Propio in english


pronunciation: oʊn part of speech: verb
In gestures

propio1 = home-grown [home grown/homegrown] ; of its own ; own ; of + Posesivo + own ; self ; distinctive. 

Example: Most media centers have not used AACR in the past but have followed their own home-grown rules.Example: The document has no title of its own.Example: The command function 'OWN' serves to use a system's own command when the general system, in this case EURONET, does not cater for a specialised function available on a particular system.Example: There is also a scheme afoot to help services create specialized data bases of their own using ECLAS norms.Example: In the public library grand tradition this was patently the self image of the educated middle class.Example: In addition to main or added entries under titles added entries are often also made in respect of distinctive series titles.


» abandonar + Nombre + a + Posesivo + propia suerteabandon + Nombre + to + Posesivo + own devicesabandon + Nombre + to + Posesivo + own wits .

Example: Ribbentrop had been abandoned to his own devices, no longer the central figure he had once been in the affairs of state.

Example: Imagine a young man, alone and without supplies or tools, abandoned to his own wits in the middle of hostile enemy territory.

» actuar en defensa propiaact in + self-defence .

Example: A police officer accused of assaulting a group of party-goers said he acted in self defence, a court was told today.

» a cuenta propiaat + Posesivo + (own) expenseat + Posesivo + own expenseat + Posesivo + (own) cost .

Example: They believe that the main use for government is for some people to lord it over others at their expense.

Example: Mr Dong Ming embarked on an eight-day bicycle ride to Beijing at his own expense in order to attend the IFLA Conference.

Example: In order to help in the work, she appointed a catechist, Maria Savari, at her own cost.

» adquirir su propia dinámicatake on + its/their own momentum .

Example: Through exploitation rose resistance and protest movements which took on their own momentum.

» adquirir su propio impulsotake on + its/their own momentum .

Example: Through exploitation rose resistance and protest movements which took on their own momentum.

» al propio ritmo de Unoat + Posesivo + own pace .

Example: Academic libraries have developed at their own pace with both internal and external stimuli affecting them.

» amor propioself-esteem [self esteem]pride .

Example: Searching descriptor fields for such key terms, e.g. 'FIND: self-esteem in de', can be far more precise than a free text search, eliminating false hits.

Example: It is a matter of some small pride that my account of the eighteenth edition of Dewey appeared at about the same time as the official publication of the scheme itself, thanks to the cooperation of the editor, Mr Ben Custer.

» ante + Posesivo + (propios) ojosunder + Posesivo + (very) eyesbefore + Posesivo + (very) eyesbefore + Posesivo + (own two/own) eyes [Las posibilidades son before + Posesivo + eyes, before + Posesivo + own eyes o before + Posesivo + own two eyes] .

Example: Life was simple until she bega to question events in her past and what lies ahead of her, and then things start to unravel at an alarming speed under her very eyes.

Example: There was a short silence but, at the time, it seemed like an eternity as her entire career flashed before her eyes.

Example: She is so caught up in her relationship with Flynn that she can't see what is going on before her own two eyes.

» a + Posesivo + (propia) bolato the beat of + Posesivo + (own) drum(er) .

Example: He will play a game of footy and just play to the beat of his own drum not the team's.

» a + Posesivo + propio ritmoin + Posesivo + own (good) time .

Example: Then when you've got a degree you can get a decent job and pay me back in your own good time.

» aprender a su propio ritmolearn at + Posesivo + own pace .

Example: A student-centred model is recommended, which implies independent or self-study under the direct supervision of the lecturer, under whose guidance the student learns at his/her own pace.

» a propia cuentaat + Posesivo + (own) cost .

Example: In order to help in the work, she appointed a catechist, Maria Savari, at her own cost.

» arreglar + Posesivo + (propia) vidaput + Posesivo + (own) house in orderget + Posesivo + (own) house in order .

Example: These denunciations make libraries look both sanctimonious and hypocritical for trying to save the world when they have failed to put ther own house in order.

Example: We Americans need to get our own house in order before trying to police the world.

» arreglar + Posesivo + (propios) asuntosput + Posesivo + (own) house in orderget + Posesivo + (own) house in order .

Example: These denunciations make libraries look both sanctimonious and hypocritical for trying to save the world when they have failed to put ther own house in order.

Example: We Americans need to get our own house in order before trying to police the world.

» asuntos propiospersonal business .

Example: Payment for time not worked includes vacations, sick leave, holidays, and leave because of National Guard duty, jury duty, death in the family, and personal business.

» a su propio ritmoat an individual pace .

Example: The advantages, other than the savings in costs, are that they allow the student to progress at an individual pace = Las ventajas, además del ahorro en los costes, son que permiten al estudiante avanzar a su propio ritmo.

» a título propioin + Posesivo + own right .

Example: Each of these is sufficiently significant that they repay study in their own right.

» avanzar a + Posesivo + (propio) ritmomarch to (the beat of) + Posesivo + (own) drum(mer) [Las diferentes combinaciones son: march to the beat of + Posesivo + own drum o march to the beat of + Posesivo + drum o march to + Posesivo + own drum o march to + Posesivo + drum o march to the beat of + Posesivo + own drummer o march to the beat of + Posesivo + drummer o march to + Posesivo + own drummer o march to + Posesivo + drummer]march to + a different drum/drummer/beat/tune [Las diferentes combinaciones son: march to + a different drum o march to + a different drummer o march to + a different beat o march to + a different tune
march to + the beat of a different drummer/tune [Las diferentes combinaciones son: march to + the beat of a different drummer o march to + the beat of a different tune
follow + Posesivo + own lead .

Example: That means stocks in recent weeks have been marching to the beats of their own drummers rather than rising or falling in lockstep with the overall market.

Example: It has had a long-standing reputation of being a city of free thinkers: artists, writers, people who march to a different drum, and people who don't march at all..

Example: I've always marched to the beat of a different drummer, but it's been a lonely, lonely journey.

Example: Though he typically follows his own lead, Robert values the opinions of others and will normally seek feedback from a number of individuals on the same subject.

» bailar a + Propio + propio sonmarch to (the beat of) + Posesivo + (own) drum(mer) [Las diferentes combinaciones son: march to the beat of + Posesivo + own drum o march to the beat of + Posesivo + drum o march to + Posesivo + own drum o march to + Posesivo + drum o march to the beat of + Posesivo + own drummer o march to the beat of + Posesivo + drummer o march to + Posesivo + own drummer o march to + Posesivo + drummer]march to + a different drum/drummer/beat/tune [Las diferentes combinaciones son: march to + a different drum o march to + a different drummer o march to + a different beat o march to + a different tune
march to + the beat of a different drummer/tune [Las diferentes combinaciones son: march to + the beat of a different drummer o march to + the beat of a different tune
follow + Posesivo + own lead .

Example: That means stocks in recent weeks have been marching to the beats of their own drummers rather than rising or falling in lockstep with the overall market.

Example: It has had a long-standing reputation of being a city of free thinkers: artists, writers, people who march to a different drum, and people who don't march at all..

Example: I've always marched to the beat of a different drummer, but it's been a lonely, lonely journey.

Example: Though he typically follows his own lead, Robert values the opinions of others and will normally seek feedback from a number of individuals on the same subject.

» bajo + Posesivo + propia cuenta (y riesgo)at + Posesivo + (own) risk .

Example: Participants attending this field trip do so at their own risk.

» bajo + Posesivo + (propia) responsabilidadunder + Posesivo + (own) responsibility .

Example: The Chairman later circulated under his own responsibility summaries of all discussions held at the informal meetings.

» bajo + Posesivo + propio riesgoat + Posesivo + (own) risk .

Example: Participants attending this field trip do so at their own risk.

» bar que elabora su propia cervezabrew pub .

Example: Then there are the dozens of brew pubs that have sprung up nationwide.

» buscar el beneficio propiopush + Posesivo + (personal) agenda .

Example: She interrupted other speakers to push her agenda, and failed to keep her answers relevant to the questions.

» característica propiatrademark .

Example: This slightly off-balance, whimsical remark was a Marsha James' trademark.

» cavar + Posesivo + propia tumbadig + Posesivo + own grave .

Example: The message was unmistakable: by blowing the whistle on union corruption she was digging her own grave.

» cavarse su propia tumbaanother nail in + Posesivo + coffin .

Example: In the long run this is another nail in his coffin and a severe dent for Britain within the EU.

» colocación de publicación en la web por el propio autorself-archiving [Colocación de la producción de un(a) autor(a) en una página web institucional de acceso abierto hecha por él(la) mismo/a] .

Example: Efforts aimed at giving authors control over the communication and distribution of their work, in the form of electronic author self-archiving systems, are gaining ground.

» comprender + Posesivo + propias accionesunderstand + Posesivo + own actions .

Example: While they lead a bleak existence of isolation, danger and loneliness, these men reach out to tell their stories and try to understand their own actions through art.

» con financiación propiaself-funded .

Example: Some institutions will class you as self-funded unless your fees are paid directly to the University via a third party organisation.

» con + Posesivo + propias manoswith + Posesivo + bare hands .

Example: A woman who ripped off her ex-boyfriend's testicle with her bare hands has been sent to prison.

» con sus propias palabrasin + Posesivo + own words .

Example: The enquirer should be encouraged to express himself freely and if necessary at length, so that we have as complete a statement as he is able to give of what he wants, in his own words.

» contar + Posesivo + propia vida y milagrosspill + Posesivo + guts .

Example: He's as shy as shy can be, but give him a couple of beers and he'll spill his guts about anything.

» decidir por cuenta propiatake it upon + Reflexivo + to .

Example: In return, the young librarian took it upon himself to design an entire section of the second floor to be the domain of young adult.

» de cosecha propiahome-grown [home grown/homegrown] .

Example: Most media centers have not used AACR in the past but have followed their own home-grown rules.

» defensa propiaself-defence [self-defense, -USA] .

Example: She holds that war is just if conducted for just ends (self-defence and the righting of wrongs).

» delante de + Posesivo + (propios) ojosunder + Posesivo + (very) eyesbefore + Posesivo + (very) eyesin front of + Posesivo + (very) eyesbefore + Posesivo + (own two/own) eyes [Las posibilidades son before + Posesivo + eyes, before + Posesivo + own eyes o before + Posesivo + own two eyes] .

Example: Life was simple until she bega to question events in her past and what lies ahead of her, and then things start to unravel at an alarming speed under her very eyes.

Example: There was a short silence but, at the time, it seemed like an eternity as her entire career flashed before her eyes.

Example: She was not only caught up in the Paris attacks, but she also saw a man shot right in front of her eyes.

Example: She is so caught up in her relationship with Flynn that she can't see what is going on before her own two eyes.

» de la propia comunidadcommunity-owned .

Example: These outposts of the Information Society, often community-owned and run, support local economic and social development by providing a wide range of information services.

» de la propia empresacompany-owned .

Example: If workers exceed established standards, they are 'awarded' trips at company expense, vacations at company-owned resorts at reduced rates, or special bonuses or gifts.

» demasiado + Adjetivo + para su propio bientoo + Adjetivo + for + Posesivo + own good .

Example: The article 'Is IT getting too clever for its own good?' considers future proofing in information technology.

» de + Posesivo + propia bocastraight from the horse's mouth .

Example: Well, if you wondered just how far along Iran was in developing a nuclear weapon, we heard it straight from the horse's mouth yesterday.

» de + Posesivo + propia cabezaout of + Posesivo + own head .

Example: She takes my notes and puts them into literary form, and adds a good deal out of her own head.

» de + Posesivo + propia cosechaout of + Posesivo + own head .

Example: She takes my notes and puts them into literary form, and adds a good deal out of her own head.

» de + Posesivo + propio bolsilloat + Posesivo + (own) costat + Posesivo + own expense .

Example: In order to help in the work, she appointed a catechist, Maria Savari, at her own cost.

Example: Mr Dong Ming embarked on an eight-day bicycle ride to Beijing at his own expense in order to attend the IFLA Conference.

» de propia cosechahome-grown [home grown/homegrown] .

Example: Most media centers have not used AACR in the past but have followed their own home-grown rules.

» dinero propioprivate means .

Example: The captain's living quarters in a warship were furnished according to his pocket, the bare necessities in the case of an officer without private means, and luxury for a noble or wealthy man.

» el propio + NombreNombre + himself/herself/themselvesthe very + Nombre + himself/herself/themselves .

Example: However, Peter himself is forced to appear on the deck to stop the ship's captain from taking matters into his own hands.

Example: I have experienced not only iffy quality on the food at this pub, but absolutely awful service from the staff and the very owners themselves.

» en beneficio propioto + Posesivo + advantage .

Example: Information professionals can use the Internet to their advantage by branding themselves as an arbiter of quality.

» encontrar + Posesivo + propio techofind + Posesivo + own roof .

Example: My friend's boyfriend picked me up at the airport and he let me crashed at his place until I can find my own roof.

» encontrar su propio modo de actuarfind + Posesivo + own way .

Example: For much study and research, the researcher must find his own way, at least initially, because he has not yet clarified his mind or his aim to the point where he can pose precise questions.

» en el propio campus universitariocampus-based .

Example: Both campus-based universities and distance teaching universities are bureaucratised organizations that have created environments in which education is dehumanised.

» en el propio cortijoon-farm .

Example: Over the last 50 years on-farm mechanization has increased resulting in a decrease in the employed farm labour force.

» enfrente de + Posesivo + (propios) ojosbefore + Posesivo + (very) eyesin front of + Posesivo + (very) eyesunder + Posesivo + (very) eyesbefore + Posesivo + (own two/own) eyes [Las posibilidades son before + Posesivo + eyes, before + Posesivo + own eyes o before + Posesivo + own two eyes] .

Example: There was a short silence but, at the time, it seemed like an eternity as her entire career flashed before her eyes.

Example: She was not only caught up in the Paris attacks, but she also saw a man shot right in front of her eyes.

Example: Life was simple until she bega to question events in her past and what lies ahead of her, and then things start to unravel at an alarming speed under her very eyes.

Example: She is so caught up in her relationship with Flynn that she can't see what is going on before her own two eyes.

» en la propia fincaon-farm .

Example: Over the last 50 years on-farm mechanization has increased resulting in a decrease in the employed farm labour force.

» en la propia granjaon-farm .

Example: Over the last 50 years on-farm mechanization has increased resulting in a decrease in the employed farm labour force.

» en la propia habitaciónensuite .

Example: On the ground floor there is an additional double bedroom with one single bed and a truckle bed and ensuite shower room.

» en la propia tiendain-store .

Example: Our first four outlet stores have helped us to learn this business and refine our merchandising and in-store presentation.

» en las propias palabras de uno mismoin + Posesivo + own words .

Example: The enquirer should be encouraged to express himself freely and if necessary at length, so that we have as complete a statement as he is able to give of what he wants, in his own words.

» en + Posesivo + propio beneficioto + Posesivo + advantage .

Example: Information professionals can use the Internet to their advantage by branding themselves as an arbiter of quality.

» entender + Posesivo + propias accionesunderstand + Posesivo + own actions .

Example: While they lead a bleak existence of isolation, danger and loneliness, these men reach out to tell their stories and try to understand their own actions through art.

» entre + Posesivo + (propias) filaswithin + Posesivo + (own) ranks .

Example: Within their own ranks most librarians have been calling themselves professionals since Melvil Dewey made the claim.

» entre + Posesivo + (propios) componenteswithin + Posesivo + (own) ranks .

Example: Within their own ranks most librarians have been calling themselves professionals since Melvil Dewey made the claim.

» entre + Posesivo + (propios) integranteswithin + Posesivo + (own) ranks .

Example: Within their own ranks most librarians have been calling themselves professionals since Melvil Dewey made the claim.

» entre + Posesivo + (propios) miembroswithin + Posesivo + (own) ranks .

Example: Within their own ranks most librarians have been calling themselves professionals since Melvil Dewey made the claim.

» escuchar + Posesivo + (propio) cuerpolisten to + Posesivo + (own) body .

Example: Winfree said the most important thing that a woman can do is listen to her own body like she did.

» ganarse Algo por + Posesivo + propios méritosearn + Nombre + on + Posesivo + (own) merit(s) .

Example: He even makes her realise that she does not have to sleep with her boss to get promotion but can earn it on her own merits.

» gastos del propio bolsilloout-of-pocket expenditure [Generalmente, gastos que incurre un persona en tratamiento sanitario fuera de su seguro médico] .

Example: The average out-of-pocket expenditure for a mammogram in 2007 or 2008 was $33, representing 14.1% of the total mammogram expenditure ($266).

» gol en propia metaown goal .

Example: No one has ever lost a soccer game on a hat trick of three own goals -- at least not until recent developments in Washington.

» gol en propia porteríaown goal .

Example: No one has ever lost a soccer game on a hat trick of three own goals -- at least not until recent developments in Washington.

» hacer Algo por el propio bien de Alguiendo it for + Posesivo + own goodbe cruel to be kind .

Example: She has since forgiven her mother and knows she did it for her own good.

Example: What was clear in the report, however, is that its authors believed that sometimes a government needed to be cruel to be kind.

» hacer Algo por + Posesivo + propia cuentamake + Posesivo + own arrangements .

Example: For those who wish to make their own arrangements for accommodation, there are many hotels within easy walking distance.

» hacer prevaler + Posesivo + propias ideas y valoresassert + Posesivo + own ideas and values .

Example: Nevertheless the librarian must avoid the opposite extreme and he must avoid betraying his own ideals of freedom by attempting to assert his own ideas and values.

» hecho por la propia bibliotecain-house [inhouse] .

Example: Thus there are many different thesauri, some published and others strictly in-house.

» hundirse por su propio pesosink under + its own weight .

Example: The Great War of 1914-18 was a heavy blow for the Bulletin, from which it never really recovered, and in the 1920s it gradually sank under its own weight, helped by a forced move from its previous quarters to make room for a trade fair.

» imponer + Posesivo + (propia) opiniónimpose + Posesivo + (own) opinion .

Example: The film is told through the eyes of a bombed-out family; the director didn't want to impose her own opinions on the film.

» ir a + Posesivo + (propia) bolamarch to (the beat of) + Posesivo + (own) drum(mer) [Las diferentes combinaciones son: march to the beat of + Posesivo + own drum o march to the beat of + Posesivo + drum o march to + Posesivo + own drum o march to + Posesivo + drum o march to the beat of + Posesivo + own drummer o march to the beat of + Posesivo + drummer o march to + Posesivo + own drummer o march to + Posesivo + drummer]march to + a different drum/drummer/beat/tune [Las diferentes combinaciones son: march to + a different drum o march to + a different drummer o march to + a different beat o march to + a different tune
march to + the beat of a different drummer/tune [Las diferentes combinaciones son: march to + the beat of a different drummer o march to + the beat of a different tune
follow + Posesivo + own lead .

Example: That means stocks in recent weeks have been marching to the beats of their own drummers rather than rising or falling in lockstep with the overall market.

Example: It has had a long-standing reputation of being a city of free thinkers: artists, writers, people who march to a different drum, and people who don't march at all..

Example: I've always marched to the beat of a different drummer, but it's been a lonely, lonely journey.

Example: Though he typically follows his own lead, Robert values the opinions of others and will normally seek feedback from a number of individuals on the same subject.

» marchar a + Posesivo + (propio) ritmomarch to (the beat of) + Posesivo + (own) drum(mer) [Las diferentes combinaciones son: march to the beat of + Posesivo + own drum o march to the beat of + Posesivo + drum o march to + Posesivo + own drum o march to + Posesivo + drum o march to the beat of + Posesivo + own drummer o march to the beat of + Posesivo + drummer o march to + Posesivo + own drummer o march to + Posesivo + drummer]march to + a different drum/drummer/beat/tune [Las diferentes combinaciones son: march to + a different drum o march to + a different drummer o march to + a different beat o march to + a different tune
march to + the beat of a different drummer/tune [Las diferentes combinaciones son: march to + the beat of a different drummer o march to + the beat of a different tune
follow + Posesivo + own lead .

Example: That means stocks in recent weeks have been marching to the beats of their own drummers rather than rising or falling in lockstep with the overall market.

Example: It has had a long-standing reputation of being a city of free thinkers: artists, writers, people who march to a different drum, and people who don't march at all..

Example: I've always marched to the beat of a different drummer, but it's been a lonely, lonely journey.

Example: Though he typically follows his own lead, Robert values the opinions of others and will normally seek feedback from a number of individuals on the same subject.

» material editado por el propio autorself-published material .

Example: Research into self-published material is very recent and has been hampered by difficulties in defining such publications and in gaining access to such material = La investigación sobre el material editado por el propio autor es muy reciente y se ha visto obstaculizada por las dificultades de definir este tipo de publicaciones y de acceder a ellas.

» montar + Posesivo + propio negocioset + Reflexivo + up in business .

Example: The women, having first taken a loan from the Grameen Bank to set themselves up in business, make a living by providing a mobile phone service to their neighbours.

» muy propiohighly distinctive .

Example: Manga comics utilize the highly distinctive artistic styles found in Japenese comic books and Anime (animated cartoons) = Los comics manga utilizan estilos artísticos muy peculiares típicos de los tebeos y Anime (dibujos animados) japoneses.

» nombre propioforename  ; proper name .

Example: If initials only are noted effort is saved in reproducing full names and seeking out full forenames.

Example: Proper names, for example, names of persons, names of families, names of places.

» no reconocer como propiodisown .

Example: She has always lived with the knowledge that her blue-blooded family disowned her as a baby.

» ocuparse de los propios asuntos de Unomind + Posesivo + own business .

Example: She wanted to tell him to mind his own business, but since she was a bit indebted to him, she just had to grin and bear it.

» organizar Algo por + Posesivo + propia cuentamake + Posesivo + own arrangements .

Example: For those who wish to make their own arrangements for accommodation, there are many hotels within easy walking distance.

» pagar de + Posesivo + (propio) bolsillopay out of + Posesivo + (own) pocket .

Example: Some types of insurance may not cover these types of doctor-patient interactions, so the patient may have to pay out of his own pocket.

» pagarse + Posesivo + propios gastospay + Posesivo + own way .

Example: If they had to pay their own way, some schools would probably decide to spend their money elsewhere.

» para + Posesivo + propio bienfor + Posesivo + own good .

Example: It is imperative for young people to learn to be empathetic, both for their own good and for the good of society as a whole.

» patrocinado por la propia empresacompany-sponsored .

Example: This article looks at the publishing of house journals, or company-sponsored periodicals, from one particular point of view; the production of house journals by a publisher for a number of different companies.

» persona de la propia empresainsider  .

Example: All libraries, particularly those with rare book or manuscript collections, should take steps to minimise insider thefts.

» poner + Posesivo + (propio) sello personal enput + Posesivo + (own) personal stamp on .

Example: The ability to put our own personal stamp on things we own is a great opportunity to stand out from the rest and really enjoy something unique.

» por cuenta propiaat + Posesivo + own expenseoff + Posesivo + own bat .

Example: Mr Dong Ming embarked on an eight-day bicycle ride to Beijing at his own expense in order to attend the IFLA Conference.

Example: Off her own bat, the woman who hates having her photograph taken and never wears make-up, organised a professional photo shoot of herself.

» por decisión propiaby choice .

Example: While there were certainly people who stayed behind by choice, most stayed behind because they had no choice.

» por derecho (propio)as of rightby right .

Example: In some cases there is an appeal as of right and a slightly different procedure applies.

Example: The pension entitlements they have earned are theirs by right.

» por derecho propioin + Posesivo + own right .

Example: Each of these is sufficiently significant that they repay study in their own right.

» por elección propiaby choice .

Example: While there were certainly people who stayed behind by choice, most stayed behind because they had no choice.

» por + Posesivo + propia cuentaat + Posesivo + own expense .

Example: Mr Dong Ming embarked on an eight-day bicycle ride to Beijing at his own expense in order to attend the IFLA Conference.

» por + Posesivo + propia iniciativaoff + Posesivo + own bat .

Example: Off her own bat, the woman who hates having her photograph taken and never wears make-up, organised a professional photo shoot of herself.

» por + Posesivo + (propiaby + Posesivo + (own/very) nature .

Example: Freedom, by its nature, cannot be imposed -- it must be chosen.

» por + Posesivo + (propia) naturalezain + Posesivo + (own/very) nature .

Example: Things which are not in commerce, as public roads, are in their nature unalienable.

» por + Posesivo + propia voluntadof + Posesivo + own accord .

Example: Certainly, as we know from our previous discussion, no institution of its own accord would change at the breakneck pace at which our own field appears to be moving.

» por + Posesivo + propio bienfor + Posesivo + own good .

Example: It is imperative for young people to learn to be empathetic, both for their own good and for the good of society as a whole.

» por + Posesivo + propios méritoson + Posesivo + own merit(s) .

Example: She wanted to climb the success ladder on her own merits of intellect and ability.

» por propia iniciativaself-directed .

Example: Libraries can play an important role in self-directed learning and in improving adult reading skills = Las bibliotecas pueden desempeñar un importante papel en el aprendizaje autodidacta y en la mejora de las habilidades lectoras de los adultos.

» por su propio derechoin + Posesivo + own right .

Example: Each of these is sufficiently significant that they repay study in their own right.

» promovido por el propio sistema de informacióninformation-led  .

Example: Medical professionals are convinced that the provision of information for doctors should be 'organization- and culture-led, rather than information-led'.

» propio campo de juegohome turfhome ground .

Example: It was a huge team effort to beat a team who we knew would come at us strong on their home turf.

Example: The fact that they have suffered no more than one defeat at home ground this season is giving the fans a reason for optimism ahead of Tuesday's clash.

» propio degermane to .

Example: The author discusses various ethical issues which are germane to the global information age.

» propio de espíascloak-and-dagger .

Example: There is also a large amount of information that is kept secret: not merely cloak-and-dagger state secrets, but vast quantities of confidential technical and commercial data.

» propio del lugarindigenous .

Example: For example, the Library of Congress established names of indigenous American and African peoples are very often derogatory corruptions of their real names.

» propio de los hombresblokey .

Example: The leader of the the Labor Party thinks membership is too blokey and has started a recruitment drive to attain a 50-50 gender split among the rank and file.

» propio del sistemabuilt-in .

Example: To use the 'default' or built-in command settings, simply press RETURN.

» propio de niñagirlish  ; girly [girlier -comp., girliest -sup.] [También escrito girlie] .

Example: It is not only females who need to demand liberation from their restrictive, stereotyped roles -- males must also be allowed to do 'boyish' or 'girlish' things as they choose.

Example: I know I sound all girly and soft but I guess it's in a girl's nature to become all emotional.

» propio de niñoboyish  .

Example: It is not only females who need to demand liberation from their restrictive, stereotyped roles -- males must also be allowed to do 'boyish' or 'girlish' things as they choose.

» propio de tíosblokey .

Example: The leader of the the Labor Party thinks membership is too blokey and has started a recruitment drive to attain a 50-50 gender split among the rank and file.

» propio de un caballerogentlemanlike .

Example: Mr. Bingley was good-looking and gentlemanlike: he had a pleasant countenance, and easy, unaffected manners.

» propio estilohouse style [En la corrección de pruebas, manera de presentar información (puntuación, uso de las mayúsculas, cursivas, etc.) típico de una editorial] .

Example: Many academic publishers insist upon any references supplied to books and papers being cited in their particular house style.

» propio + Nombrevery + Nombre .

Example: Packages are used by many clients of the developer, and this very fact can lead to many benefits.

» propios ingresosearned income .

Example: The financing of public libraries will in the future require a mix of taxes, earned income and funds from the private sector.

» propio terreno de juegohome turfhome ground .

Example: It was a huge team effort to beat a team who we knew would come at us strong on their home turf.

Example: The fact that they have suffered no more than one defeat at home ground this season is giving the fans a reason for optimism ahead of Tuesday's clash.

» que busca el beneficio propioself-serving .

Example: At the same time he warns against self-serving marketing.

» recogida en su propia puertakerbside collectioncurbside collection .

Example: They also provide a kerbside collection service for recyclable and non-recyclable household rubbish.

Example: The following is the list of acceptable marterials for curbside collection.

» restablecer + Posesivo + propia identidadre-establish + Posesivo + own identity .

Example: This enabled them to re-establish their own identities and relieved them of the incidence of getting involved in 'library business'.

» revista editada por la propia instituciónhouse journal .

Example: This article looks at the publishing of house journals, or company-sponsored periodicals, from one particular point of view; the production of house journals by a publisher for a number of different companies.

» según sus propias condicioneson + Posesivo + own terms .

Example: Libraries want to deal with issues on their own terms and not on the terms of their clients.

» según sus propias palabrasin + Posesivo + own terms .

Example: The most satisfactory results were obtained when the requester was obliged to formulate the request in detail in his own terms.

» sentido muy desarrollado de su propio territorioterritoriality .

Example: We lapsed into our usual professional concerns and institutional territoriality.

» ser la propia responsabilidad de Alguienbe of + Posesivo + own making .

Example: This environment is one of the library's own making and includes intangibles that cannot be measured but that are necessary for quality performance.

» ser + Posesivo + (propia) culpabe + Posesivo + (own) fault .

Example: Peter was trying to convince himself that it wasn't his fault as he navigated the glistening slippery streets.

» ser propio debe proper of .

Example: Exuberance and enthusiasm are proper to the young, as Quintillian remarked: 'The young should be daring and inventive and should rejoice in their inventions, even though correctiveness and severity are still to be acquired'.

» tener miedo hasta de su (propia) sombrabe afraid of + Posesivo + own shadow .

Example: Fear of change, fear of moving, fear of leaving a bad marriage -- this woman's probably afraid of her own shadow = Miedo al cambio, miedo a mudarse, miedo a dejar un mal matrimonio; esta mujer tiene probablemente miedo hasta de su propia sombra.

» tener + Posesivo + propio cochehave + Posesivo + own wheels .

Example: Needless to say, she was pretty stoked about the prospect of having her own wheels.

» tirarse piedras contra + Posesivo + propio tejadocut + the branch + you sit oncut off + Posesivo + nose to spite + Posesivo + faceshoot + Reflexivo + in the footbe + Posesivo + (own) worst enemy .

Example: It may sound as if the librarians and information professionales are about to cut the branch on which they sit, but progress aimed toward informational self-service cannot be stopped.

Example: The article 'Cutting off one's nose to spite one's face' discusses the harmful results to British libraries of increasing fees for overseas library students.

Example: In other words, we have become our worst enemy, continually shooting ourselves in the foot.

Example: If you put a lot of effort into losing weight but just don't seem to get results, you may be your own worst enemy.

» todas las iniciales del nombre propiofull initials .

Example: A correctly rendered surname together with the full initials is usually sufficient to ensure that the searcher will have no trouble, for instance, HAY, E.S.

» tomarse + Expresión Temporal + de asuntos propiostake + Expresión Temporal + offhave + Expresión Temporal + off work .

Example: Incentives to earn more than a living were few, and if a man could get his bread by less than a whole week's work, he might well take the rest of the time off.

Example: It's quite easy for me to arrange to have the same weeks off work, because I do locum jobs in the library.

» tomarse la justicia por + Posesivo + propia manotake + the law into + Posesivo + own handstake + justice into + Posesivo + own hands .

Example: A woman takes the law into her own hands after police ignore her pleas to arrest the man responsible for her husband's death.

Example: So, knowing that the law couldn't help her, she decided to take justice into her own hands.

» tomarse unos días de asuntos propiostake + time off work .

Example: The law automatically gives you rights to take time off work in certain circumstances.

» trabajador por cuenta propiaself-employed worker .

Example: Self-employed workers and their partners will enjoy better social protection -- including the right to maternity leave for the first time.

» trabajar a + Posesivo + propio ritmowork at + Posesivo + own pace .

Example: These enable students to work at their own pace.

» trabajar por cuenta propiafreelance .

Example: Some sports journalists stick with one employer, and thus one form of media, while others freelance.

» trabajar por + Posesivo + (propia) cuentafreelance .

Example: Some sports journalists stick with one employer, and thus one form of media, while others freelance.

» trae tu propia bebidaBYOB [Bring Your Own Bottle/Booze] [Usado en las invitaciones a las fiestas de amigos o en algunos restaurantes que no venden alcohol] .

Example: The average BYOB restaurant's menu is priced $5 to $10 higher per entry to make up for the loss of beverage sales.

» tragarse el amor propioswallow + Posesivo + pride .

Example: I say in the interests of the club and its supporters, Phil Gartside should swallow his pride and move heaven and earth to get Sam back here.

» tú controlas tu (propio) destinoyou are your own man .

Example: Dont let anyone defy who you are, dont be dependent on others to justify who you are, you are your own man.

» una dosis de + Posesivo + propia medicinaa taste of + Posesivo + own medicine .

Example: She may have been the only woman in his life who gave him a taste of his own medicine.

» un poco de + Posesivo + propia medicinaa taste of + Posesivo + own medicine .

Example: She may have been the only woman in his life who gave him a taste of his own medicine.

» uso público en la propia bibliotecain-library use .

Example: 44 libraries have 'video booths' for in-library video use.

» vencer a Alguien en su propio terrenobeat + Nombre + at + Posesivo + own game .

Example: Just as Ivan finds that by taking pleasure in an extra piece of food he makes survival possible and beats Stalin and his jailors at heir own game.

» ventanilla de atención al cliente en su propio automóvildrive-up windowdrive-through window .

Example: Hours of operation are extended for the drive-up windows, which are open from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday.

Example: We've all come to rely on the convenience of drive-through windows at the bank, pharmacy and our favorite fast-food restaurant.

» verlo con + Posesivo + propios ojossee it with + Posesivo + own two eyes .

Example: Even though everyone told Jessica about Chester's affairs, she did not believe it until she saw it with her own two eyes.

propio2 = proper ; beffiting. 

Example: With proper authorization, you may request information about the status of the copies displayed.Example: Since I write in English I should really refer to the city as Florence, but Firenze is such a phonically beautiful sounding word, far more befitting of the beautiful Italian city.


» como es propio deas is properas is fittingas befits .

Example: As is proper, our commitment is to ensure that the impact of what we do is to the economic, social and environmental benefit of our stakeholders and the wider community.

Example: As is fitting in a play that is itself a memory of the past, the past haunts all the characters.

Example: On the third hand, as befits robots, we have on-going work on the appropriate use of 'intelligent' machines in relation to the human work-force they are supposed to replace.

» lo propio es queby (all) rights .

Example: By all rights, he should have died that day; instead, this super-energetic entrepreneur is riding high!.

Propio synonyms

have in spanish: tener, pronunciation: hæv part of speech: verb possess in spanish: poseer, pronunciation: pəzes part of speech: verb ain in spanish: ain, pronunciation: eɪn part of speech: adjective
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