Propósito in english


pronunciation: pɜrpəs part of speech: noun
In gestures

propósito = intent ; mission ; point ; purpose ; drift ; meaningfulness ; objective ; agenda ; resolution ; resolve ; design. 

Example: The quality of indexing is influenced by the intellectual level and intent of document content in the subject area.Example: Its mission is to advise the three sponsoring agencies on how best to coordinate their programs in this area and to recommend priorities for action.Example: There seems little point in hundreds of cataloguers in separate locations wading through cataloguing codes and classification schemes in order to create a variety of catalogue records for the same work.Example: Chapters 7 and 8 introduced the problems associated with author cataloguing and have surveyed the purpose of cataloguing codes.Example: The main drift of the proceedings concerned national libraries -- their role, functions and financing.Example: The author challenges the meaningfulness of precision and recall values as a measure of performance of a retrieval system.Example: An objective is an individual act intended to be carried out, and a number o which are required to be carried out in order to reach a goal.Example: Robert Kent's sole agenda is to attack Cuba and vilify the Cuban library community while supporting the US government's interventionist destabilization policies.Example: The Economic and Social Committee and the European Parliament will use it to broadcast their opinions and resolutions.Example: Their faces show the stern resolve and strength of people who have no time to shilly-shally.Example: Now this terrible message was good news to Florus; and because his design was to have a war kindled, he gave the ambassadors no answer at all.


» APP (a propósito)BTW (by the way) [En el correo electrónico, siglas utilizadas en un mensaje] .

Example: BTW (by the way) is a shorthand appended to a comment written in an online forum.

» a propósitodeliberatefor the recordincidentallyintentionallyby the wayin passinganecdotallypurposelyby designon purposewilfully [willfully, -USA]on a sidenotestudiouslyby the way of (a) digressionby the by(e)speaking of whichdesignedlyas an asideen passant  .

Example: Deliberate mnemonics are devices which help the user to remember and recall the notation for given subjects.

Example: For the record, schools and libraries in the late 1960s recovered in excess of $10,000,000 from publishers and wholesalers as a result of unfair practices highlighted by Mr. Scilken.

Example: Incidentally, this book was about the invasion of Denmark.

Example: In the cases where there was no match, we intentionally created a dirty authority file.

Example: It is not wise, by the way, to approach the author by telephone for this puts him on the spot and he may refuse simply in self-defense and especially if you happen to butt in when he is struggling with an obstinate chapter in a new book.

Example: She also indicated in passing that in future authors would not automatically pass over the copyright of research results in papers to publishers.

Example: Anecdotally, it is often assumed that users preferring print are among the most senior in academic rank and/or years.

Example: I have purposely refrained from discussing the theory of comparative librarianship which has up to now characterized much of the writing on the subject.

Example: The victims had been herded onto a wooden landing craft by the captain of a Honduras-registered ship who then proceeded, by accident or design, to ram the craft, killing the majority of people aboard.

Example: Most consumers felt confident that once a letter is written and posted, no one will read it either accidently or on purpose except for the intended addressee.

Example: But we are not then acting quite so much out of blindness or inarticulateness; we are selfishly or fearfully or wilfully trying to short-circuit what we know underneath to be more nearly the true state of things.

Example: On a sidenote, this book almost didn't happen when the author showed her editor her proposal.

Example: Previous economic historians have, by and large, studiously ignored the British slave trade.

Example: That, I may say by way of a digression, has never been my main objection to socialism.

Example: Zenobia, by-the-by, as I suppose you know, is merely her public name.

Example: Speaking of which, Chertoff recently lifted restrictions that have confined airline passengers to their seats for a half hour after taking off and before landing.

Example: In respect of those defects, the seller may be held liable where he has designedly concealed their existence from the purchaser.

Example: As an aside, if the analysis presented so far is correct, it has some interesting consequences.

Example: En passant some observations will be made about recent trends in the UK higher education system and how these have impacted on scholarship.

» a propósito deapropos of/to .

Example: After a few tangential remarks apropos of nothing, Carmichael left, a considerably less anxious person.

» a propósito de nadafor no specific reasonfor no particular reason .

Example: On February 20, 2000, she was arrested at home by police for no specific reason and illegally detained for fifteen days.

Example: Nearly a third of internet users go online on a typical day for no particular reason, just for fun or to pass the time.

» buenos propósitos de Año NuevoNew Year's resolutions .

Example: The article 'Keeping New Year's resolutions while counting down to the new millennium' discusses the following topics: self-discipline; losing weight; stopping smoking; starting an exercise programme; paying off bills; and meeting someone new.

» con el propósito dewith the purpose ofwith the aim ofin the drive toin a drive toin a move towith an aim to .

Example: Many libraries were visited with the purpose of understanding the structure and management of library services to children in that country = Se visitaron muchas bibliotecas con objeto de de conocer la organización y gestión de los servicios bibliotecarios para niños en este país.

Example: A wide area network with the aim of connecting all Arab Gulf countries in the near future.

Example: The story of the postwar diner suggests some ways that purveyors of consumer commodities finessed and exploited emergent social dislocations in the drive to expand and diversify markets.

Example: The library has contracted out the management of its computerized information system to Dynix in a drive to improve library service.

Example: In a move to cut costs, Mayor Tavares has proposed slashing, but not eliminating, funds to two bus programs that serve the elderly.

Example: The four of us, mum, dad and two kids, set off from Melbourne, Australia, in April 2008 with an aim to drive around the world.

» con el propósito de superarse uno mismoself-improvement-oriented .

Example: The picture of the self-improvement-oriented readers contrasts sharply with the typical adult user who borrows popular light fiction for nonpurposive leisure.

» de propósito generalgeneral-purpose .

Example: Most information-retrieval systems are based on special-purpose text- or information-retrieval software which runs on general-purpose computers.

» hacerse el propósito de + Infinitivomake it + a point to + Infinitivomake + a point of + Gerundio .

Example: I made it a point to contact Balzac at least twice a day -- as I can do easily on my job -- and I graphed his mood, roughly, each time I saw him.

Example: Reference librarians shouldy make a point of constantly reminding themselves that serving these needs is what they are doing.

» hecho a propósitotailor-made [tailormade]custom-madecustom-built [custom built]custom-designed [custom designed]custom-tailored [custom tailored] .

Example: Fourthly, it had an inbuilt classified notational structure which were almost tailor-made for the production of subject catalogues.

Example: The only viable alternatives open to would-be users are to produce or commission the production of custom-made application programs.

Example: This library van was custom built for the needs of older people and those with mobility problems, and incorporates a lift, grab rails, and comfortable seating.

Example: Because of this absence of standardisation each modern archivist wants an individual custom-designed data base management system.

Example: The result is an optimal cluster of relevant data items, custom-tailored for each user's needs.

» lesionarse a propósitowound + Reflexivo + on purposeself-injureself-harm .

Example: She wounded herself on purpose with a safety pin as well as pretended to be having a miscarriage in order to be released by the terrorists.

Example: However, in the long-term, people who self-injure have a much higher risk of suicide, which is why it's so important to seek help.

Example: When people self-harm, they are not trying to kill themselves -- they are trying to cope with their problems and pain.

» para cualquier propósitofor all purposes .

Example: Because there is no accepted standard for all purposes, system designers have developed their own schemes for their own needs.

» propósitosdesigns .

Example: The article is entitled 'Wresting money from the canny Scotsman: Melvil Dewey's designs on Carnegie's millions, 1902-1906'.

» ver el propósitosee + the point .

Example: I can't see the point of telephone books in this day and age.

Propósito synonyms

design in spanish: diseño, pronunciation: dɪzaɪn part of speech: noun function in spanish: función, pronunciation: fʌŋkʃən part of speech: noun resolve in spanish: resolver, pronunciation: rizɑlv part of speech: verb, noun use in spanish: utilizar, pronunciation: jus part of speech: noun, verb aim in spanish: objetivo, pronunciation: eɪm part of speech: noun, verb role in spanish: papel, pronunciation: roʊl part of speech: noun purport in spanish: significado, pronunciation: pɜrpɔrt part of speech: noun, verb intent in spanish: intención, pronunciation: ɪntent part of speech: noun determination in spanish: determinación, pronunciation: dɪtɜrməneɪʃən part of speech: noun propose in spanish: proponer, pronunciation: prəpoʊz part of speech: verb intention in spanish: intención, pronunciation: ɪntentʃən part of speech: noun
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