Propano in english


pronunciation: proʊpeɪn part of speech: noun
In gestures

propano = propane. 

Example: On a per-volume basis, butane is a more efficient fuel than propane, by around 12%.


» bombona de gas propanopropane cylinderpropane gas cylinder .

Example: This procedure applies only to the disposal of propane and butane cylinders.

Example: Our propane gas cylinders are grey and are available in 10.5 kg, 18 kg, 33 kg and 46,5 kg.

» bombona de propanopropane cylinderpropane gas cylinder .

Example: This procedure applies only to the disposal of propane and butane cylinders.

Example: Our propane gas cylinders are grey and are available in 10.5 kg, 18 kg, 33 kg and 46,5 kg.

» depósito de propanopropane tank .

Example: Joey slammed on the brakes and the car screeched to a halt just an inch away from the propane tank.

» gas propanopropane gas .

Example: The cause of death was ventricular fibrillation induced by hard muscle exercise after either propane or butane gas inhalation.
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