Protección in english


pronunciation: prətekʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

protección = protection ; safeguard ; security ; cushion ; safeguarding ; padding ; shield ; guard against ; protectiveness. 

Example: The second title may be indexed under: wire, rope, lubrication, corrosion, protection.Example: DBMS systems aim to provide data security and access safeguards.Example: DBMS systems aim to provide data security and access safeguards.Example: Libraries ordinarily have only a small staff 'cushion' to provide for sickness, vacation, and compensatory days off.Example: Working together, librarians and indexers can ensure that one of the primary objectives of the Society of Indexers, the safeguarding and improvement of indexing standards, becomes a reality.Example: Not far behind football in terms of profile is rugby (slightly similar to American Football, but without the excessive padding).Example: Display cases are thermostatically controlled to 68F and heat shields are fitted.Example: Her article is surely a basic text for all librarians to be regularly reread as a guard against the sins she lists.Example: Parental protectiveness of children is surely a good thing if sensibly applied, but this nonsensical double standard doesn't help anyone.


» Agencia de Protección del Medio Ambiente (EPA)Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) .

Example: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is responsible for the regulation of environmental pollutants and the protection, and improvement, of the environment.

» buscar la protección deburrow back into .

Example: An emotional crisis at home may send a child burrowing back into the security of well-loved books remembered from happier days.

» correr buscando protecciónscramble for + safetyrun for + coverscramble for + coverrun for + safetyscurry for + refuge .

Example: With ominous clouds looming overhead, a huge clap of thunder sent all players scrambling for safety during Sunday night's game.

Example: Guards in the lead car of the convoy threw their doors open and ran for cover, screaming, 'Get away, get away'.

Example: Around 1:30 p.m. Sunday, shots rang out inside Allsups convenience store sending customers and clerks scrambling for cover.

Example: Photo of policemen run for safety as protesters chase them away with stones and sticks near the site of a collapsed footbridge.

Example: The demolition of a Phoenix hotel is sending rats and mice scurrying for refuge in nearby buildings.

» cuidado y protecciónnurturenurturing .

Example: Whilst maintaining the need for balance, nurture of the still important traditional markets, and only gradual change, a great deal has been done in many SLIS.

Example: Bookish children, as they tend somewhat negatively to be called, deserve at least as much nurturing.

» dar protección (contra)give + protection (against) .

Example: In addition, copper piping gives excellent protection against contaminants to the domestic water supply.

» dejar sin protecciónleave + unprotected .

Example: The 2nd copy of each titles was covered in contact paper while the 3rd copy was left unprotected.

» desactivar un programa de protecciónunlock + a protection program(me) [Inutilizar el programa de protección que algunas aplicaciones de ordenador tienen para proteger su copia indebida] .

Example: In the case of a software protection program, the producer claimed breach of license agreement against a software producer whose software unlocks the protection program.

» equipo de protecciónprotective gearprotective equipment .

Example: It doesn't take a wild imagination to grasp what happens to a rider who crashes with protective gear on and one who goes down in street clothes.

Example: Wear the proper personal protective equipment when working with corrosive materials.

» gafas de protecciónsafety (eye)glasses .

Example: Safety glasses should always be worn by anyone operating a power tool, or by anyone nearby.

» grupo de protección a menoresShelter group .

Example: The most significant response has been the growth in every town of a widening range of citizen action groups -- consumer groups, parent-teacher associations and branches of CASE, Shelter groups, Civic Trust groups, tenants' and residents' associations and many other kinds of 'grass roots' organisation.

» grupo de protección ciudadanacivic trust group .

Example: The most significant response has been the growth in every town of a widening range of citizen action groups -- consumer groups, parent-teacher associations and branches of CASE, Shelter groups, civic trust groups, tenants' and residents' associations and many other kinds of 'grass roots' organisation.

» medida de protecciónsafeguard .

Example: DBMS systems aim to provide data security and access safeguards.

» oficina de protección al consumidorconsumer protection office .

Example: Each branch was given a poster to display and a supply of forms which complainants could fill in and these were returned by the library to the nearest consumer protection office for action.

» programa de protecciónprotection program(me)software protection program(me) [En tecnología de la información, programa de ordenador que utilizan los productores de aplicaciones de ordenador para proteger la copia indebida de las mismas] .

Example: Precautions that may be taken to minimise risks are described including the use of software protection programs.

Example: In the case of a software protection program, the producer claimed breach of license agreement against a software producer whose software unlocks the protection program.

» programa de protección de testigoswitness protection program .

Example: He's considering entering the witness protection program after he received a mountain of death threats for besmirching their idol's good name.

» protección acústicahearing protection .

Example: This voucher permits you to shoot at 60 clay pigeons, with cartridges and hearing protection under the supervision of your clay pigeon shooting instructor.

» protección auditivahearing protection .

Example: This voucher permits you to shoot at 60 clay pigeons, with cartridges and hearing protection under the supervision of your clay pigeon shooting instructor.

» protección contra incendiosfire protection .

Example: Storage areas must have proper fire protection.

» protección de datosdata protection .

Example: A revised version of the Austrian law on data protection in public and private spheres was passed in 1988.

» protección de información entre fronterastransborder data protection [Conjunto de medidas tomadas por un país para evitar que cierta información generada en un país sea asequible en otro u otros países] .

Example: Some other countries, including Britain, are considering their position on both national and transborder data protection.

» protección de la informacióndata protection .

Example: A revised version of the Austrian law on data protection in public and private spheres was passed in 1988.

» protección del medio ambienteenvironmental protection .

Example: Fears in the late 1960s about the menace of pollution led to the creation of programmes on environmental protection.

» protección del sistemasystem security .

Example: Several features that need to be addressed include storage capacity, quality and accessibility of information content, information retrieval speed, economic factors, contract stipulations, workstation configurations, system security, and new staff training requirements.

» protección de menoreschild protectionchild welfare .

Example: The author describes the development of a computer-based child abuse/child protection information system at the University of Bath.

Example: A wide range of pamphlet and leaflet material was collected and arranged in cabinet files under topic heads such as health, employment, child welfare.

» protección legallegal protection .

Example: Database suppliers argue that the present unevenness of the European legal protection setting creates an uncertain and risky environment which is not conductiveto investment.

» protección mediante contraseñapassword protection .

Example: Magic is a screen saver with password protection.

» protección militarmilitary protection .

Example: He particularly insisted on the necessity of assuring military protection for the Archaeological Museum of Baghdad.

» protección para excluir o aislarexcluder  .

Example: The metal excluder, while more expensive, is far superior to either the zinc or plastic excluders.

» protección solarsolar protection .

Example: The traditional concept of louvers for solar protection has recently been combined with many fresh ideas.

» protección solar mediante sombrassolar shading .

Example: Solar shading analysis can be used to significantly reduce a building's energy costs by limiting or eliminating the need for air conditioning.

» protección territorialturf protection .

Example: It is true that problems of turf protection and political advantage have often deterred efforts toward formal cooperation = Es verdad que los problemas de la protección territorial y la ventaja política con frecuencia han disuadido los intentos de cooperación formal.

» relación sexual sin protecciónunprotected sex .

Example: Many people who would normally practise safe sex do become pregnant, or else catch venereal diseases, through having unprotected sex while drunk.

» sexo sin protecciónunprotected sex .

Example: Many people who would normally practise safe sex do become pregnant, or else catch venereal diseases, through having unprotected sex while drunk.

» sin protecciónunprotected .

Example: Society is falling apart at the seams, causing individuals who have not been able to cope with the changes to feel unprotected and hopeless.

Protección synonyms

security in spanish: seguridad, pronunciation: sɪkjʊrəti part of speech: noun aegis in spanish: égida, pronunciation: idʒəs part of speech: noun tribute in spanish: tributo, pronunciation: trɪbjut part of speech: noun shelter in spanish: abrigo, pronunciation: ʃeltɜr part of speech: noun auspices in spanish: auspicios, pronunciation: ɔspɪsɪz part of speech: noun guarding in spanish: vigilando, pronunciation: gɑrdɪŋ part of speech: verb protecting in spanish: protector, pronunciation: prətektɪŋ part of speech: verb protective covering in spanish: cubierta protectora, pronunciation: prətektɪvkʌvɜrɪŋ part of speech: noun trade protection in spanish: protección comercial, pronunciation: treɪdprətekʃən part of speech: noun
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