Prolongar in english


pronunciation: prəlɔŋ part of speech: verb
In gestures

prolongar = prolong ; elongate ; drag out. 

Example: The British in Malaya used education as a divisive factor to prolong their rule, while the Americans inthe Philippines adopted a 'Philippines for the Filipinos' policy = The British in Malaya used education as a divisive factor to prolong their rule, while the Americans inthe Philippines adopted a 'Philippines for the Filipinos' policy.Example: Jeanne Leforte's neck was elongated at the sound of the words 'statistical methods'.Example: The government has been accused again of 'inexcusably dragging out' the construction of the new Pearl Harbor memorial.


» prolongar el tiempoprolong + time .

Example: The technique aims both to prolong the time in service of such maps and to improve their aesthetic appearance.

» prolongar la vidaprolong + lifeprolong + longevityextend + the life .

Example: Other library materials must be suitably treated at the outset to prolong life and fortunately many products are marketed which aid the librarian in this task.

Example: Because CD rot can be hastened by many factors, including improper storage and handling during use, guidelines for disc care and suggestions for prolonging longevity are given.

Example: Hopefully what I've done will have degunked any gunk there was and extended the life of my washing machine.

» prolongar la vida útilextend + the useful lifeprolong + useful lifeincrease + Posesivo + useful life .

Example: The course was designed to extend the useful life of books in the light of budget constraints.

Example: The author discusses the major issues associated with prolonging the useful life of publications in these formats.

Example: Mass deacidification is a chemical process by which large quanities of books and documents may be treated to increase their useful life by 3 to 5 times.

» prolongar + Posesivo + vida útilincrease + Posesivo + useful life .

Example: Mass deacidification is a chemical process by which large quanities of books and documents may be treated to increase their useful life by 3 to 5 times.

» prolongarsestretch over .

Example:  Expenses must be calculated closely so that money is stretched over the whole month.

Prolongar synonyms

sustain in spanish: sostener, pronunciation: səsteɪn part of speech: verb extend in spanish: ampliar, pronunciation: ɪkstend part of speech: verb protract in spanish: prolongar, pronunciation: proʊtrækt part of speech: verb keep up in spanish: Mantenga, pronunciation: kipʌp part of speech: verb draw out in spanish: sacar, pronunciation: drɔaʊt part of speech: verb
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