Protestón in english


pronunciation: moʊnɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

protestón = grouchy ; fusspot ; fussbudget ; bolshie [boshy]. 

Example: The book 'The Grouchy Ladybug' describes how a ladybug can be used to teach entomology, natural selection, comparative anatomy, food chains and symbiotic relationships.Example: As for Steve, he traded his days as a bachelor for life with a fusspot.Example: And they're playing an odd couple reminiscent of Neil Simon's classic pairing of a fussbudget and a slob.Example: I showed one of the staff the video and he got quite bolshie with me, as my taping her was, according to him, a breach of her human rights.

Protestón synonyms

crybaby in spanish: llorón, pronunciation: kraɪbeɪbi part of speech: noun whiner in spanish: quejarse, pronunciation: waɪnɜr part of speech: noun complainer in spanish: quejarse, pronunciation: kəmpleɪnɜr part of speech: noun squawker in spanish: squawker, pronunciation: skwɔkɜr part of speech: noun sniveler in spanish: quejica, pronunciation: snɪvlɜr part of speech: noun bellyacher in spanish: barriga, pronunciation: beljəkɜr part of speech: noun grumbler in spanish: rezongante, pronunciation: grʌmblɜr part of speech: noun
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