Proletariado in english


pronunciation: proʊləteriət part of speech: noun
In gestures



» el proletariadothe great unwashed .

Example: It was Burke who first called the mob 'the great unwashed,' but the term 'unwashed' had been applied to them before.

» proletariado, elproletariat, the [Expresión generalmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: The librarian had the duty of ensuring the flow of 'correct' materials to the proletariat.

» proletariado industrialindustrial proletariat .

Example: The growth of India's industrial proletariat was by and large an urban phenomenon.

Proletariado synonyms

labor in spanish: labor, pronunciation: leɪbɜr part of speech: noun labour in spanish: labor, pronunciation: leɪbaʊr part of speech: noun working class in spanish: clase obrera, pronunciation: wɜrkɪŋklæs part of speech: noun
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