech: noun hirer in spanish: arrendador, pronunciation: haɪɜrr part of speech: noun political boss in spanish: jefe político, pronunciation: pəlɪtəkəlbɑs part of speech: noun party boss in spanish: jefe de la fiesta, pronunciation: pɑrtibɑs part of speech: noun
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