Proporcionar in english


pronunciation: prəvaɪd part of speech: verb
In gestures

proporcionar = give ; issue ; provide ; furnish (with) ; produce ; dispense ; offer ; serve up. 

Example: An abstract of a bibliography can be expected to note whether author affiliations are given = An abstract of a bibliography can be expected to note whether author affiliations are given.Example: Once a user is registered, a password will be issued which provides access to all or most of the data bases offered by the host as and when the user wishes.Example: To start with, most catalogues, indexes, data bases and bibliographies provide access to information or documents.Example: One of the definitions of 'organise' is to furnish with organs, make organic, make into living being or tissue.Example: The perfect librarian may be defined as one who produces the information a reader requires as soon as the reader asks for it.Example: This paper describes the role of the federal government in dispensing aid to public libraries as part of the combat against the Great Depression of the 1930s.Example: Thus some current awareness services can be purchased from external vendors, whilst others may be offered by a library or information unit to its particular group of users.Example: A watering hole in Spain is serving up free beer and tapas to recession-weary customers who insult its bartenders as a way to let off steam.


» proporcionar apoyoprovide + supportsupport .

Example: Read Illinois has become a model programme that draws together and provides support to writers, scholars, teachers, librarians, publishers and booksellers.

Example: In order to support these three elements, and to ensure that schemes are updated it is important to have some organisation which takes responsibility for revision and publication.

» proporcionar asesoramientodispense + advice .

Example: The sound rule that the librarian must not dispense medical or legal advice goes back at least a hundred years, having been clearly prescribed in Samuel S Green's pioneer paper of 1876.

» proporcionar conocimientos técnicossupply + know-how .

Example: The European Development Fund finances projects in overseas countries for which European-based firms can supply equipment and know-how.

» proporcionar el + Nombre + adecuado al + Nombre + adecuado en el momento adecuadoprovide + the right + Nombre + to the right + Nombre + at the right time .

Example: To say that the objectives of a library are to provide the right book to the right reader at the right time is not enough.

» proporcionar gran placerfind + great pleasure in .

Example: I find great pleasure in using color out of context to express emotion and to entertain the viewer.

» proporcionar informaciónrelease + information .

Example: Research in developing countries into armament and disarmament is hampered by the reluctance of governments to release information.

» proporcionar los medios paraprovide + the material for .

Example: He believed that Jewish mysticism and Zionism could provide the material for the historical redemption of the Jews.

» proporcionar pruebasprovide + evidence .

Example: Against that kind of thinking it is pointless to quote research figures and surveys and reports that provide evidence time and again of the importance of book ownership in the acquisition of the 'better education' everybody wants for their children.

» proporcionar una oportunidadprovide + Nombre + with an opportunityprovide + an opportunity .

Example: We provide them with plenty of opportunities to build their confidence, sharpen their skills, and get off on the right foot when it comes to beginning their career.

Example: A staff development programme on computer technology at the University of Missouri provided the opportunity to study computer anxiety and other factors related to resistance to computers.

» proporcionar una respuestafurnish + an answerprovide + an answer .

Example: All of these data banks furnish specific answers to enquiries without the need to consult another cited item.

Example: A library collection is only capable of fulfilling its intended function of providing ready answers to practical questions if it is adequately organized for access.

» proporcionar un gran placergive + Nombre + great pleasure to .

Example: Horses have always had a special place in her heart and it gives her great pleasure to capture them.

Proporcionar synonyms

render in spanish: hacer, pronunciation: rendɜr part of speech: verb supply in spanish: suministro, pronunciation: səplaɪ part of speech: noun, verb offer in spanish: oferta, pronunciation: ɔfɜr part of speech: verb, noun cater in spanish: abastecer, pronunciation: keɪtɜr part of speech: verb ply in spanish: capa, pronunciation: plaɪ part of speech: verb, noun furnish in spanish: proporcionar, pronunciation: fɜrnɪʃ part of speech: verb put up in spanish: Hospedarse, pronunciation: pʊtʌp part of speech: verb
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