Promotor in english


pronunciation: prəmoʊtɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

promotor = promoter ; backer ; encourager ; self-promoter ; enhancer ; developer ; abettor [abetter] ; evangelist. 

Example: Then, a series of unfortunate circumstances (the outbreak of the war, family problems) deprived the project of its promoter and most passionate supporter.Example: The author urges librarians and library backers to be more assertive in their requests for funding.Example: The university must be an initiator and encourager of initiative and not a body interested in the commercial exploitation of ideas for its own purposes.Example: The biography tells a fascinating story of an egocentric self-promoter who owned America's largest media company in the first half of the 20th century.Example: The low regard that many publishers have shown for indexers as enhancers of book sales and profitability may well have been justified in the past.Example: Packages are used by many clients of the developer, and this very fact can lead to many benefits.Example: Thereafter, it became clear to the city police that the hotel owners acted hand-in-glove with the abettors of prostitution.Example: Firstly, to be an evangelist, you cannot just promote any technologies, products or companies: you need to be excited about what you'll have to evangelize.


» entidad promotorapromoting agency .

Example: Thie article details the objectives and programmes of activity of the promoting agencies for the development of manpower.

» promotora de casasresidential developer .

Example: Residential developers are buying both industrial lots and buildings to convert into condominiums and apartments.

» promotora de viviendasresidential developer .

Example: Residential developers are buying both industrial lots and buildings to convert into condominiums and apartments.

» promotor inmobiliarioproperty developerhousing developerbuilding company .

Example: After the demolition of these 19th-century buildings, archaeologists from the museum were allowed by the property developers to excavate the site.

Example: This guide is organised along the steps involved in buying uncompleted private residential properties from licensed housing developers.

Example: More than 100 building companies were yesterday accused of ripping off taxpayers by operating a price-rigging cartel.

Promotor synonyms

booster in spanish: aumentador de presión, pronunciation: bustɜr part of speech: noun impresario in spanish: empresario, pronunciation: ɪmprɪsɑrioʊ part of speech: noun showman in spanish: empresario, pronunciation: ʃoʊmən part of speech: noun plugger in spanish: plugger, pronunciation: plʌgɜr part of speech: noun
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