Promulgar in english


pronunciation: ɪnækt part of speech: verb
In gestures



» promulgar leyesenact + legislation .

Example: The autonomous governments are responsible for the public libraries, and in the majority of cases have enacted legislation at the local level for the operation of their systems.

» promulgar una leyenact + lawpromulgate + rulepromulgate + law .

Example: If the laws are enacted by a jurisdiction other than that governed by them, make an added entry under the heading for the enacting jurisdiction.

Example: If administrative regulations, rules, etc., are from jurisdictions in which such regulations, etc., are promulgated by government agencies or agents, enter them under the heading for the agency or agent.

Example: Usually, after a law is promulgated, its commentary is written by its draftsman in order to develop proper interpretation of the law.

Promulgar synonyms

ordain in spanish: ordenar, pronunciation: ɔrdeɪn part of speech: verb reenact in spanish: recrear, pronunciation: riɪnækt part of speech: verb act out in spanish: representar, pronunciation: æktaʊt part of speech: verb
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