Prospecto in english


pronunciation: liflət part of speech: noun
In gestures

prospecto = handbill ; leaflet ; prospectus [prospectuses, -pl.]. 

Example: A broadside is a separately published piece of paper, printed on one side only and intended to be read unfolded; usually intended to be posted, publicly distributed, or sold, e.g. proclamations, handbills, ballad-sheets, news-sheets.Example: Files of small documents such as leaflets and newspaper cuttings are a means of storing full text.Example: The reference service can provide university and college prospectuses, printed material on all aspects of careers and their selection, and examination requirements of professional bodies.

Prospecto synonyms

cusp in spanish: cúspide, pronunciation: kʌsp part of speech: noun brochure in spanish: folleto, pronunciation: broʊʃʊr part of speech: noun pamphlet in spanish: folleto, pronunciation: pæmflət part of speech: noun booklet in spanish: folleto, pronunciation: bʊklɪt part of speech: noun folder in spanish: carpeta, pronunciation: foʊldɜr part of speech: noun
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