Próspero in english


pronunciation: prɑspɜrəs part of speech: adjective
In gestures

prosperar = flourish ; prosper ; bloom ; thrive ; boom ; flower ; blossom ; do + best ; do + great ; do + well. 

Example: The reference librarian, on the other hand, wants a tool which is reflective of the approach that a user might take at that moment, not the approach of a user who might have flourished at the time when the record was made.Example: Surrounded by all this frenetic activity, it is difficult for even the most objective of viewers to discern which of these initiatives will prosper and which will fall by the wayside.Example: The article 'TULIP blooms in Tennesee' describes TULIP, a collaborative project to provide image access to 43 periodicals to members of the academic community.Example: Librarians need to pay greater attention to the politics of this organisational environment if libraries are to thrive.Example: Public libraries in China boomed at the beginning of the present century.Example: Librarians seek to provide a challenging, dynamic environment in which individual growth can flower.Example: At last, library schools and students recognise the true potential of the profession of librarianship, and the profession has the chance to blossom and flourish.Example: It is time for the ALA to establish its priorities, concerning itself with those things libraries do best before dabbling in other, peripheral affairs.Example: The new CEO is finding her sea legs leading the organization and I expect her to do great over time.Example: Exports of school texts seem to do well, with a total contribution of 7.34 per cent to total turnover compared to 9.21 per cent from the home sales.


» no prosperarfall by + the waysidedrop by + the wayside .

Example: Surrounded by all this frenetic activity, it is difficult for even the most objective of viewers to discern which of these initiatives will prosper and which will fall by the wayside.

Example: He was one of the few workers who saw the project out to the very end when some had dropped by the wayside.

» plan + prosperarplan + come through .

Example: And those rays could soon power thousands of homes if plans for a large solar power station come through.

» prosperar dethrive on .

Example: It thrives on ambiguity, irony, paradox, which bring the disparate and hitherto unconnected into relationship, revealing new shades of meaning, or refreshing the worn, the tired, the cliched.

» prosperar en el mundogo up in + the worldmove up in + the worlddo + better for + Reflexivo .

Example: If you want to go up in the world this is the place for you.

Example: Some people always talk about moving up in the world and doing better for themselves and yet they are still in the same spot and position that they were in 5 years ago.

Example: Some people always talk about moving up in the world and doing better for themselves and yet they are still in the same spot and position that they were in 5 years ago.

» prosperar en la vidago up in + the worldmove up in + the worlddo + better for + Reflexivo .

Example: If you want to go up in the world this is the place for you.

Example: Some people always talk about moving up in the world and doing better for themselves and yet they are still in the same spot and position that they were in 5 years ago.

Example: Some people always talk about moving up in the world and doing better for themselves and yet they are still in the same spot and position that they were in 5 years ago.

» prosperar o fracasarsink or swim .

Example: The learning programs themselves can influence whether e-learners sink or swim.

próspero = prosperous ; thriving ; palmy ; flourishing ; bloomy ; blooming. 

Example: Teachers face all the problems endemic to the heavily populated, least prosperous inner-city areas.Example: Now a thriving industrial city, it covers 40 square miles, has a population of 78,808, gives employment to 30,500 workers, and distributes an annual payroll of $640.6 million.Example: In the palmier days of 1949, Bernard Berelson argued that 'the public library should be organized for those relatively few people in the community who can make 'serious' use of library materials'.Example: Not all embroidered bindings were bespoke, either; there was a flourishing trade in retailers' bindings for service books made by professional embroiderers in London during the period 1600 to 1650.Example: The 1st is to follow the fashions of mainstream publications and to contribute to their bloomy or gloomy predictions.Example: It is exactly because of their high standard that they have such a blooming business today.


» empresa prósperasuccess story .

Example: It is sad to see two rare success stories engaged in combat.

Próspero synonyms

happy in spanish: feliz, pronunciation: hæpi part of speech: adjective auspicious in spanish: propicio, pronunciation: ɑspɪʃəs part of speech: adjective easy in spanish: fácil, pronunciation: izi part of speech: adjective rich in spanish: Rico, pronunciation: rɪtʃ part of speech: adjective halcyon in spanish: martín pescador, pronunciation: hælsiən part of speech: adjective, noun comfortable in spanish: cómodo, pronunciation: kʌmfɜrtəbəl part of speech: adjective propitious in spanish: propicio, pronunciation: prəpɪʃəs part of speech: adjective successful in spanish: exitoso, pronunciation: səksesfəl part of speech: adjective golden in spanish: dorado, pronunciation: goʊldən part of speech: adjective lucky in spanish: suerte, pronunciation: lʌki part of speech: adjective thriving in spanish: prosperando, pronunciation: θraɪvɪŋ part of speech: adjective favorable in spanish: favorable, pronunciation: feɪvɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective encouraging in spanish: alentador, pronunciation: enkɜrɪdʒɪŋ part of speech: adjective roaring in spanish: rugido, pronunciation: rɔrɪŋ part of speech: noun booming in spanish: en auge, pronunciation: bumɪŋ part of speech: adjective flourishing in spanish: floreciente, pronunciation: flɜrɪʃɪŋ part of speech: adjective favourable in spanish: favorable, pronunciation: fɑvɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective palmy in spanish: de palma, pronunciation: pɑmi part of speech: adjective well-off in spanish: acomodado, pronunciation: welɔf part of speech: adjective well-heeled in spanish: adinerado, pronunciation: welhild part of speech: adjective well-to-do in spanish: bien hecho, pronunciation: weltudu part of speech: adjective prospering in spanish: prosperando, pronunciation: prɑspɜrɪŋ part of speech: adjective well-situated in spanish: bien situado, pronunciation: welsɪtʃueɪtɪd part of speech: adjective well-fixed in spanish: bien arreglado, pronunciation: welfɪkst part of speech: adjective
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