Propugnar in english


pronunciation: ædvəkət part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

propugnar = espouse ; foster ; promote ; defend ; advocate ; forward. 

Example: Most respondents espoused the latter view as an appropriate response to IT developments to date.Example: Among Mr. Welsh's professional activities and accomplishments are his successful efforts to foster an increased two-way communication between LC's Processing Department and his professional colleagues in the field.Example: Initially, it is necessary that the scheme be published and available for purchase, and that its use is generally promoted.Example: A respondent is a candidate for a degree who, in an academic disputation, defends or opposes a thesis proposed by the praeses (q.v.); also called the defendant.Example: In order to understand the citation order that PRECIS indexing advocates it is necessary to examine the function of the operators more closely.Example: In order to forward the mission of the University, specific programs will be targeted for growth, consolidation, and possible elimination.


» propugnado desde hace mucho tiempolong-espoused .

Example: His long-espoused assertion that the development of any literacy takes off when it speaks to the needs of the individuals is clearly exemplified by the rapid assimilation of mobile communications technologies.

Propugnar synonyms

counsel in spanish: consejo, pronunciation: kaʊnsəl part of speech: noun recommend in spanish: recomendar, pronunciation: rekəmend part of speech: verb urge in spanish: impulso, pronunciation: ɜrdʒ part of speech: noun, verb proponent in spanish: proponente, pronunciation: prəpoʊnənt part of speech: noun counselor in spanish: consejero, pronunciation: kaʊnsəlɜr part of speech: noun preach in spanish: predicar, pronunciation: pritʃ part of speech: verb exponent in spanish: exponente, pronunciation: ekspoʊnənt part of speech: noun counsellor in spanish: consejero, pronunciation: kaʊnsəlɜr part of speech: noun counselor-at-law in spanish: consejero legal, pronunciation: kaʊnsəlɔrətlɔ part of speech: noun
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