Pronóstico in english


pronunciation: fɔrkæst part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

pronosticar = predict ; forecast ; foretell ; look ahead ; bring + visions of ; presage. 

Example: Further, it is necessary to predict in avance the areas in which new subjects are likely to arise and to leave gaps accordingly; this forecasting is obviously difficult.Example: It is little wonder that all players in the serials information chain -- publishers, subscriptions agents and librarians alike -- are taking a long hard look at what they are doing and attempting to forecast what the future might hold for them.Example: By asking readers to indicate whether the reference had been of interest or not, a degree of feedback can be obtained which can be used to modify their profiles, but there will never be any means of foretelling the 'wayout' article which may prove of interest.Example: The author gives a brief description of the library and information scene in 1974 and looks ahead to what it will be like in 2014.Example: The author locates the waning educational computing craze in the historical context of an ed-tech trajectory that has brought visions of accelerated academic achievement followed by disappointment.Example: These 'stages of development' in the life cycle of a company presage a turnaround situation for that company over the course of time.


» predicciones + pronosticarpredictions + forecast .

Example: Predictions forecast the emergence of the 'paperless society'.

» pronosticar el tiempoforecast + the weather .

Example: Forecasting the weather does not come under the heading of astrology or claiming to have knowledge of the unseen, rather it is based on physical evidence and experience.

pronóstico = augury ; forecast ; prediction ; prognosis [prognoses, pl.]. 

Example: Present auguries on the resource front are not good.Example: As the sales figures show, DC is very much alive, despite pessimistic forecasts in the 1960s.Example: Libraries, like the rest of the world have changed beyond all belief and prediction in the past 50 years.Example: The system also provides information on over 300 diseases, their prognosis and treatment from leading medical and drug reference books.


» conseguir Algo contra todo pronósticobeat + the odds .

Example: Standbys and understudies rarely get the job when a star needs to be replaced long-term, and Calaway and Patterson know how lucky they are to have beaten the odds.

» contra (todo) pronósticoagainst (all/the) odds .

Example: Reg Groome has accomplished his revitalization program against odds that would have overwhelmed a weaker and less determined person.

» contra todos los pronósticosagainst (all/the) odds .

Example: Reg Groome has accomplished his revitalization program against odds that would have overwhelmed a weaker and less determined person.

» ir contra todo pronósticodefy + the odds .

Example: Maybe we can defy the odds and make something happen but it's going to be very, very tough.

» ir contra todos los pronósticosdefy + the odds .

Example: Maybe we can defy the odds and make something happen but it's going to be very, very tough.

» lograr Algo contra todo pronósticobeat + the odds .

Example: Standbys and understudies rarely get the job when a star needs to be replaced long-term, and Calaway and Patterson know how lucky they are to have beaten the odds.

» pronóstico del tiempoweather forecast .

Example: The information may range from the same kind as is available through teletext -- news, stock market reports, weather forecast -- to train timetables, what's on at the local cinema, or consumer advice.

» pronóstico meteorológicoweather forecast .

Example: The information may range from the same kind as is available through teletext -- news, stock market reports, weather forecast -- to train timetables, what's on at the local cinema, or consumer advice.

» pronósticos de expertospunditry .

Example: The article 'Campaign sites: a potpourri of political punditry' describes a number of Internet campaign sites for the USA presidential elections = El artículo "Sitios web sobre la campaña electoral: un popurrí de pronósticos de expertos" describe varios sitios web relacionadas con las elecciones presidenciales de los Estados Unidos.

» pronósticos de futurofuture predictions .

Example: This article discusses the BBC's programme research and information services, paper-keeping and documentation services, commercial services, and outlines future predictions.

Pronóstico synonyms

figure in spanish: figura, pronunciation: fɪgjɜr part of speech: noun reckon in spanish: contar, pronunciation: rekən part of speech: verb estimate in spanish: estimar, pronunciation: estəmət part of speech: noun, verb prognosis in spanish: pronóstico, pronunciation: prɑgnoʊsəs part of speech: noun foretell in spanish: predecir, pronunciation: fɔrtel part of speech: verb augur in spanish: augur, pronunciation: ɔgɜr part of speech: verb, noun portend in spanish: presagiar, pronunciation: pɔrtend part of speech: verb omen in spanish: presagio, pronunciation: oʊmən part of speech: noun presage in spanish: presagiar, pronunciation: presɪdʒ part of speech: verb, noun predict in spanish: predecir, pronunciation: prɪdɪkt part of speech: verb bode in spanish: presagiar, pronunciation: boʊd part of speech: verb calculate in spanish: calcular, pronunciation: kælkjəleɪt part of speech: verb foreshadow in spanish: presagiar, pronunciation: fɔrʃædoʊ part of speech: verb prognosticate in spanish: pronosticar, pronunciation: prɑgnɑstəkeɪt part of speech: verb betoken in spanish: anunciar, pronunciation: betoʊkən part of speech: verb prefigure in spanish: prefigurar, pronunciation: prəfɪgjɜr part of speech: verb count on in spanish: contar con, pronunciation: kaʊntɑn part of speech: verb auspicate in spanish: auspiciar, pronunciation: ɔskeɪt part of speech: verb
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