Propiedad in english


pronunciation: prɑpɜrti part of speech: noun
In gestures

propiedad1 = ownership ; domain ; estate ; backyard ; property. 

Example: The masthead is the statement of title, ownership, editors, etc., of a newspaper or periodical.Example: The CRONOS data bank includes a FISH domain, with data on catches and fleet statistics, and the COMEXT data bank covers the external trade statistics of fisheries.Example: The Portland Archive is one of the most valuable family and estate archives in the country describing how the Porland family built up its estates.Example: Yet today the world has become the personal backyard of every owner of a television set.Example: No property except bottles and casks containing this liquor shall be destroyed.


» base de datos de propiedadesproperties database .

Example: Non-bibliographical databases include numeric, textual-numeric, properties and full text databases.

» carencia de propiedad rurallandlessness  .

Example: The incapacity of the industrial sector to gainfully employ the surplus labour from agriculture have aggravated the situation of poverty, unemployment, and landlessness in the countryside.

» daño a la propiedaddamage to property .

Example: Early warnings that quickly reach those at risk can substantially reduce loss of life and damage to property.

» datos en propiedadproperty data .

Example: The author describes the design, structure, and use of numeric data bases for property data derived from photochemistry, photophysics, and radiation chemistry.

» declaración de propiedadclaim .

Example: They believe that the excessive breadth of disclosure and claim in some chemical patents could lead to the breakdown of data bases.

» delito contra la propiedadproperty crime .

Example: 30 years ago, the topic of security was not one which preoccupied librarians, but in the light of the dramatic increase in property crimes of all sorts, it has become a major concern = Hace treinta años, el tema de la seguridad no era algo que preocupaba a los bibliotecarios, pero a la vista del incremento espectacular de los delitos contra la propiedad de todo tipo, se ha convertido en una preocupación principal.

» de + Posesivo + propiedadpersonal property .

Example: Some public officials treat public documents as personal property.

» de propiedad de los blancoswhite-owned .

Example: The land reform was supposed to redistribute land from predominantly white-owned commercial farms to much poorer black farmers who toiled on communal lands.

» de propiedad exclusivaproprietary .

Example: To specify a request, a user must formulate it in a 'command language' (this may be proprietary for older established data-bases, or a standardized version for new ones).

» de propiedad locallocally owned .

Example: Lenton has lots of takeaways, off-licenses, pubs, a cinema, video shop, florist and a number of locally owned businesses.

» de propiedad privadaprivately owned [privately-owned]privately run .

Example: Publishers of publicly owned newspapers reported their chains placed more emphasis on generating revenue than publishers of privately owned newspapers.

Example: It is a project that has been incubating since he lost the space for his privately run museum in Gloucester docks two years ago.

» derechos de la propiedad intelectualintellectual property rights .

Example: The problems of piracy, misappropriation and counterfeiting of intellectual property rights are a hot issue in international trade.

» derechos de propiedadproperty rights .

Example: It is a fact that, even if we wish to take action to preserve electronic material preservation is costly and property rights are complicated.

» deterioro de propiedad alquiladadilapidation .

Example: A dilapidation deposit, usually equal to 1.5 times the monthly rental figure, must be paid by the tenant to cover any minor losses or dilapidation.

» en propiedad de extranjerosforeign-owned .

Example: This article discusses the dangers posed by a monopoly of government information by a handful of corporations and conglomerates many of which are foreign-owned.

» expropiación de propiedadesproperty condemnation .

Example: Also included are data on new school construction, property condemnations, and modernization projects over the past two decades.

» fideicomiso de propiedades comunitariascommunity land trust .

Example: A community land trust is a nonprofit organization created to hold land for the benefit of a community and individuals within the community.

» hablar con propiedadknow + Posesivo + stuffknow + Posesivo + onionsknow + Posesivo + oatsknow + what + Pronombre + be + talking about .

Example: It is a richly documented, smoothly narrated, and lavishly illustrated study by a historian who knows his stuff and tells it with panache.

Example: Thank goodness he had listened to the office secretary again, she knew her onions.

Example: It looks like your palm reader really knows her oats and she reads tea leaves too.

Example: As the years tumbled by, one after another, she gradually came to understand that her Mom really knew what she was talking about.

» impuesto sobre la propiedad inmobiliariaproperty tax .

Example: Not unlike many municipalities in these inflationary times, Earnscliffe is feeling the pinch of a severely high general property tax -- i.e., the tax on real estate and personal property, both tangible and intangible.

» industria de la propiedadproperty industry .

Example: The author identifies the major components of the property industry around most of which information departments have developed.

» industria de la propiedad intelectualintellectual property industry .

Example: New markets for transactions of digital copyright material put copyright management at risk to the potential detriment of the 'intellectual property industry'.

» información sobre propiedades inmobiliariasreal estate information .

Example: This article describes the general area of real estate information, which as with so many business topics can be found in general business data bases, specialised related data bases, full text newspaper data bases and in niche data bases.

» ley de propiedad intelectualintellectual property law .

Example: This article discusses one case that illustrates how even well trained federal prosecutors can grow confused about how to apply the intellectual property law.

» Ley de Propiedad Intelectual, laCopyright Act, the [Reconocimiento judicial de la pertenencia de una obra científica, literaria o artística a su autor] .

Example: Whereas the other creations of the human mind which fall into the ambit of the Copyright Act, such as artistic works, drawings, photographs and the like, are clearly defined and well understood, it is shown that the explanation given for literary works is inadequate for the purpose.

» límites de una propiedadmetes and bounds [Método antiguo de medir principalmente la extensión de una propiedad rural] .

Example: To describe land by 'metes and bounds' is to have a known landmark for a place of beginning, and then follow a line according to the compass needle, or the course of a stream, or track of an ancient highway.

» mercado de la propiedadproperty market .

Example: In an uncertain property market, it's not easy for investors to pick a winner.

» multipropiedadmultiproperty .

Example: Some publishers are entering into longterm, multiproperty licensing arrangements, while others participate in television coproductions and seek synergies with sister companies.

» Organización Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual (WIPO)WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) .

Example: This article discusses the current situation regarding the work of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in order to update the international regime of copyright and neighbouring rights.

» Organización Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual (OMPI)WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization)WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) .

Example: This article discusses the current situation regarding the work of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in order to update the international regime of copyright and neighbouring rights.

Example: This article discusses the current situation regarding the work of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in order to update the international regime of copyright and neighbouring rights.

» perder propiedadeslose + property .

Example: All three escaped injury, but one lost property.

» portafolio de propiedadesproperty portfolio .

Example: A millionaire murder suspect has expanded his property portfolio by snapping up a drug baron's house.

» precio de la propiedadproperty price .

Example: This rural backwater, ignored by every boom since the agricultural revolution, grabbed the headlines as property prices exploded.

» propiedad abandonadaabandoned property .

Example: The family of a disabled boy who was bashed in an abandoned property is outraged his attackers will escape a gaol term.

» propiedad arrendadaleasehold .

Example: Like many of its neighbours, Thailand's rules focus on the length of land leaseholds and foreign ownership quotas in condominium projects.

» propiedad comercialbusiness propertycommercial property .

Example: In the quest for self-employment the author established himself as a self-employed historical researcher specialising in detailed histories of private and business properties.

Example: Their next property auction will see a total of 40 properties come under the hammer in its biggest commercial property auction since launching in 2010.

» propiedad culturalcultural property .

Example: I am attending an emergency meeting next week to discuss the best ways of responding to the desperate situation arising from the looting and destruction of cultural property in Iraq.

» propiedad deowned by .

Example: Companies owned by women are growing at double the rate of all small businesses in the nation.

» propiedad de la empresacompany-owned .

Example: If workers exceed established standards, they are 'awarded' trips at company expense, vacations at company-owned resorts at reduced rates, or special bonuses or gifts.

» propiedad de la familiafamily-owned .

Example: The next generation is opting to cash out of the small, family-owned farms that harbor centuries of rural wisdom and deep tradition.

» propiedad del estadostate property .

Example: As from today, any white farmer still on his land will be deemed to be trespassing on state property.

» propiedad del gobiernogovernment-owned .

Example: Government-owned book depots can help to solve some problems.

» propiedad embargadarepo .

Example: In many cases, buying a repo for sale through this department is to the great advantage of the home buyer.

» propiedadesholdingsbricks and mortar .

Example: Besides periodic Community surveys on the structure of agricultural holdings, there are regular six-monthly livestock censuses and biennial surveys of cattle and pig holdings.

Example: As information incumbents, large academic libraries are saddled with legacy assets, such as huge stores of books, public service systems, acquisitions, cataloguing, and bricks and mortar.

» propiedad estatalstate property .

Example: As from today, any white farmer still on his land will be deemed to be trespassing on state property.

» propiedad exclusivaexclusive right .

Example: Cleopatra, considered the most beautiful woman in the world during her day, went to great expense to obtain exclusive rights over the Dead Sea.

» propiedad industrialindustrial property .

Example: It is the country's premier research library for the natural sciences, engineering, technology and industrial property.

» propiedad inmobiliariareal estatehome ownership .

Example: The law recognises and protects three categories of property: real estate; personal property; and intellectual property.

Example: She works with people from all walks of life and truly believes that home ownership is within anybody's reach.

» propiedad intelectualintellectual property .

Example: The law recognises and protects three categories of property: real estate; personal property; and intellectual property.

» propiedad militarmilitary property .

Example: Two army privates arrested in connection with stolen military property = Arrestados dos soldados rasos en relación con propiedad militar robada.

» propiedad privadaprivate propertyprivate estate .

Example: In the quest for self-employment the author established himself as a self-employed historical researcher specialising in detailed histories of private and business properties.

Example: Some of these sites were once large private estates long since transformed into public parks and wildlife preserves = Algunos de estos lugares fueron grandes propiedades privadas que desde hace tiempo pasaron a ser parques públicos y reservas naturales.

» propiedad públicapublic property .

Example: The Kerala High Court on Tuesday observed that destruction of public property by strikers and agitators should be viewed seriously.

» propiedad residencialresidential property .

Example: It is great to see that the number of landladies is steadily increasing as more and more women realise the investment opportunities offered by residential property.

» registrar como propiedad literariacopyright .

Example: There was justice in Dickens's complaint that his books would have made him many thousands of pounds in America if he had been able to copyright them there.

» sello de propiedadownership stamp .

Example: The next step is to minimise the effects of any possible disaster by using waterproof ownership stamps.

» sin propiedadespropertyless  .

Example: However numerous the class of menials may be, it has not, as a rule, been able to absorb the whole number of those left propertyless.

» sin propiedad rurallandless  .

Example: While the new technology increased food production, it also caused wealthy farmers to benefit more than the landless.

» subasta de propiedadesproperty auction .

Example: Their next property auction will see a total of 40 properties come under the hammer in its biggest commercial property auction since launching in 2010.

» tenencia en propiedadpropertisation [propertization, -USA] .

Example: Of course, the open source zealots are still likely to be up in arms about what they perceive to be propertisation of communal intellectual resources.

» valor de la propiedadproperty value .

Example: The main justifications, couched mostly in race-neutral terms, were that the squatters would increase crime, decrease property values, spread disease, & despoil the natural environment.

propiedad2 = property. 

Example: A characteristic of subdivision is an attribute or property which all concepts in a given facet have in common, and by which isolates can be grouped.


» propiedad físicaphysical property .

Example: This paper analyzes samples of historic and modern palm leaf with regard to the physical and chemical properties determining the usability and the ageing behaviour of the material.

» propiedad mecánicamechanical property .

Example: The discoloration and the loss of mechanical properties of paper is a result of the oxidising action of soluble copper compounds.

» propiedad medicinalmedicinal value .

Example: These properties can be applied to the determine the medicinal value of extracts from rapeseed, rapeseed oil and white mustard.

» propiedad químicachemical property .

Example: This paper analyzes samples of historic and modern palm leaf with regard to the physical and chemical properties determining the usability and the ageing behaviour of the material.

Propiedad synonyms

place in spanish: lugar, pronunciation: pleɪs part of speech: noun attribute in spanish: atributo, pronunciation: ætrəbjut part of speech: noun, verb dimension in spanish: dimensión, pronunciation: dɪmenʃən part of speech: noun prop in spanish: apuntalar, pronunciation: prɑp part of speech: noun, verb holding in spanish: participación, pronunciation: hoʊldɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective belongings in spanish: pertenencias, pronunciation: bɪlɔŋɪŋz part of speech: noun material possession in spanish: posesión material, pronunciation: mətɪriəlpəzeʃən part of speech: noun
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