Protegido in english


pronunciation: prətektəd part of speech: adjective
In gestures

proteger = protect ; safeguard ; guard ; cushion ; stand + Nombre + in good stead ; shield. 

Example: It is important to protect your password and change it frequently.Example: And some way down the list of benefits was a rash promise to 'slash the red tape that hinders our trade with Europe -- and thereby safeguard the 2 1/2 million jobs involved'.Example: The article 'Sealing criminal history records: shall we let the fox guard the henhouse in the name of privacy?' has once again raised the debate on the consequences of allowing press and public to view such data.Example: The key to cushioning the impact of future reductions is to begin before one is even required to.Example: The management of Britannica failed to perceive the true threat of electronic publishing, thinking that their history would stand them in good stead.Example: Both types of printer are noisy and will have to placed away from public areas and/or shielded with an acoustic cover (which can be very expensive).


» correr para protegersescramble for + safetyrun for + coverscramble for + coverrun for + safetyscurry for + coverscurry for + refuge .

Example: With ominous clouds looming overhead, a huge clap of thunder sent all players scrambling for safety during Sunday night's game.

Example: Guards in the lead car of the convoy threw their doors open and ran for cover, screaming, 'Get away, get away'.

Example: Around 1:30 p.m. Sunday, shots rang out inside Allsups convenience store sending customers and clerks scrambling for cover.

Example: Photo of policemen run for safety as protesters chase them away with stones and sticks near the site of a collapsed footbridge.

Example: They usually come to Israel each year to study or work, but this time found themselves instead scurrying for cover as Hamas rained missiles on Israel.

Example: The demolition of a Phoenix hotel is sending rats and mice scurrying for refuge in nearby buildings.

» para protegerseprotectively .

Example: Praying mantids are often protectively colored to the plants they live on.

» proteger Algo para evitar su uso indebido por los niñoschildproof .

Example: It is a good idea to childproof your house once your infant is about six months old, well before the time that she is becoming mobile.

» proteger con sacos de arenasandbag .

Example: Many French monuments were sandbagged for protection during World War II.

» proteger con tablasboard up .

Example: Yet rather than battening down the hatches and boarding up the shopfronts, it is more a case of polishing the silver and pulling out the corks.

» proteger con tablonesboard up .

Example: Yet rather than battening down the hatches and boarding up the shopfronts, it is more a case of polishing the silver and pulling out the corks.

» proteger contra el aguawaterproof .

Example: If you're looking to refinish and waterproof some outdoor furniture you might want to consider using teak oil.

» proteger contra el solshade .

Example: 'No, let a charming chintz and Brussels lace wrap my cold limbs, and shade my lifeless face so as not to be frightful of death'.

» proteger contra la intemperieweatherproof .

Example: When installing cameras outdoors, it is always necessary to weatherproof the ends of the cables where the camera connects to the cable.

» proteger con una rednet .

Example: Birds go crazy over berries and the only way that they can be prevented from attacking your entire crop is by fencing in and netting the area.

» proteger deinsulate fromguard againstprotect against .

Example: The exclusive licence does not really insulate the company from market competition brought about by technological developments.

Example: The system will ask you to enter the new password a second time to help guard against keying errors.

Example: Prevent cancer with scallions: a new study found that eating this type of onion may protect against prostate cancer.

» proteger (de)give + protection (against) .

Example: In addition, copper piping gives excellent protection against contaminants to the domestic water supply.

» proteger de dañosprotect + Nombre + from damage .

Example: By effective use of drapes and blinds, books can be protected from damage through exposure to ultraviolet light.

» proteger del aguawaterproof .

Example: If you're looking to refinish and waterproof some outdoor furniture you might want to consider using teak oil.

» proteger de la intemperieweatherproof .

Example: When installing cameras outdoors, it is always necessary to weatherproof the ends of the cables where the camera connects to the cable.

» proteger de la lluviakeep + the rain out .

Example: Another standby is the poncho, a cape-like raincoat that does a fair job of keeping the rain out.

» proteger de la luzprotect + Nombre + from light .

Example: A fresh urine sample and a faeces sample, protected from light, should be sent to the laboratory for screening.

» proteger demasiadooverprotect  .

Example: The answer has eluded the best-intentioned parents who overprotect, overindulge, and overschedule their children's lives.

» proteger de un peligroprotect + Nombre + from hazard .

Example: Results of searches on HDA can provide medical professional with information needed to protect patients and staff from potential hazards.

» proteger el anonimatoprotect + Posesivo + anonymity .

Example: To protect anonymity, a party must be referred to by first name and last initial in all filed documents and court orders.

» proteger entre algodoneswrap + Nombre + (up) in cotton wool .

Example: Fragile Sheridan Smith needs the support of her adoring fans, not to be wrapped up in cotton wool.

» proteger + Nombre + con + Posesivo + vidaguard + Nombre + with + Posesivo + life .

Example: The most intriguing thing about her is the little pouch she carries and the way she guards it with her life.

» proteger por leyprotect + Nombre + by law .

Example: Almost all native animal species, and many species of native plants, are protected by law in Australia.

» proteger + Posesivo + anonimatoprotect + Posesivo + anonymity .

Example: To protect anonymity, a party must be referred to by first name and last initial in all filed documents and court orders.

» proteger + Posesivo + identidadprotect + Posesivo + identity .

Example: The problems and assignments presented are real problems and assignments, and the people involved are real people, all suitably disguised to protect their identity.

» proteger + Posesivo + parcelaguard + Posesivo + patch .

Example: People should be prepared to work together and not jealously 'guard their patch'.

» protegersebe on guard (against)ward + Pronombre + off .

Example: Searchers need to be aware of the characteristics of the services and be on guard against bias, incompleteness, and lack of relevancy.

Example: If he begins to get aggressive, I'll be there to ward him off.

» protegerse contrahedge against .

Example: The use of bibliographic databases and their retrieval results are presently restricted in a variety of ways in order to hedge against loss of potential income by producers.

» protegerse de los efectos de Algoward off + the effects .

Example: This article discusses the tactics of organising and lobbying which librarians must use to ward off the worst effects of these changes.

» protegerse de los intrusosward off + intruders .

Example: Originally native to Europe, Germany used whitethorn as a hedge to divide plots of land, its sharp thorns was used to ward off intruders.

protegido1 = protégé [protégée, -fem.]. 

Example: This article explores the various ways in which the reference department head serves as a mentor to the beginning reference librarian through the analogy of the relationship of Athena and her protege, Telemachus, in Homer's Odyssey.

protegido2 = protected ; sheltered. 

Example: Only a man like D'Andrea, willing to use force without stint or limit, could rise to leadership against John Powers & his protected, armed partisans.Example: Eurasian wigeons prefer coastal wetlands, bays, freshwater and brackish lagoons and other sheltered marine habitats.


» animal protegidoprotected animal .

Example: The serum of the protected animals did not contain antibodies against sporozoites.

» edificio protegidoheritage-listed buildingheritage buildinglisted building [Por su interés cultural o arquitectónico] .

Example: This stylish cafe, situated in a heritage-listed building that used to be a gun shop, offers original, restaurant-quality fare.

Example: He argues for special attention to faculty offices, landscaping, 'green' architecture, preservation of heritage buildings, removal of eyesore buildings, and safety.

Example: The extension was designed to blend with the original listed building and the two have been linked by a glass atrium giving access to the whole library.

» especie protegidaprotected species .

Example: On occasions, interactions with protected species occur as a result of an unavoidable accident or incident.

» Indicación Geográfica Protegida (I.G.P.)Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) .

Example: The UK currently has 31 products registered under this scheme as Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) and Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) (these include beers, cheeses, beef and lamb).

» material protegido por el derecho de autorcopyright materialcopyrighted material .

Example: Problems of controlling the reproduction of copyright material are increasing with the development of new technology.

Example: A solution needs to be developed for solving the problem of making copyrighted material available over the Internet.

» parte protegidalee [De las corrientes de aire o agua] .

Example: The article is entitled 'Enhanced zooplankton abundance in the lee of an isolated reef in the Coral Sea: the role of flow disturbance'.

» parte protegida del vientoleeward .

Example: The leeward side of an island is the drier side or the side where the trade winds pass before they hit a mountain while the windward side is the wetter side.

» protegido del vientodownwind .

Example: In fact, no flurries at all are expected downwind of the mountains.

» protegido por el derecho de autorcopyrightedcopyright-protected .

Example: These collectives are at present seeking compensation for copies made of copyrighted material based on the nature, volume and use of copies made.

Example: A licence is a legal agreement that gives permission to use a copyright-protected work.

» recinto protegidowalled garden .

Example: Like evil trolls guarding the gates, the copyright controllers are trying to hold sway over our actions and create walled gardens around knowledge repositories.

» zona protegidaprotected area .

Example: International visitors, drawn to New Zealand by its clean, green, nuclear-free image, visit famous, easily accessible, highly developed protected areas.

Protegido synonyms

secure in spanish: seguro, pronunciation: sɪkjʊr part of speech: verb, adjective covert in spanish: encubierto, pronunciation: koʊvɜrt part of speech: adjective snug in spanish: ajustado, pronunciation: snʌg part of speech: adjective, noun fortified in spanish: fortificado, pronunciation: fɔrtəfaɪd part of speech: adjective sheltered in spanish: protegido, pronunciation: ʃeltɜrd part of speech: adjective preserved in spanish: Preservado, pronunciation: prəzɜrvd part of speech: adjective saved in spanish: salvado, pronunciation: seɪvd part of speech: adjective moated in spanish: moated, pronunciation: moʊtɪd part of speech: adjective weatherproof in spanish: a prueba de la intemperie, pronunciation: weðɜrpruf part of speech: adjective shielded in spanish: blindado, pronunciation: ʃildɪd part of speech: adjective battlemented in spanish: almena, pronunciation: bætəlmentɪd part of speech: adjective bastioned in spanish: bastión, pronunciation: bæstʃənd part of speech: adjective burglarproof in spanish: a prueba de robos, pronunciation: bɜrglɜrpruf part of speech: adjective stormproof in spanish: a prueba de tormentas, pronunciation: stɔrmpruf part of speech: adjective
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