Prolijo in english


pronunciation: proʊlɪks part of speech: adjective
In gestures

prolijo = long-winded ; verbose ; wordy ; voluble. 

Example: Instructors may sharpen a difference of opinion between two students and also may tactfully cut short long-winded contributions in a debate.Example: It is important not to transfer verbose words or phrases from the original and to heed the other points of good style that are summarized in the section below.Example: Very rare were other suggestions for fewer clichés and less wordy phrases.Example: A voluble talker, he is known as a person with a large talent and a large ego.


» frase prolijaverbose phrasing .

Example: Any mis-spellings, poor grammar and verbose phrasing and any other features that contravene good abstracting practice must be eliminated.

Prolijo synonyms

redundant in spanish: redundante, pronunciation: rɪdʌndənt part of speech: adjective diffuse in spanish: difuso, pronunciation: dɪfjus part of speech: adjective, verb tedious in spanish: tedioso, pronunciation: tidiəs part of speech: adjective verbose in spanish: verboso, pronunciation: vɜrboʊs part of speech: adjective verbal in spanish: verbal, pronunciation: vɜrbəl part of speech: adjective windy in spanish: Ventoso, pronunciation: wɪndi part of speech: adjective tautological in spanish: tautológico, pronunciation: tɔtəlɑdʒɪkəl part of speech: adjective wordy in spanish: verboso, pronunciation: wɜrdi part of speech: adjective long-winded in spanish: prolijo, pronunciation: lɔŋwɪndɪd part of speech: adjective pleonastic in spanish: pleonástico, pronunciation: pliənæstɪk part of speech: adjective tautologic in spanish: tautológico, pronunciation: tɔtəlɑdʒɪk part of speech: adjective
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