Pronunciable in english


pronunciation: prənaʊnsəbəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

pronunciable = pronounceable ; utterable. 

Example: Example 8 shows a recent move in notation towards the idea of organising letters into recognizable groups, in this case pronounceable syllables.Example: Things are not all so comprehensible and utterable as people would mostly have us believe -- most events are unutterable.


» notación pronunciablepronounceable notation .

Example: Pronounceable or syllabic notation, pioneered by Cordonnier and others, may well be increasingly used in new schemes.

Pronunciable synonyms

rolling in spanish: laminación, pronunciation: roʊlɪŋ part of speech: noun rolled in spanish: arrollado, pronunciation: roʊld part of speech: adjective trilled in spanish: trillado, pronunciation: trɪld part of speech: adjective
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