Promoción in english


pronunciation: prəmoʊʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

promoción1 = promoting ; furtherance ; advocacy ; promotion. 

Example: Promoting can be via advertising, personal contact or atmospherics (building design for users).Example: The aims of the centre are the furtherance of teaching and research on any aspect of South Asia.Example: However, what American libraries mean by advocacy is 'Work to overcome obstacles that the enquirer encounters in trying to secure help from outside resource agencies'.Example: They are, though, activities that have probably contributed to the promotion of cigar consumption.


» actividad de promociónpublic relations exercise .

Example: The author describes the success of a library in staging a series of music concerts as a public relations exercise.

» campaña de promociónpromotional campaignadvocacy .

Example: To counter this, the libraries must mount aggressive promotional campaigns.

Example: However, what American libraries mean by advocacy is 'Work to overcome obstacles that the enquirer encounters in trying to secure help from outside resource agencies'.

» de promociónmarketingpromotional .

Example: Business International Inc. is another US service covering economic and marketing activities in over seventy countries.

Example: Many publishers seem fixated on the term 'acquisitions librarian' for promotional mailings.

» promoción comercialmarketing .

Example: Attention has focussed on the marketing of dangerous substances, safety standards for the slaughter of meat and poultry, and control of dangerous cosmetics.

» promoción de la lecturareading promotion .

Example: This article outlines the creation of a new library and the subsequent reading promotion which took place throughout the school including: more class reading; visits by authors; taped stories; competitions, etc.

» promoción de la saludhealth promotion .

Example: Physical therapy is a fast growing profession because of the ageing population, medical advances, and the public's interest in health promotion.

» promoción de librosbook promotion .

Example: Many authors and special guests are glad to help in this way in the cause of book promotion particularly when they live locally.

» promoción de productosproduct-promoting .

Example: While some sites are strictly parody intended or product-promoting, some intentionally lure the unsuspecting into information provided by hate groups or other agenda-laden organisations.

» promoción desmesuradaboosterism  .

Example: All newspapers tread a fine line between boosterism and journalism.

» promoción de ventassales promotion .

Example: The vice-president in charge of marketing services, Una Feaver, is responsible for media planning and buying, research, and sales promotion.

» promoción inmobiliariaproperty development .

Example: Golf courses are emerging as one of the most environmentally rapacious and socially divisive forms of tourist and property development.

» promoción socialsocial advancement .

Example: The frontier and opportunist nature of Australia had tended to promote social advancement either in terms of good fortune, hard work, or ingenuity rather than by virtue of birthright.

» regalos de promociónswag .

Example: The halls and elevators were filled with women carrying bags given out by sponsors to carry all their swag.

» relacionado con la promoción de librosbook-promotional .

Example: Book-promotional displays should occupy key sites in the building = Los expositores dedicados a la promoción de libros deberían ocupar sitios claves del edificio.

promoción2 = advancement ; promotion ; upward mobility ; upward job mobility ; career advancement ; rise through the ranks ; professional advancement. 

Example: The dependence on bosses for recognition, rewards, and advancement breeds an artificiality of relationship, a need to be polite and agreeable.Example: Kevin Pietersen says he is stunned by the speed of his promotion to England captaincy.Example: These institutions, bringing higher education to many families for the first time, offered a new channel for upward mobility.Example: Upward job mobility, if it leads to geographical relocation, is unacceptable to the majority of professionals.Example: This article studies job mobility of men and women librarians and how it affects career advancement.Example: Several respondents felt that women's rise through the ranks was less meteoric than that of their male colleagues.Example: Race was identified in previous studies as a perceived barrier to professional advancement.


» capacidad de promociónpromotability .

Example: One criterion that may help the process of assessing a product is the ease of its promotability.

» de promociónmarketingpromotional .

Example: Business International Inc. is another US service covering economic and marketing activities in over seventy countries.

Example: Many publishers seem fixated on the term 'acquisitions librarian' for promotional mailings.

» obtener promociónarrive at + promotion .

Example: Promotions are arrived at by seniority, written examinations, and oral interviews.

» promoción en el trabajojob promotion .

Example: The analysis revealed that salary increase and job promotion ranked as less important than increased knowledge, self-confidence and self-enrichment.

» promoción laboraljob promotion .

Example: The analysis revealed that salary increase and job promotion ranked as less important than increased knowledge, self-confidence and self-enrichment.

» promoción profesionalcareer movementcareer progression .

Example: Special attention should be given to Figure 2, which proposes two lattices (or ladders) for career movement in libraries.

Example: The findings demonstrate that rigid working environments still frequently force women to chose between family and career progression.

» puesto de promociónpromotion place .

Example: The following season they finished third, a place below the promotion places.

» trabajo sin posibilidad de promocióndead-end job .

Example: Stuck in an unexciting, dead-end job, he sees no way out and no way back to the life he used to love.

promoción3 = cohort ; class ; year. 

Example: This article examines the views of librarians held by a number of faculty cohorts.Example: The following highlights are what this first class of Fellows recall of their time overseas.Example: General lectures to a whole year, or even several courses, are supplemented with more specialised tutorials or practicals, frequently in small groups.


» promoción de + Añograduating class of + Año .

Example: Members of Iowa State University's graduating class of 1986 were surveyed about their attitudes toward having been required to take a course in bibliographic instruction.

» promoción de estudiantescohort of students .

Example: This emersion means that the current cohort of students think in fundamentally different ways from those that have gone before.

Promoción synonyms

publicity in spanish: publicidad, pronunciation: pəblɪsəti part of speech: noun advancement in spanish: adelanto, pronunciation: ədvænsmənt part of speech: noun furtherance in spanish: fomento, pronunciation: fɜrθɜrəns part of speech: noun forwarding in spanish: reenvío, pronunciation: fɔrwɜrdɪŋ part of speech: noun promotional material in spanish: material promocional, pronunciation: prəmoʊʃənəlmətɪriəl part of speech: noun
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