Propiciar in english


pronunciation: prəpɪʃieɪt part of speech: verb
In gestures

propiciar = encourage ; foster ; promote ; stimulate ; forward ; favour [favor, -USA] ; propitiate. 

Example: A common catalogue encourages users to regard the different information carrying media as part of range of media.Example: Among Mr. Welsh's professional activities and accomplishments are his successful efforts to foster an increased two-way communication between LC's Processing Department and his professional colleagues in the field.Example: Initially, it is necessary that the scheme be published and available for purchase, and that its use is generally promoted.Example: An alertness to work in related fields may stimulate creativity in disseminating ideas from one field of study to another, for both the researcher and the manager.Example: In order to forward the mission of the University, specific programs will be targeted for growth, consolidation, and possible elimination.Example: Current trends favour cataloguing practices which can be applied to a variety of library materials.Example: The latest news is that in India some residents are transforming themselves into ghosts in a ritual to propitiate Lord Shiva.


» propiciar el debatestimulate + the discussionstimulate + the debate .

Example: The seminar will bring together a wide range of experiences and practices in order to share these and stimulate the discussion.

Example: The goal has been to attempt to stimulate the debate by providing information and organising events where views can be exchanged.

» propiciar un climapromote + climate .

Example: One of the aims of this Department is to promote a climate for British industry and commerce as conducive to enterprise and competition as that in any other industrialized country.

Propiciar synonyms

appease in spanish: apaciguar, pronunciation: əpiz part of speech: verb
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