Propagandista in english


pronunciation: prɑpəgændəst part of speech: noun
In gestures

propagandista = propagandist ; propagandistic. 

Example: When the library becomes an agent of propagandists, it usually offends someone else and jeopardizes the unique and singularly valuable contribution it makes as an impartial resource responsive to the particular individual.Example: Much of the readily accessible visual information suffers from imperialistic, colonial, paternalistic, and propagandistic interpretations.


» aparato propagandistapropaganda machine .

Example: In Germany, Hitler's propaganda machine was proving alarmingly successful.

» literatura propagandistapromotional literature .

Example: The article 'The window-dressers' investigates some of the claims of vanity publishers made in their promotional literature and finds that many are misleading.

Propagandista synonyms

agitprop in spanish: agitprop, pronunciation: ædʒətprɔp part of speech: noun propagandistic in spanish: propagandístico, pronunciation: prɑpəgəndɪstɪk part of speech: adjective
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