Protocolo in english


pronunciation: proʊtəkɑl part of speech: noun
In gestures

protocolo = protocol ; protocol ; etiquette. 

Example: Enter a separately published protocol, amendment, extension, or other agreement ancillary to a treaty, etc., under the heading for the basic agreement.Example: A protocol is simply a set of conventions that determines how data will be exchanged between different programs.Example: The rapid and sustained growth of the Internet has lent a new importance to the development of such network etiquettes (or 'netiquettes').


» conjunto integrado de protocolosa suite of + protocols .

Example: Libraries need to be made aware of all possible networking options, the benefits of the lesser known OSI suite of protocols and the requirements for establishing an OSI environment.

» con mucho protocoloceremoniously .

Example: He was ceremoniously sworn in as Secretary of State at the White House, with his wife.

» FTP (Protocolo para la Transferencia de Ficheros)FTP (File Transfer Protocol) [En Internet, método común para transferir ficheros entre ordenadores] .

Example: File transfer, also known as FTP, involves moving files from one computer to another.

» IP (Protocolo de Internet)IP (Internet Protocol) .

Example: The IP (Internet Protocol) is what the computers use as an addressing scheme (like a home address), its format is 4 series of numbers separated with dots and the numbers are between 0 and 255.

» POP (Protocolo de Correo)POP (Post Office Protocol) [En Internet, stándar utilizado por los programas de gestión de correo electrónico para enviar y recibir mensajes del servidor de correo] .

Example: The Post Office Protocol (POP) can not deliver adequate electronic mail message management for users of TCP/IP networks.

» PPP (Protocolo de Punto a Punto)PPP (Point to Point Protocol) [En Internet, protocolo que permite a un ordenador usar la línea de teléfonos y un modem para establecer conexiones TCP/IP a Internet] .

Example: PPP (Point to Point Protocol) is a protocol that allows a computer to use a regular telephone line and a modem to make TCP/IP connections and thus be really and truly on the Internet.

» protocolo de comunicacionescommunication(s) protocol [En telecomunicaciones, procedimientos y especificaciones a seguir por los programas y los equipos de ordenador para establecer y controlar las comunicaciones] .

Example: The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model provides a framework in which a series of communications protocols can be developed for computer-to-computer networking.

» Protocolo de InternetIP (Internet Protocol) .

Example: The IP (Internet Protocol) is what the computers use as an addressing scheme (like a home address), its format is 4 series of numbers separated with dots and the numbers are between 0 and 255.

» Protocolo de Internet (IP)IP (Internet Protocol) .

Example: The IP (Internet Protocol) is what the computers use as an addressing scheme (like a home address), its format is 4 series of numbers separated with dots and the numbers are between 0 and 255.

» protocolo de investigaciónresearch protocol .

Example: Since reference service occurs at the point-of-need, that library function is the logical conduit for an informal training programme based on research protocols.

» protocolo de Kyoto, elKyoto protocol, the [Acuerdo internacional para el control de la emisión de gases a la atmósfera] .

Example: In fact it is an exaltation of the Kyoto protocol and a thinly disguised swipe at those countries who have not signed up.

» protocolo ILLILL protocol [En Internet, conjunto de reglas para normalizar el intercambio entre ordenadores de órdenes relativas al préstamo interbibliotecario] .

Example: Implementations based on the ILL protocol have been developed in Canada and implementations of the U.S. Information Retrieval protocol, NISO Z39.50, a compatible superset of the SR protocol, are underway in the U.S..

» protocolo SRSR protocol [En Internet, conjunto de reglas para normalizar el intercambio entre ordenadores de órdenes relativas a la búsqueda y recuperación de información] .

Example: Implementations based on the ILL protocol have been developed in Canada and implementations of the U.S. Information Retrieval protocol, NISO Z39.50, a compatible superset of the SR protocol, are underway in the U.S..

» seguir un protocologo through + the motions .

Example: I just went through the motions of showing up for class and doing classwork -- just enough to get by.

» TCP/IP (Protocolo para el Control de las Transmisiones/Procolo Internet)TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) [En Internet, conjunto de protocolos que definen esta red] .

Example: TCP/IP stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol and is the common 'language' on the Internet that allows computers to communicate.

Protocolo synonyms

communications protocol in spanish: protocolo de comunicaciones, pronunciation: kəmjunəkeɪʃənzproʊtəkɑl part of speech: noun
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