Prosperidad in english


pronunciation: prɑsperəti part of speech: noun
In gestures

prosperidad = advancement ; affluence ; prosperity ; boom. 

Example: In order to achieve good consistent indexing the indexer must have a thorough appreciation of the structure of the subject and the nature of the contribution that the document makes to the advancement of knowledge.Example: The euphoric years of affluence and expansion in the decades immediately following the midpoint of the century have given way to traumatic years of austerity and contraction.Example: Librarians already know how to get it, and must use the skill, for dissemination of knowledge is dissemination of prosperity.Example: The article 'The electronic boom: a gamble or a sure bet?' considers the threat of the new technology to the future of newspapers.


» en épocas de prosperidad económicain affluent times .

Example: This worked well in affluent times, but as a result of inflation, Denmark, like all the Western nations, has had to cut back spendind.

» prosperidad económicaeconomic prosperity .

Example: Like the smartphone, the astrolabe came into being during times of economic prosperity.

Prosperidad synonyms

successfulness in spanish: éxito, pronunciation: səksesfəlnəs part of speech: noun
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