Promediar in english


pronunciation: ævɜrɪdʒ part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

promediar = average out. 

Example: When I average out what I spend on clothes it comes to 30 pounds a month = When I average out what I spend on clothes it comes to 30 pounds a month.

Promediar synonyms

mean in spanish: media, pronunciation: min part of speech: verb, adjective, noun fair in spanish: justa, pronunciation: fer part of speech: adjective, noun common in spanish: común, pronunciation: kɑmən part of speech: adjective medium in spanish: medio, pronunciation: midiəm part of speech: noun moderate in spanish: moderar, pronunciation: mɑdɜrət part of speech: adjective norm in spanish: norma, pronunciation: nɔrm part of speech: noun mediocre in spanish: mediocre, pronunciation: midioʊkɜr part of speech: adjective ordinary in spanish: ordinario, pronunciation: ɔrdəneri part of speech: adjective median in spanish: mediana, pronunciation: midiən part of speech: adjective, noun intermediate in spanish: intermedio, pronunciation: ɪntɜrmidiɪt part of speech: adjective normal in spanish: normal, pronunciation: nɔrməl part of speech: adjective modal in spanish: modal, pronunciation: moʊdəl part of speech: adjective middling in spanish: regular, pronunciation: mɪdəlɪŋ part of speech: noun average out in spanish: ser por término medio, pronunciation: ævɜrɪdʒaʊt part of speech: verb
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