Propulsar in english


pronunciation: prəpel part of speech: verb
In gestures

propulsar = power ; propel. 

Example: The other method was to increase the effective size of the press by using a cylindrical platen, powered either by hand or by steam.Example: A magnetic field propels the bubbles in the right direction through the film.


» vehículo propulsado por el esfuerzo físico humanohuman-powered vehicle .

Example: This guide contains information and links to sites of interest to anyone interested in human-powered vehicles or recumbent bicycles.

Propulsar synonyms

prompt in spanish: rápido, pronunciation: prɑmpt part of speech: adjective, verb move in spanish: movimiento, pronunciation: muv part of speech: verb, noun incite in spanish: incitar, pronunciation: ɪnsaɪt part of speech: verb impel in spanish: impulsar, pronunciation: ɪmpel part of speech: verb motivate in spanish: motivar, pronunciation: moʊtəveɪt part of speech: verb
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