Prontitud in english


pronunciation: redinəs part of speech: noun
In gestures

prontitud = immediacy ; timeliness ; promptness ; quickness ; alacrity ; promptitude. 

Example: The immediacy of access to the resources represented in a union catalogue may well be improved in the near future.Example: Factors assessed during the comparative study included pricing, timeliness, availability of catalogue copy, and breadth of coverage.Example: I think one of the things we must look into is what effect a no fines policy has on the promptness of return and whether or not materials are finally returned at all.Example: His subordinates -- everyone reports through him to the director of the Medical Center library -- suffer from the quickness and depth of Fury when he disapproves of something.Example: It's also imperative for businesses to handle negative situations with alacrity if and when they do arise.Example: I have no doubt that the concerned law enforcing agencies will act with promptitude against the offenders.


» con prontitudexpeditiouslypromptly .

Example: So it's to your advantage, at least from their standpoint, to order by ISBN so that they can more expeditiously fulfill your order.

Example: Significantly, however, Panizzi's rules did not prove as viable as did his ideology, and they were promptly and materially changed and recast by his most ardent admirers and followers.

Prontitud synonyms

set in spanish: conjunto, pronunciation: set part of speech: verb, noun facility in spanish: instalaciones, pronunciation: fəsɪlɪti part of speech: noun preparedness in spanish: preparación, pronunciation: priperədnəs part of speech: noun
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