Proporción in english


pronunciation: prəpɔrʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

proporción = multiplication ratio ; percentage ; proportion ; ratio ; share ; split. 

Example: Would you have some ideas as to what the multiplication ratio of bibliographic records affected by those transactions was against the authority file?.Example: But those institutions, and I am referring particularly to public libraries, serve a very large percentage of the nation's library users.Example: Perfect recall can only be achieved by a drop in the proportion of relevant documents considered.Example: The microfiche is a common form for catalogues and indexes, usually 208 or 270 frames per fiche, in a piece of film and with a reduction ratio of 42 or 48:1.Example: The clicker paid each man according to what he had set, keeping for himself a share equal to that of the most productive hand.Example: For instance, a public library service might be said to have a 40:60 split in the provision of information and/or cultural materials, while an industrial library will be wholly information-based.


» alcanzar proporciones alarmantesreach + alarming proportions .

Example: Trafficking in children in Southeast Asia for prostitution & pornography has reached alarming proportions.

» alcanzar proporciones catastróficasreach + catastrophic proportions .

Example: The rate of coastal land loss in Louisiana has reached catastrophic proportions.

» alcanzar proporciones de crisisgrow to + crisis proportions .

Example: When advance thought and analysis are routine, problems are less likely to grow to crisis proportions.

» alcanzar proporciones desmesuradasreach + epic proportions .

Example: The environmental waste problem is now reaching epic proportions.

» alcanzar proporciones épicasreach + epic proportions .

Example: The environmental waste problem is now reaching epic proportions.

» alcanzar proporciones epidémicasreach + epidemic proportions .

Example: Within the past few decades a deadly disease of coconut palms has appeared and reached epidemic proportions.

» alcanzar proporciones exageradasreach + epic proportions .

Example: The environmental waste problem is now reaching epic proportions.

» alcanzar proporciones mundialesreach + global proportions .

Example: Over the past decade concern over the destruction of the world's coastal rainforests has reached global proportions.

» crisis de enormes proporcionessituation of crisis proportions .

Example: There are a number of factors prevalent in mainly urbanized society which together have produced a situation of crisis proportions.

» de proporciones catastróficasof catastrophic proportions .

Example: India seems to be hurtling towards a medical crisis of catastrophic proportions but this can be avoided with major lifestyle modifications.

» de proporciones históricaslarger-than-life .

Example: Significant political events often summon forth larger-than-life figures and the inevitable clash of titans.

» de proporciones mundialesof global proportions .

Example: Armed violence -- the use of arms to inflict death or injury -- is an epidemic of global proportions.

» en proporción aproportionate toin proportion to .

Example: Rewards proportionate to readership rather than sales may provide a little extra income for authors.

Example: Each member state is allocated a fixed quota in proportion to the seriousness of its regional problems.

» la proporción mayor dethe lion's share of .

Example: Men still take the lion's share of IT management salaries.

» no guardar proporción conbe (far) out of proportion to .

Example: As for hell, it's far out of proportion to any sin we might have committed and makes a travesty of God.

» proporción del 50 por ciento50-50 split .

Example: Alimony and child support is entirely up to the discretion of the judge and is nowhere near an equitable 50-50 split as mandated by community property laws.

» proporción del 50 por ciento entre hombres y mujeres50-50 gender split .

Example: The leader of the the Labor Party thinks membership is too blokey and has started a recruitment drive to attain a 50-50 gender split among the rank and file.

» proporción de pantallaaspect ratio .

Example: All of the games designed for a screen that has a standard aspect ratio seem to be ruined when played on a widescreen.

» proporción dimensionalaspect ratio .

Example: All of the games designed for a screen that has a standard aspect ratio seem to be ruined when played on a widescreen.

» proporciones astronómicasastronomical proportions .

Example: This is a possibility rarely, if ever, adopted because the total number of permutations of even a few coordinated terms soon reaches astronomical proportions.

» proporción hombres-mujeressex ratio .

Example: This article reports on a study of the basic parameters such as, sex ratio, academic background, age group, and locality of origin of the LIS education students at Manipur University.

» sentido de la proporciónsense of proportion .

Example: In 1912 a group of women library students were accused of lacking a sense of proportion, being peevish and being absorbed in small details.

» tarea de enormes proporcionesdaunting task .

Example: With so many styles and options available on baby cribs today, purchasing the perfect baby crib can be a daunting task.

» una gran proporción dea large proportion of .

Example: The growth of the Internet in China from the mid 1990s onwards has been accompanied by the assumption that a large proportion of Chinese Internet users are interested in politically subversive action.

Proporción synonyms

balance in spanish: equilibrar, pronunciation: bæləns part of speech: noun dimension in spanish: dimensión, pronunciation: dɪmenʃən part of speech: noun symmetry in spanish: simetría, pronunciation: sɪmətri part of speech: noun proportionality in spanish: proporcionalidad, pronunciation: prəpɔrʃənælɪti part of speech: noun
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