Protagonista in english


pronunciation: proʊtægənəst part of speech: noun
In gestures

protagonista = actor [actress, -fem.] ; character ; protagonist ; stakeholder ; player ; force multiplier ; leading man ; leading role ; leading lady ; leading actress. 

Example: Institutionalization occurs whenever there is a reciprocal typification of habitualized actions by types of actors.Example: In the meantime, a serious oral history project is fundamental to the preservation of the memories of those characters in the drama while they are still available.Example: Protagonists such as Dr. Watson and Sherlock Holmes have become pseudopersonalities.Example: This has two purposes: as an assessment of how the service is performing, and as an accountability factor to the stakeholders.Example: It is little wonder that all players in the serials information chain -- publishers, subscriptions agents and librarians alike -- are taking a long hard look at what they are doing and attempting to forecast what the future might hold for them.Example: The article 'Television: force multiplier or town crier in the global village?' discusses how television has changed from being a passive observer of events to being a significant player in international affairs.Example: Tinseltown's leading men never get their due on the red carpet.Example: Health librarians are taking a leading role in the development of the library and information profession in the emerging information society.Example: Considering her upbringing, it is ironical that she was often cast as a maid and, much to her regret, hardly ever as the leading lady.Example: In honor of this weekend's big awards ceremony, MediaRun has rounded up every single dress worn by a leading-actress winner over the past 85 years.


» actuar como protagonistastar in .

Example: She has starred in almost 100 films and twice won Cannes' best-actress prize.

» actuar como protagonista en el papel destar as .

Example: He will star as a drug-runner in a remake of the hit thriller 'Easy Money'.

» hacer de protagonistastar in .

Example: She has starred in almost 100 films and twice won Cannes' best-actress prize.

» papel de protagonistastarring role .

Example: For 20 years and counting, 'Law & Order' has made Gotham not just its base of operations, but has given it a starring role in the show.

» papel protagonistatitle role .

Example: Marie-Nicole Lemieux in the title role provides a blazing star performance.

» protagonista, elmain character, themain actor, the .

Example: Quietly spoken, introverted Henry, the main character, tries to get casual jobs (anything, like a factotum) around Los Angeles.

Example: Moreover, it does not diminish the role of states as the main actors in international politics.

» protagonista principalkey playercentrepiece [centerpiece, -USA]lead characterlead role .

Example: Libraries are key players in ensuring long-term preservation archiving of electronic information.

Example: The speakers will explain what actions have been taken to ensure that freedom of access to information remains the centrepiece of library philosophy in these difficult times.

Example: The DaVinci Code movie deviates only subtly from the best-selling book on which it is based by making the lead character a man of some faith.

Example: If she knew I was going to be married, something she did not highly approve of, she might not give me all the lead roles, she might think I was a lost cause and not worth her time.

» protagonista principal, elmain character, themain actor, the .

Example: Quietly spoken, introverted Henry, the main character, tries to get casual jobs (anything, like a factotum) around Los Angeles.

Example: Moreover, it does not diminish the role of states as the main actors in international politics.

» ser el protagonistastar in .

Example: She has starred in almost 100 films and twice won Cannes' best-actress prize.

» tener como protagonistastar .

Example: Political comedy films starring comedians aren't always very successful.

Protagonista synonyms

friend in spanish: amigo, pronunciation: frend part of speech: noun champion in spanish: campeón, pronunciation: tʃæmpiən part of speech: noun booster in spanish: aumentador de presión, pronunciation: bustɜr part of speech: noun supporter in spanish: seguidor, pronunciation: səpɔrtɜr part of speech: noun admirer in spanish: admirador, pronunciation: ædmaɪrɜr part of speech: noun
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