Pronunciación in english


pronunciation: proʊnənsieɪʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

pronunciación = pronunciation. 

Example: In many such cases, there is no single 'correct' way, but a number of genuine alternatives: 'domicile', for example, has nine acceptable pronunciations.


» error de pronunciaciónmispronunciation  .

Example: Inferencing skills can be learned as students clarify contextual meanings of ambiguous statements, mispronunciations, and boners that may be found in newspaper headlines, texts, and conversations.

» pronunciación artificialsynthesised speech .

Example: The initial strangeness of the synthesized speech is said to become unnoticeable to listeners after a short time.

» pronunciación incorrectamispronunciation  .

Example: Inferencing skills can be learned as students clarify contextual meanings of ambiguous statements, mispronunciations, and boners that may be found in newspaper headlines, texts, and conversations.
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