Promiscuidad in english


pronunciation: proʊmɪskjuəti part of speech: noun
In gestures

promiscuidad = promiscuity ; wantonness ; philandering. 

Example: Topics include promiscuity and adultery, pornography and prostitution, sexual preference and sexual deviance, sexual harassment and sexual violence against women.Example: The struggle between Alex and Milena has to do with her desire for secrecy and his desire to know her, and with the contrast between her wantonness and his reserve.Example: His philandering continued after they were married and even when he became president.


» con promiscuidadpromiscuously .

Example: Women who wear revealing clothing and behave promiscuously are to blame for earthquakes, according to a senior Iranian cleric.

Promiscuidad synonyms

promiscuousness in spanish: promiscuidad, pronunciation: prɑmɪskjuəsnəs part of speech: noun sleeping around in spanish: Durmiendo por ahi, pronunciation: slipɪŋɜraʊnd part of speech: noun
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