Propenso in english


pronunciation: proʊn part of speech: adjective
In gestures

propenso = susceptible. 

Example: Antibiotics are categorized as bactericidal if they kill the susceptible bacteria or bacteriostatic if they reversibly inhibit the growth of bacteria.


» propenso asusceptible todisposed to .

Example: Many human problems, however, perhaps most, are not susceptible to solution by information.

Example: Recently, however, libraries have again become more disposed to cooperate with educational associations.

» propenso a erroreserror proneprone to error .

Example: This type of disc is error prone.

Example: Due to the way it encodes colour data, it is prone to errors in the true reproduction of colour.

» propenso a eructarbelchy [belchier -comp., belchiest -sup.]  ; burpy [burpier -comp., burpiest -sup.]  .

Example: These past couple of months I have noticed that after eating, I am left feeling rather bloated around the tummy which is really uncomfortable, and I get very gassy and belchy.

Example: During the day, he didn't cry, but very burpy and lots of hiccups, very gassy.

» propenso a la reclusiónreclusive .

Example: Then, just days later, the usually reclusive leader of the Pakistani Taliban Mehsud held a news conference of his own, in the same region.

» propenso a las inundacionesflood-prone .

Example: As the Zambezi river continues to rise, some people living in flood-prone areas are leaving their homes and seeking higher ground.

» propenso al fuegofire-prone .

Example: Santa Barbara area canyon's residents are among many Californians living in harm's way in fire-prone areas.

» propenso a los incendiosfire-prone .

Example: Santa Barbara area canyon's residents are among many Californians living in harm's way in fire-prone areas.

» ser propenso abe inclined tobe liable tobe prone tobe subject tobe predisposed to/toward(s)be a sucker for .

Example: Sets of fiche are inclined to become misfiled, and odd fiches may be lost.

Example: The cards in the index are liable to become disorganized if inexperienced information seekers tamper with the index.

Example: Computers are reliable, and less prone to error provided they are instructed or programmed appropriately and correctly.

Example: I have never seen any statistics showing that nonbook materials are more subject to theft than books.

Example: A person will be predisposed, or not, to seek and use information depending upon his or her goals and habits.

Example: Americas are suckers for being terrified, it is very sad.

Propenso synonyms

prostrate in spanish: postrado, pronunciation: prɑstreɪt part of speech: adjective, verb unerect in spanish: desvincular, pronunciation: ʌnɜrekt part of speech: adjective
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